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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. masks are still obligatory on public transport in many countries, that including germany. In austria in vienna (that includes also pharmacies). Other provinces might also reinstate them. Useful for those, who do travel internationally - rules are changing. https://apply.joinsherpa.com/travel-restrictions
  2. Portable gas heaters, even gas fireplace, are much cheaper to run. There must be some on lazada
  3. yes, but from 1st June not any vax checking. In fact they have stopped checking them already in May, they have left it to airlines at check in. Masks don't have anything to do with entry rights.
  4. I think they announced it just recently. Rather to early to see influx in October. Some countries, like germany, opened for summer holidays, despite omicron. As to boost tourism and travel. Yes, they had inevitable wave, but rather small one. For them winter time waves are more dangerous, as they are enhanced by flu
  5. selecting seat is optional, starts from some 600b. For exit row some 1500b. There is no way to know how many fares are sold. Some airlines will give info about the last 5 seats at that particular fare, but again there is no way to know if there would be more seats at higher rate. There well might be, from passengers changing their bookings. as to your comment about difference in fares bought from bkk in comparison to those bought from the UK - it's not a huge difference (if at all). What I wanted to point out that fares from continental europe might be lower, than from the UK
  6. the last time in May my qatar was delayed for no reason given. I wouldn't do much over 1h before departure, unless you need rest after long journey to the airport.
  7. just yesterday check on bkk-fra for november from 28k bht. Direct one from 33k with TG. That is much cheaper than all summer. I would think TG would be running sale sometimes shortly. The last time in june their fares were from some 25k direct to europe. But xmass/new year is always excluded from sales
  8. from what I gather from chatting to an owner, from around June they have a partner with large capital for developing production at new location near Big C south pattaya. Also renovating 2 shops and planning to open at another 2-3 locations. They use to run production at smallish premises at jomtien, bang saray and later sukhumwit. If anybody has more info about their future, please send me PM, as I am planning to invest with them. But this strange reaction of shop assistants is a warning light
  9. looks like https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=475368944635619&set=a.366191288886719
  10. for over 65 there is pacific cross (health check up) and axa, Luma (they both don't have medical check up). There are some thai companies (dhipaya), which do till 70, but won't extend beyond 80 or 85. https://misterprakan.com/th/health/plans?gender=Male&age=66&lg=en&ipd=1&opdf=0&leadid=348157
  11. so the government was covering 700mln bht for some 40mln tourists - so on average 20b per person. They had already 600b from airport departure tax. Now, from this 300b some 30% is outright wasted for the tresury - it goes directly to airline for collecting this fee. Unless they decide to charge on arrival at the airport. As I remember 20% so some 60b goes as an emergency medical help. Now, how many tourists will neglect buying proper travel/health insurance because they will think they are sufficiently covered? Because of this the government will have to fork out much more, than the previous 20b per person.
  12. siriraj has 25% added for foreigners. this extra charge suppose to give vip treatment, but in reality they don't offer speed service. I have switched from siriraj to their affiliated hospital in salaya (west of bkk - next to mahidol uni campus). Much faster service. Cheaper (looks like they don,t add up this 25%) - colonoscopy + gastro under full anastesia 18.5k. I would imagine that they would refer to siriraj if treatment beyond their scope or they don't have proper equipment.
  13. all in english, not a single word in thai? japanese have their cetylpiridinium chloride. Unfortunately, Cepacol Original lozenges did disappear from thailand sometimes at the beginning of this year. No any other medicine available. Nobody can explain, why it was withdrawn from the market. Not any reason. As somebody has mentioned - iodine also protects against covid
  14. Since august the pacific cross has 6 months health insurance called 180 stv https://misterprakan.com/th/health/details?gender=Male&age=57&lg=en&ipd=1&opdf=0&leadid=348157&pdtype=health&pid=MTI1&insurer=UGFjaWZpYyBDcm9zcw==&dd=&opd=&dental=&vision=&pp=ZnA9TXpJek5qZz0mcGM9TXpJek5qZz0mcGNjPU16SXpOamc9JnBwbGl0ZTM9TXpJek5qZz0mcHBsaXRlND1Nekl6TmpnPSZwcGxpdGU2PU16SXpOamc9JnBwbGl0ZTg9TXpJek5qZz0mcHBsaXRlMTA9TXpJek5qZz0mcGJiaW5zMT0mcGJiaW5zMj0mcGJiaW5zMz0mcGJiaW5zND0mcGJiaW5zNT0mcGJiaW5zNj0mcGJiaW5zNz0mcGJiaW5zOD0mcGJiaW5zOT0mcGJiaW5zMTA9
  15. Now they do cover for up to 75. Use broker. Link above Medical check up needed
  16. Always go with brokers, not directly with insurer. Give them all the details and they will select for you several best plans to chose. You can correspond with several different brokers at the same time, even from the same company. All might have different sets of companies their work with and different experience in dealing with claims from them. Each company deals different with pre-existing and with timing from when they were treated. Some will refuse. Some will exclude or put premium on that conditions. On that case you can take a separate cancer policy from that or some other insurer. I would think that taking cancer only policy before applying for health insurance will give you a better deal from health insurance. But ask brokers about it. As you dont need any insurance for entry thailand so take your time. Another consideration you might take is whether your insurer has direct payment with hospital closest to you or your chosen hospital that you trust. Dont limit yourself to only private hospital, do also look for a good governmental one
  17. depending on your budget, from some 10k/year to 10x that. All pre-existing will be excluded, put premium on or refused policy (the worst scenario, because the other insurers approached later will most likely also refuse). Talk to brokers, they have experience in dealing with many insurers. The above mentioned AA usually recommends pacific cross (also mentioned above), as well as another one company for choice/comparison. Check misterprakan.com for 6 most prominent companies dealing with foreigners. The PC gives the largest deductible, which is 300k, as well as up to 20% for not claiming. That way your total can get reduced by 70%. don't limit yourself for pattaya brokers. You can correspond with very many brokers all over thailand, to get as much opinions as possible. Much more efficient, than visiting their offices - you get clear explanations black and white in email. Take your time, even weeks, to read more. There is an insurance sub-forum, check there.
  18. if BOT has such large surplus they should make a good use of it by lending to key export industries (including hospitality/tourism). That is to stimulate economy. For the last half year they were defending bht and it did't work well.
  19. date stamp on this still is 2020-08-30 so is over 2 years old. Unless cctv clock was wrongly set up. How busy is sub-district boss to have a secretary. Why secretary is not in the office in the governmental building, but in a private house and with access to bedroom? Private parts of building are for family members only. Was secretary a family member to her boss? Why there is no safe and hidden places for keeping valuables? So within the last few months a large 5-30k started to disappear on several occasions and cctv is installed around a month ago. Why wait a month to report to police, if daily records were checked often, presumably every day. There is no way to prove for how long secretary was stealing and how much. It can be judged only on what is on recordings, so around tens of thousands. Unless police find hard proof of bank transfers from secretary or assess her wealth. It's not easy 10mln to become unnoticed, hidden somewhere. And the last question - how 2mln per year can disappear from sub-district boss doing officially much less, max 40k/month so 480k/year.
  20. all of them were already vaxed, possibly boosted. so they don't necessarily need more boosters. There is chance, that with the next wave they would re-instate vaxing for those under 50
  21. That's why I stated "I think". All yearly health check ups include x-ray. They don't ask or warn how often x-ray can be done. Yes, that was piyavate hospital, which conducted x-ray for mild omicron. But just 3 weeks before I had pneumonia with 4 nights hospitalisation, so maybe it was sensible to have it (even if my 2 weeks post hospital check up was clean). I can't sue them, as my insurance declined to pay full invoice
  22. from my very limited experience in thailand all doctors downplay symptoms and are poor communicators (language barier might be part of it). Even at private hospital I have to insist on proper tests, as if they don't care or treat patient as hypochondriac. The only time I have abdomen palpation was this week and it lasted 5 seconds glide over skin. On base of that examination she wanted to prescribe me antacid medication. No knowing anything about me she suggested "lifestyle changes". Sharp abdomen pain from time to time, in her opinion, was normal. She explained that "bones press on veins" - which for me sounds bullocks. She dismissed childhood hep B which is chronic and said liver pain was normal state. That was a visit to a gastro specialist, also claiming to conduct some medical research. From my doctor's visit in europe I do remember different setting, They would do proper physical examination, do record on file all info, refer for further check ups.
  23. I think one chest x-ray per year is recommended. That's always included in yearly check ups. During pandemic people do have a lot of chest x-rays, for any suspected lung infection, that includes covid (yet before pcr tests result come back from laboratory). I had xray after testing positive and compulsory hospitalisation with mild covid. Another time over one month after covid, while some coughing. On my yearly check up was included x-ray, in restrospect not sure if I really needed one. Unless in those lung/covid fast x-rays they don't concentrate on anything else, like possible cancer (they don't have time and inclination to fully investigate), just look for infection. I have also had 4 x-ray for pneumonia ans another one 2 weeks after hospital discharge. And another one coming before colonoscopy. They wanted me to do it immediately on the day for booking colonoscopy appointment for December. I have asked them why is it needed, their answer was "because the system needs it". I was able to postpone that x-ray for just before December. That would be my 9th xray in 11 months. I have tried to explain nurses my situation, but they need to tick this on computer
  24. not only blood, that's why several different building and full day of waiting. People go there for visa health check up. Go instead to St Louise, mentioned was only slightly more expensive than the RC, but only in 1h. I did my at the governmental for 1800b VIP clinic, about 2h. Plus at another governmental 3 cancer markers, ekg, second and third FOB for 1600b and ultrasound abdomen 2700b. That leads to colonoscopy+gastroscopy under full anastesia for 18.5k, booked for december. Had to do 6 additional blood checks and will have to do chest xray and ATK
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