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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. who will now hand out drug laundered bananas to potential cobra MP's at times at censure? This very time it was the PM itself in his cabinet at the parliament house. But that can't go on forever. Thammanat can admit publicly that he, indeed, hands out bananas at each censure debate. But for the PM constantly doing it sounds a little inappropriate. Investigation into this accusation is still ongoing and nobody knows yet what factual material was gathered. Might be the case, that somebody recorded conversation with an offer and walked out from it
  2. he was conspiring together with prawit. their plot was discovered and swiftly torpedoed with 5mln bananas at the office of the very PM, as alleged by an opposition MP and yet to be investigated by the house speaker. It least 10 MP's, that includes some 5 from the future forward, turned cobras (bite back at their parties)
  3. those over 4.5mln donated by the other countries vaccines were given to support also healthy democratic society, including foreigners. So people can freely go on the streets and protest, if they wish so. They were not donated in support of authoritarian rule by the government
  4. but somehow this case is not being used. The guy had some allergy, those patients are exclude from vax programs. Same as some the other groups (children, pregnant, over certain age, contraindicated underlying conditions). When I go for any vax at travel clini, there is always doctor's interview with careful notes being taken down for medical history. Once happen to me a younger doctor left an interview room and consulted her superior. After coming back she offered me a different vax. There is always declaration of consent to be signed and always sitting for 30 minutes under observation. I have witnessed one patient feeling unwell just a minute after a jab and promptly wisked back in the treatment room. Looks like medicine made some progress since the above case over 100 years ago.
  5. he was released from prison yesterday. Charges against him were dropped by junta, looks like him a tool against opposition and will try to stir again religious hatred, to divert attention from human rights issues of burmese population at large. He turned himself in in November 2020, after being on the run from May 2019. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/international/2021/09/08/firebrand-myanmar-monk-wirathu-released-from-prison/
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