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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. at that clinic they have a lot of foreigners, mostly for vaccination. Everybody speaks good english. They also have european doctors, I came across french speaking one. I think she was senior one, probably a teacher. She was invited to a consultation room when a junior doctor couldn't answer to my questions. as I believe those 2 medicines mentioned by me earlier (quinine, chloroquine) don't have side effects, just important not to overdose (low tolerance to them).
  2. Probably his title was mistranslated. The original is in thai. Likely she hit a submerged container. Still, doesn't explain why she sunk. And that's this officer is pointing to - how engines were disabled by water at the front of ship. Even if she was poorly maintained, she was still passing checkups. So something dramatic happened followed by bad captain's decisions. Certainly there was ample time to rescue all marines, before she sunk. She was sinking for over 6h
  3. What acronym ZELENSKY in the title of this article means? that's another 44 bln military aid, to boost an armament industry in the US. Total this year over 100 bln. That, unless republicans will be able somehow stop this payment in 2023.
  4. and how reporting of this accident was handled by navy. They had ample time to rescue all marines before she sunk. From the video released from the ship, they lost power in the afternoon. She sunk after many hours, at 11pm. In the evening weather was calm, and no clouds. She was only 20 miles from shore
  5. there was some 6h to organise rescue operation, before she sunk. The first pictures were recorded before sunset, with clear skies and calm water, no waves. So it was already after she lost control and started sinking. They were only 20 miles from shore, there was not stormy weather to employ any boats available from the shore. And there must be many fishing trawlers and commercial boats within shorter distance. SOS was broadcast and oil tanker replied, so they had some remaining power and that tanker should alert the navy and all ships around. there is no chance more would be found alive, that is already over 60h. Many of those unaccounted are without vests, around half of those missing
  6. there would be more cases in large cities, like bkk and chiang mai, but they are now in low numbers. I think total for thailand is some 500 cases per week. Health risk in chiang mai would be higher from smog than covid. There are not whatsoever any travel restrictions within the country or on entry. Do practise social distancing as much as possible.
  7. from the same blog you linked: "Please be informed that Antimalarial medication in Thailand are special reserved medications. Our Ministry of Public Health has strict rule and regulation to control the use of antimalarial medication in our country. So they will be available in some public/university hospitals only. Antimalarial medication is not available over the counter and must be prescribed from a qualified medical doctor only." it's not malaria you should be aware of (around 1-2 cases of infection to tourists per year) , but dengue fever (that might be in hundreds/thousands per year - total for thailand is 60k). For dengue there are 2 vaccines, also available in the USA (dengvaxia). malaria is in sub-saharan Africa. for prophylaxis of malaria is an antibiotic doxycycline - to be taken a week before entering endemic area and for 30 days after leaving it. That one is available in every pharmacy. for treatment of malaria only quinine and chloroquine are available at some large pharmacies. They are older generation drugs and cheap. In the USA you can ask for a prescription of malarone, might be expensive. Probably thai travel clinics would also give you prescription and point you which hospital to buy. Probably you would have to tell them, that you are going to africa, cambodia, laos or birma
  8. I had dengvaxia in 2017 after getting infected. I was over 45 and lived in thailand below 10 years. There were no seropositive tests (they cost more than a one dose of vax itself). I don't know what the present policy in thailand is (I was refused booster in 2021, so the year I suppose to have one). All travel clinics store it, as well as private hospitals (I had my at my nearest private hospital). There is already the second dengue vax called qdenga. There is no testing pre-condition and don't have to be previously infected. Since August approved in indonesia for age 4-45. https://www.takeda.com/newsroom/newsreleases/2022/takedas-qdenga-dengue-tetravalent-vaccine-live-attenuated-approved-in-indonesia-for-use-regardless-of-prior-dengue-exposure/ and 10 days ago approved in the EU. Given to all above age 4 with no max age limit. Is also being fast tracked in the USA. https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Pharmaceuticals/Dengue-vaccine-from-Japan-s-Takeda-wins-EU-approval so now I would be aiming for that vax, when it comes to Thailand. "Takeda intends to submit regulatory filings in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Thailand" https://www.precisionvaccinations.com/vaccines/qdenga-tak-003-dengue-vaccine
  9. anything can happen before the NY, even just a day before, to cancel all celebrations. Still 13 days left to make that decision. Pheua Thai has already cancelled planned activities for this weekend and postponed them to the next year (topic posted yesterday is just below). The other parties, organisations will follow that trend. Important announcements might be coming #korat As to masks - each organiser has to follow the governor's licence to hold parties. Entirely to each province to set their own rules for such parties. Omicron is still here and will last for sometimes, cold weather is a factor - people staying indoors, rather than in fresh air. Some important people infected just yesterday. Gradually there would be more such infections
  10. yes. no, no after effects at all. It was developed over 20 years. The first one. Not perfect but give partial protection. Yes, it's new, in thailand since 2017. Some other countries earlier. Since 2019 also already in EU, free for those in an endemic south
  11. dengvaxia is for 9-45 old local population. Average chances are getting is every 9 years. There are 4 strains of dengue. For people from outside endemic areas it's recommended for those, who have already stayed in an endemic area for 10 years ie they already had a chance of getting 1 infection. Yes, not recommended for anybody who hadn't got chance to have at least 1 infection. It would increase chances of serious symptoms when infected. First go for vaxes which are recommended for your age. Over 10 of them. I had over 10 of them the last year at cost of some 14k. dengvaxia I had in 2017, the last year I was refused booster. Doctor said, that if I would have any infection it would act as a booster. Not sure, how reliable she was. as for JE and short stays - you don't need. You would have to live there to consider them.
  12. probably you can order in the nearest pharmacy. Pay deposit 50%. That antibiotic is over 60b per pill so expensive in comparison with some other.s Pharmacies don't want to freeze their money and eventually to throw away after expiry date
  13. yes, rather as a source of power for military installations, remote bases, large bunkers/shelters, large ships and countless other potential use
  14. also at red cross, you can check availability online, also you can call them or send email (reply in 2-3 days). Not possible to book online, so need to come early, at opening time. At the mahidol travel clinic near victory monument you can book online. At that clinic they have offered me JE, but because it's only for those living in villages and close to pigs it's pointless for those living in bkk. Only some 50 infections yearly - that in comparison to some 70k infected with dengue (and that one is very much urban spread virus). Hence go for dengvaxia (that one if for those already staying in tropics minimum 10 years or already after 1 infection)
  15. I have quoted from memory 45mln barrels per day (from an article I have read just before pandemic), so 3 years ago and made a mistake, sorry. That projection was expecting continuous growth in crude oil. That is projection from this year, based on APEC report. "Globally, oil demand is projected to increase from almost 97 million barrels a day (mb/d) in 2021 to around 110 mb/d in 2045, the outlook said" http://www.tradearabia.com/news/OGN_402594.html Only very few countries, the richest and most economically advanced, are pushing for renewable energy. Namely germany are pioneers - at expense of some e200bln for the next few years. Yet, at the same time, they are forced to import NPG from the USA and investing tens of bln in those facilities.
  16. I do suspect it will be first used in military technology, later possibly for space travel. For civilian use it will come rather in hundred years, that tens of years. Fossil fuels use is likely to grow for the next 20 years. Crude oil will pick around 2045 with some 45mln barrels per day.
  17. with hundred millions $ donated by FTX executives, including Sam, over the last few years to Democrats, I don't think he will face justice in the near future. He was also supporting Republicans, that including black money. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/06/former-ftx-engineer-quietly-became-millionaire-democratic-donor.html There is also an ukrainian money laundering trail which this administration doesn't want disclosed, as it's a part of war sponsorship, that one also estimated $60-100 mln. If faced with serious charges he will talk about all those secret deals in order to whitewash himself https://mronline.org/2022/11/17/ftx-partnership-with-ukraine-is-latest-chapter-in-shady-western-aid-saga/
  18. title of this article should rather mention gun possession rather then assault. Probably it was an assault with a gun and gross bodily harm. That's why red notice. Big chance there would be more charges on him and big chance he has already serious criminal record. He might have lived in thailand prior to 2019, just the last entry was a border run or visa run to penang. Possible those small small border crossings are (were) not connected to interpol database (how red notice was issued already in 2017). Looks, like his student visa was cancelled just 1 month after issuing, on base of not class attendance. I think it's too short time for immigration to act. Probably after issuing him visa they have matched his name with interpol notice, so they cancelled his visa and on that base issued arrest warrant.
  19. As there was a little chance for justice in the USA, they should try in Turkish courts. his fiancé is turkish, crime was committed on turkish soil, turkish authorities were willing to blow up its surveillance technique to publicly disclose records of this murder. Turkey was not scared to do so, even if they were not implicated in any form. Saudi are large importers of american armaments. Trump signed a large contract for tens of billions. Even if Trump was vocal at the time of murder, his declarations meant nothing a few months later, at signing of this contract. Biden travelled to saudi the last year begging for oil from saudi reserves in exchange for more weapons. And they got a deal. i think the US courts are selective in taking international cases, to suit their foreign policy
  20. nukes can happen at anytime as an accident, mistake, miscalculation, malfunction of some equipment. as was the case with an accident which took place just few weeks after shooting of korean airplane in 1983 https://www.armscontrol.org/act/2017-10/news-briefs/man-saved-world-dies-77 But the longer that localised war lasts, the bigger chance for "accidents" or provocations, as might be the case with ukrainian missile on polish border. that is step to a regional war in europe and the next step is 3ww, with all nuclear powers involved, and chances for a calculated nuke attack increase much higher. some background in a recent article https://consortiumnews.com/2022/10/19/scott-ritter-nuclear-high-noon-in-europe/
  21. That article is a re-print from an ukrainian publication New Voice, based on a short interview to a radio podcast. that guy is a former foreign minister, but out of office for over 3 years. Thus his opinions are low value, they are not based on anything real. In those desperate times for ukraine, there might be a lot of misinformation But also publications with click bait titles, as in that very case
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