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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. Sounds like a permanent committee? Honestly, if they haven't sorted out the graft/skim/corruption in the lottery distribution system by now just give up. Maybe form a committee to see how the previous committees failed?
  2. New Thai education law will kill kids’ creativity, warn critics Two key education bills have sailed through the first reading in the House of Representatives, despite warnings that both will seriously damage the quality of Thai education. Among those worried is prominent educator Dr Sompong Jitradub, who says the National Educational Bill and the Learning Promotion Bill are “outdated” and do not represent much-needed educational reform. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/new-thai-education-law-will-kill-kids-creativity-warn-critics/
  3. The new midfield satellite terminal at Suvarnabhumi was designed and constructed with eight (8) gates specifically for the A380. (Yes, they can be used for smaller aircraft). The opening of this new terminal has been pushed to October 2022.
  4. Maybe, but if the TRC "takes" 1.0 mm of these then maybe not a lot of help?
  5. Per Zuellig Pharma, ~ 1.4 mm due before the end of this month (Nov.). I think it's coming from the U.S.A., not to be confused with potential Moderna donation(s) ~ 1.0 mm, so to answer your question, ihe U.S.A. Another ~ 6 mm due next year, hopefully all before the end of Q1 2022.
  6. Looks like it was crazy last night? So many "restaurants". Go to the 1:28 mark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOwV0P6co_s&t=5299s Friday night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX2yHmycQT4
  7. Note that these EK384/385, are tag-flights with HKG. So DXB-BKK-HKG/HKG-BKK-DXB.
  8. As near as I can determine my PoS received 10,000 doses and handed out 4,901 queue numbers. 560,200 doses arrived 5 Nov. with 77% allocated to private hospitals, and the remainder to the TRC. Another 1.4 mm are due "by the end of November". And that's it for 2021. Hopefully all those who prepaid in tranche 1 get vaccinated - I think they will and then some as many already got vaccinations. Another 6 mm are on order, due in 2022. Would expect most of those in Q1, hopefully. Much of tranche 2 are here I guess.
  9. It will get interesting when thailand starts using its own homegrown vaccine, like ChulaCov19. I doubt that thailand will seek and obtain country-by-country approvals for this vaccine if/when they start using it.
  10. I'm guessing you have the UnionPay variant. A TPN/Mastercard version might support more payment options. https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Cards/Be1st-Smart-Card/Be1st-Smart-TPN-Mastercard
  11. It's not exactly clear to me what this means, exactly. My best guess is that this announcement simply adds some detail to the overarching "decree": Ministerial Regulation on Ride-Hailing Cars Via Electronic System B.E. 2564 (2021) Still a long, long, long way to go on this. Pretty sure this'll be sorted by the time we have hover-cars and matter transporters.
  12. Be nice if they also included 1.5 mm boosters of a real vaccine. Or should it be 3.0 mm?
  13. My guess is that 2,243 "international" figure includes both arriving and departing aircraft. And who knows how they are counting code-shares, cargo, military, private? I counted 45 international arrivals (passenger) for yesterday, SBIA/BKK only. Maybe another 20 cargo. I was actually quite surprised at the results, easily double what I would have expected.
  14. While we don't hear much about it as schools are shuttered, this is oddly reminiscent of the monthly school lunch corruption issues, and the associated "crack-downs" on said corruption. Bangkok school director suspected of food-budget corruption https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/30390224
  15. A pre-flight PCR test may be required by the/an airline. The insurance thing is of interest and sounds reasonable but they need to offer policies which clearly cover asymptomatic detention.
  16. Yeah because we all know color-coded vests will instantly convey safe driving skills. More lipstick for the pig.
  17. Judging from the bump in Youtube videos hashtagged thailand, bangkok, etc., I'd say a fair amount of new vloggers are arriving. I'd classify them as tourists, as they are doing tourist-y things.
  18. NFL Week 10 Live Program on TrueVisions Friday, November 12 08:20 Baltimore Ravens v Miami Dolphins True Sport HD (666) / NFL Network (672) Monday 15 November 01:00 Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. Washington Football Team on True Sport HD3 (668) 01:00 The Cleveland Browns vs. New England Patriots on the NFL Network (672). 04:25 Seattle Seahawks vs Green Bay Packers Channel True Sport HD (666) 4:25 Philadelphia Eagles vs Denver Broncos NFL Network (672) 08:20 Kansas City Chiefs vs. Las Vegas Raiders, True Sport HD (666) / NFL Network (672) Tuesday, November 16 08:15 Los Angeles Rams vs. San Francisco 49ers Channel True Sport HD (666) / NFL Network (672)
  19. I registered (from Thailand) with login.gov ages ago, I honestly do not recall what was required back then. I'm pretty sure I used my address and phone number here in Thailand. It may have been for my GlobalEntry/Trusted Traveler registration/renewal? For me it does use SMS for 2FA, and it works with my Thai mobile number. The SMS is delivered reliably within a few seconds. You can use other forms of 2FA, like a FIDO key. It didn't help me with registering with mySSA.com, which still, AFAIK, requires a U.S. physical address (or similar), matched against credit reports. I'm reluctant to fib on this one as the IRS and SSA already know I've lived in Thailand for many years. It does show CPB and SSA as "connected accounts". What are you hoping to use it for?
  20. Many of the $50,000 policies for ThailandPass/Test&Go I've looked at (AXA, Tune) say they cover Asymptomatic detention. But the fine print actually says that they only pay for medically necessary treatment. I would expect that this will change though. Without assurances, people will not come. Sharing a van, from the airport to the hotel, with someone who tests positive, while you test negative, still lands you in detention, with a bill ranging from 50,000 - 150,000 THB, and insurance companies telling to to pound sand.
  21. I'm sorry but this guy is a clown. His only qualification seems to be a general fluency in English. After a few of his early English-language briefings. most of which were a steady diet of word-salad, I relegated him to that overflowing bin of useless thai officials. This nugget is revealing... responsibility, as no one is more entitled than others. He does realize that entitlement is the basis of the thai social contract? Risk and sacrifice? Sheesh, what is this? A zip-line in Chiang Mai?
  22. Hmm, no mention of the "Sufficiency Economy"? That usually gets trotted out for international gatherings.
  23. OMG, Indian Weddings again. Someone's watching too many Bollywood dance numbers.
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