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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. Dr Anutin mafia-party does now control trade and will monopolise processing and export
  2. twist has already came. so now have to pay to Dr Anutin Bumjaithai mafia-style political party for licences, permits, certification etc. Half money under table, as per usual, plus 10% from profits. That's a great income for a political party just before the general election for vote buying. The most lucrative part of business - processing and export, will be limited only to dr Anutin associates. Everything according to master plan, written yet before the last general election - engineer Anutin for health ministry to monopolise ganja for Buriram province.
  3. so now have to pay to Dr Anutin Bumjaithai mafia-style political party for licences, permits, certification etc. Half money under table, as per usual, plus 10% from profits. That's a great income for a political party just before the general election for vote buying. The most lucrative part of business - processing and export, will be limited only to dr Anutin associates. Everything according to master plan, written yet before the last general election - engineer Anutin for health ministry to monopolise ganja for Buriram province
  4. it's better then in 80ties. you got now 30 days (not 28). no insurance, no hotel booking. Still need vax certificate. You need exit ticket within 30 days. That always was the case. There are talks about 45 days visa exempt
  5. good on him for standing to defend ganja. I agree with him but don't support in any sense. Do bear in mind that he is a leader of a mafia-style political party set up by a criminal clan of Chitchobs. Their purpose has nothing to do with health, boosting economy, improving lives of farmers, wellness industry and other altruistic motives. They have made a big political capital, from which they will profit in the general elections and they have already invested billions in cultivation in Buriram province (their cradle) for almost 2 years now. They have already cashing 300-800b/g. Legal money. They don't have to launder them, as before. They have and will control all processing and future export. Dr Anutin was promoting ganja spray against covid over a year ago, at time of Delta (at the same time the PM was spraying reporters with alcohol). They will control licencing for growers, sellers, pharmaceutical use. They have already started wellness industry in Buriram - that's why this very airport was included in thailand opening as a potential sandbox. Dr Anutin will be very likely the next health minister, deputy prime minister with large portfolio or even the PM - that despite his vax shambles which left thailand vaxless for a long time. Now, those over 2.3 trillion is about and international potential for wellness tourism and thus should be quoted in $, not in baht. Some would mistakenly believe, that Thailand can make $68bln per year only on wellness (they have made $62bln in 2019, that also includes domestic tourism which is some 30%). How much thailand can get out of this international wellness trend is just a small fraction - maybe only 5% and some $3.4bln (so only less than half of what they were doing on health tourism pre-pandemic).
  6. keep some your medical info in your wallet, as well as info about hospitals you were already treated in and which would have detailed health files. Some hospitals now do online registration and booking appointments. You have also access to your records. You can input there by yourself all your medical history. https://www.gj.mahidol.ac.th/main/ for almost a year there is a national health database, with many hundred private hospitals already joined it. You have to download an application and give there permission to share your info. See bankok post article "NT, GBDi join hands to launch national healthcare database". also less optimistic also
  7. he was on a long overstay and he knew he would be handed out to immigration after hospital treatment/isolation. monkeys in nigeria and africa can have monkeypox, but not on phuket or anywhere in thailand
  8. a large part of monkeypox cases are people with compromised immune system - some 40% have HIV, some 30% syphilis, herpes or gonorrhoea. And as such they would have the strongest symptoms from monkeypox. So antivirals (and antibiotics or any other medicines) given to them for their underlying conditions most likely don't work for monkeypox. However, there are some antivirals tried and vax can also be given after suspected exposure: "The CDC recommends a smallpox or smallpox/monkeypox vaccination within 2 weeks of exposure, ideally within 4 days, for exposed health care workers and household contacts of confirmed cases. Antiviral agents (ie, tecovirimat, brincidofovir, cidofovir) are possible treatment options in severe, life-threatening cases". if you have underlying conditions or risk group, do all other possible vax recommended for you. They will boost for sometimes your immune system, even if not directly related to monkeypox. Check with doctor for varicella, herpes zoster, MMR, Hepatitis AB, TTDP+polio, dengvaxia (that one if you lived in tropics over 9 years or had already dengue) . Do seasonal flu. Do also update vax for bacterial infections. If thailand can't get already ordered monkeypox vax, they will import smallpox. If you start doing you vaxes now, you have a better chance of getting smallpox in the future, as doctors would be aware of your needs and clinic will get in touch with you. You can ask them directly to put on their waiting list. Within the last 18 months I had 13 vaxes (at cost over 16k baht) plus 4 covid ones. I won't get japanese encepha, but it was suggested to me by doctors in the travel clinic. They have refused me pneumococcal at the travel clinic, so I went to red cross and I got jubbed there under false statement that I am a smoker - that vax probably saved me from getting serious pneumonia this year (just only 4 nights hospitalisation) and possibly from getting only very mild omicron without any lung symptoms. You have a much greater chance getting covid with complications (tens of people dying daily in Thailand since Delta) than monkeypox (practically non-existent)
  9. what about over 30 political detainees on pretrial, including 2 girls on over 50 days hunger strike? and many more already sentenced just for sharing facebook posts. and what about "Rights groups concerned about anti-torture bill delay" https://prachatai.com/english/node/9898
  10. tell him to check the governmental hospitals around Pattaya, or better choice in Bangkok (several university hospitals). he doesn't have to go private in thailand
  11. I have switched from 16mln April (after they increased my premium by some 20%) to 3mln Pacific Cross with 300k deductible. In the future I will be forced to downgrade to only 1.2mln cover. They give up to 20% discount for not claiming. There is also an option of taking throw away insurance from another company to bridge this 300k deductible. So the PC won't increase premium by 25% for the next 2 years for making a large claim (and you still get 20% reduction). Due to covid hospitalisation in thailand, as well as development of chronic illnesses over those 2 years of pandemic (there were limited screening programs for cancer and the other major illness, cancelled and postponed treatments, neglected regular check ups etc), all premiums went up. What I have payed to April at the beginning of pandemic now is 12k higher, for that same age - jumped from 56k to 68k.
  12. "may have" since October 2021, when he entered Thailand and never left abroad. That date is yet 6 month before the first cases were discovered around May 2022. It's obvious he got infection within thailand within the last few weeks. With summer holidays in the West there would be many tourists bringing it. But also likely he got it from an another nigerian - that's where this virus started to spread
  13. so the scandal broke 5.5 years ago and only now anti-corruption commission gave it's verdict. High profile cases, like that, should be speed up, given priority. The RR had admitted to given bribes, so the case is clear. If those 2 do appeal, in 3 years case against them will be dropped, as would pass 20 years from crime. And why not recover bribe money, as well as damages they all made to state funds. Freeze all their assets
  14. that mortality rate is very low in comparison to dengue, which has mortality 1/1000. And that figure is not for vulnerable, but across population. There is still hepatitis viruses, some 3.5mln chronic (some 5% of population) and probably around 25% of population had acute, albeit mild cases. That virus can lead to virus cancer later on. The majority of liver cancer is from that virus
  15. in the west there is civil partnership option, I think it does not exist in Thailand yet. There is a bill prepared to allow same sex partnership
  16. looks like it was still daytime and he was already drunk as skunk. He ended up spread across a narrow soi, so probably he was speeding as well
  17. this doctor might get a Nobel. Potential use is for dementia, Alzheimer, cancer and many other difficult to treat conditions. And for prophylactic for those. After testing on monkeys, human clinical trials might start in 2024. They say this technology is not complicated, and not expensive. Unlike stem cell technology, which runs in thousands $ per dose. If they don't sell patent to this medicine to some international company, there is a chance that locally produced one will be affordable. And might become a boost to thai medical care and medical tourism. The other potential use is in cosmetics and in agriculture (animal food production). So at some stage it might become as a food supplement rather than controlled prescripted medicine. Part of this research is related to detecting cancer from white blood cells. An interesting read from chula site, that one from January https://www.chula.ac.th/en/highlight/59580/ as to inventor, dr Apiwat, he has published an impressive 263 research papers, many related to cancer https://scholar.google.co.th/citations?user=KBpzI14AAAAJ&hl=th
  18. they had chance to brake or shoot also at all his windows so making his escape impossible or easier to trace. Also shooting at dashboard would incapacitate car
  19. 15th February. Probably not hospitalisation for you also. Doctor's decision based on many factors, including symptoms and chances for worsening, conditions for self-isolation, vaxes already taken, local hospital policy and beds availability. They might just do chest xray, blood and urine tests outpatient and give antivirals. Might have to report symptoms over an application, given thermometer. Health volunteers might also visit with food and check blood pressure. You don't have to report positive result, don't need to go to hospital. Stay home and drink plenty of water. Ask your friends for food supplies and to check on you daily
  20. already from 15.02 hospitalisation from 39C for minimum 24h or breath rate over 25 per minute. Also for those at risk groups - seniors, pregnant, underlying
  21. NAC - in pharmacies imported from germany or Lazada as food supplement (Kirkland brand, from the uSA). Cepacol Original is not available anymore, but you can get cetylpyridinium chloride from an online cosmetic wholesaler and make own spray, mouthwash. You can add to kamillosam, because of bitter taste. Japanese imported mouthwash is expensive in comparison. Ivermectin was offered to me at piyavate hospital in February. I have declined because I had my own and their prices are 10x inflated to pharmacy price. Calcium 600mg with vit D - lazada boxes 500 pils. Selenium supplement, also brasil nuts. Aspirin 80mg or get 320mg and divide pills. You can read about disulfiram, budesonide spray, colchicine, finasteride, dutasteride. Possibly niclosamide, metformin. At the beginning of pandemic I have also bought folic acid 10mg and take regularly, from box 1000 still left some.
  22. @Hellfirecomparable to CT price is MRI at 14.4k plus optional contrast 2.5k. That laboratory below has a branch in bang na, nothing around chonburi. I know it's completely different scan, but has no radiation. It's a newer technology, so possible has many advantages over CT. Looks, like no doctors order to perform this scan is needed. But also it's not clear, if they would do interpretation of scan and if they have doctors to give diagnosis. Probably they will only print out results https://www.mrithailand.com/en/online-booking/
  23. the last upgrade was donation of some 50 years old locomotives from Japan. Previous to that, yet before pandemic, were chinese sleepers on chiang mai and nong kai route. train to vientianne is to a terminal some 13km before town, just across border. So you still need change to songtow. https://www.seat61.com/Laos.htm to phnom penh one weekly train was suspended at the beginning of covid. I don't think it's reinstated. thailand has only some 5 railway lines (with some of them branching). There is only some several thousand km of rail track. but why not use buses, often direct to destination. as to flying - prices to singapore will have to fall when there would be more airlines, and the budget one, competing for passengers. There use to be for some 2k one way airfare, sometimes at half price on sale
  24. Dr should presribe one, even if there are many OTC. do further checks why prostate is enlarged - do blood test for psa and the other cancer markers
  25. Reflectionx, so you think thai authoritarian political system and oppresive social system are ok and there is no merit to liberties and life opportunities, which come in countries with long democratic traditions. expats who settle in thailand dont have to think about life prospects and carrier development, because they are already at around retirement age or already established financially. If they do have thai kids, rising them here hinders their chances for working life outside thailand. Unless they can afford private schooling. the problem with thailand it doesnt develop, is very concervative. With it comes nationalism and racism. Its not the way more prosperous modern countries do funtion. look how much more south korea and malaysia outspaced thailand within the last last 50 years.
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