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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. covid only insurance are for up to 99 years. Single entry insurance from 650b, or from 4200b yearly multiple entry. Every foreigner has to get thailand pass, no matter of visa status
  2. Thailand pass was easy to do, but there were delays and uncertainty in issuing them. Now it would be instant and can be done just before departure. Down from an original $100k to $10k and now from 650b/month or from 4200b per year, it's not a financial issue at all. Thai citizens never had obligation to get insurance, as they have free medical. Still they need to show vax certificate or do test on the border. Those conditions are already since 1st May, now thailand pass will be shorter and instant
  3. there use to be pre-covid some 5mln foreign workforce. Many left thailand at the beginng at pandemic, what they thought would be a holiday back home. And since then were not able to return easily back to work. That would be changing now with land borders opening
  4. they were aware of it at least 2 months ago, yet din't rise an issue publicly. Malaria can be prevented, as well as treated, with readily available medicines. Those can be given to monkeys in food, but the best would be complete removal of moneys from human neighbourhoods. Now, when already transmitted to human, it would impact tourism to koh chang
  5. It looks like the ministry itself created climate for those rumours spreading in social media. If they were not doing airport screening on entry, ordering vaxes, setting multiple bodies dealing with this issue, the majority of thai would never heard about. That as on purpose they were creating a climate of fear, on top of still very deep rooted now covid panic. I don't think any other country is reacting so proactively as thailand now. Its just wasting resources on non-existing presently infection, which is mild, preventable and curable (there are already available medicines). That's just deflection from the other much more serious health concerns, like cancer and similar chronic illness, some being preventable by early health screening and fast medical care. For the last 2 years those screening programmes are neglected, much lowered in scale, some suspended. That would have impact on mortality for the next 10 years. Thailand, as well as health system in all countries, has a backlog of screening and treating the other deadly illnesses. If officials want media spot, why not tell about 11 cases of malaria on Koh Chang in Trat province? Blame foreign tourist for creating danger with monkeypox, but don't tell about domestic danger when they are coming in
  6. Thats most unusual purchase. Just flying those beasts cost 1mln per h. As I remember the usa has already refused sell to thailand this very system, partly because of suspicion it would be available for chinese military to access them and copy some technology. Thats why the isa would never sell to countries which are suspected for leaking to china. Those planes are only a part of the system, the rest being on ground, which make them effective, The system is as expensive as planes itself. Those advanced airplanes do require proper high quality servicing, well above present thai capability. How long before they will be grounded or worse lost in air? Thailand has just contracted some large big observation drones from the USA, for use on marine coastal. They make more sense in protecting borders and prevent drug smuggling into country
  7. Brian is conspiracy theory believer. Fuelled by moskow's propaganda, and funds. Possibly also funded by thai state. Certainly funded by his far right businessmen. He is fully apologetic to thai military. if you want to know what is happening in thailand do read independent sources, which are banned by the thai government. Starting from the Scott, who publishes in english. Brian was banned multiple times from many social media platforms for suspicious activity, multiple fake accounts.
  8. If covid didnt stop your lifestyle, than noting will. it's part of you. if no booster in teens probably you are not protected anymore. Maybe you can get a shot somewhere in the world, if you are in a risk group, and you can carry on. But still risk, probably greater, from illness which cant be prevent by vax, and there might not be medication.
  9. Looks pacific cross allows joining them up to 75 for 124k/year. Policy is called "visa friendly". Most likely you will be able to carry with them further. But check with any agent or directly with them. https://misterprakan.com/th/health/plans?gender=Male&age=73&lg=en&ipd=1&opdf=0&leadid=348157
  10. as I suppose your kids are half-thai and have free medical. If you want to splash, do one of the cheapest possible and top up accident to 1mln (I would think most operations for kids are from accident). Maybe also outpatient for an additional 100% (many say outpatient is waste of money, but maybe in case of kids it's a gain). The government hospital won't refuse any emergency treatment to anybody at anytime and without any form of guarantee. Do get a bank loan with house, car as security or do monthly instalments. Pre-covid the government was covering some 800mln for tourist (and also expat) runners, including those escaping from private hospitals. Foreigners were also doing runners from private hospitals after covid hospitalisation/hospitelisation, if their insurance refused to pay or only partially. Hospitals were hushed about those accidents because publicity would only encourage more foreigners to follow this way
  11. if you are asking this question it means you are in need of it and have some spare money for it. Yes, as you I treat insurance as scam, but for the last 2 years I am in financial position to throw some money because I am slightly scared (and getting older). I have started my first ever insurance at the beginning of covid. Slighly panicked and took 16mln cover for 57k. Regret it now, because I got back only 30k on chipped accidentally tooth (the same treatment would cost only some 10k in a street clinic, not at the somitivej hospital). The next year I took the cheapest one from pacific cross and topped accident cover to 1mln for only 1350b and and outpatient for only 4000b. Later they allowed me to upgrade to meet requirements for thailand pass. For that I have opted for 300k deductible which halved my contribution. To cover 300k deductible I got covid only policy for 4200b. pacific cross offers up to 20% discount when not claiming. I think it's the only insurer offering that. I think they drop 5% per year for not claiming. Do activate your policy just a day before your birthday. On misterprakan you got comparison from 6 insurers, all clear in one place, interactive. They are pretty efficient with communication
  12. looks very much, like he was flying on a vip jet burning around $5000 worth of fuel per hour. At the same time he asked people not to take their kids to school by car, because it's needless
  13. check misterprakan website, they have comparison of 6 insurance with tens policies, from 250k to some 50mln
  14. ask in health forum, part of general subjects
  15. medconsult on thonglor, the last time was 2k. details check with them
  16. on estonian police website he is still as searched for https://www.politsei.ee/et/tagaotsitavad-inimesed/janno.ojaste-1983 For that many years he was probably on a stolen or fake passport, with fake visa and extension stamps, that's why has survived almost completely empty Pattaya for the last 2 years. Was he still running his business on the dark net? Large drug possession means in kilograms and with millions euros involved. Splashing money around, luxurious lifestyle often gives up criminals
  17. yet at the same time at elections in Pattaya, winner is the same deeply corrupted political family clan/mafia, associated with the ruling party and Prayuth. There was not a large gap some 2000 votes (some 15%) between them and runners up. So very much depends how politically active is electorate. It would be difficult to believe that the South, with it's local mafias, will differ much from happened in Pattaya. Even Buriram and the other provinces controlled by Bumjai Party would also not benefit. What is really surprising is a large presence of future forward, which is still pretty new faces party. Yet many of their followers voted tactically for the stronger candidates, to oppose tactical voting by conservatives (as in case in Bangkok). An interesting article about Pattaya election and corruption background https://bangkokherald.com/thailand/pattaya/more-of-same-likely-as-kunplome-pick-leads-pattaya-mayor-race/
  18. search facebook groups for dog adoption chiang rai, later maybe chiang mai. Google for dog shhelter + town. The last option is any wat. They might take them, offer payment for food (20kg bags of dry food are from 560b) and taking good care of them
  19. yes, thailand did better with 113 excess deaths per 100k. The UK is 225, the USA is 347. But is still doesn't explain why WHO decided to make thailand as an example, if there are some 36 countries, which are below in numbers in excess deaths. Malaysia has only 8, singapore 21. Both those countries are close to thailand in many ways (even if malaysians are muslims and congregate to obligatory religious prayers and rituals, while budhists don't have to and their greet themselves by bowing, "wai"). Those deaths are the true figures how much covid strained the health service. So all the other illnesses, treatments were not cared for, as they were previously. Different hospital wards (pulmonary, infection and oriental diseases etc) were converted exclusively into covid wards. Many operations were cancelled and continually postponed. Screening programs, including for serious and deadly illness, like cancer, were suspended or scaled down. For many years there would be high statistics for cancer and others. The very same dr Anutin wanted to punish medics who cought covid during the first wave, blaming them for making mistakes, not following infection prevention protocols
  20. probably feline parvovirus, kills very fast. There is vax, but 2k per shot and need 2. Each cat has this virus in their system, it develops, when immunity falls due to injury, any other illness. Canine parvovirus is similarly deadly, treatment is very expensive and not certain outcome
  21. @marlen10002 there are pet adoption groups and pages in facebook. There are pet charities in each town, they run shelters, vax and neutering programs for stray animals. But talking to neighbours, people on your soi and further would be the best option. If they are poor you can offer to buy dry food, a 20kg bag is from 560b and would last over a month. I would rather ask the other household members for help with walking dog, washing, grooming, cleaning faeces, taking for vax. You can pay any outside teenager some 100b for doing it for some 2-3h daily. With some 3k per months it's a good pocket money, more than they would get from their parents. You can put a notice (in thai, but also in english) on your house gate, at local shop, that you are looking for a dog carer. Possibly also that way you will find the next owner of your dog. As you go along with this dog well, you will miss it, when it's permanently gone. Pets do extend our longevity, by as much as 5 years - there was proper scientific research in the senior population. That's zootherapy, pet therapy. We need pets as much as they need us to survive. Socialising, including interaction with pets, boost our well being. Even petting animals releases endorphins and similar hormones. Seniors need pets more, than children. Problem that you got a puppy and now very energetic, while better option would be to have a mature, even senior, which is less training demanding. You can try to swap you youngster with senior. Or even look into adopting another dog, so they will play with themselves and not bother you that much.
  22. there are adoption groups and pages on fb. Run also in english and by foreigners. First pet goes to foster parents and then to adopters. If you fail to find place for him, I will take it
  23. this picture is from today flight to Tokyo. That looks like a private jet, and not the 1st class on a commercial flight. Flying this jet is probably some $5000 per hour in fuel costs alone (depending how fuel guzzling his jet is). Some people identified his documents as blank pages, with no text
  24. I am not sure if the remaining 1mln pfizer donated from the USA finally ever arrived. They were part of the total 2.5mln. Somehow tha consulate in washington was not keen on that vials, not supplying correct paperwork to clear export to thailand https://thethaiger.com/coronavirus/contrary-to-anutin-us-says-delivery-of-vaccines-awaits-thailand
  25. a very large part of expats have received their first vax from donated vials from the usa, UK and others starting from end of August. Later on boosters thai contracted , when there was already surplus. Thai medics, who were vaxed with donated pfizer, had to pose for photos with portrait of dr Anutin with caption "Thank you Anutin for vaccination". That was exposed and ridiculed with photoshoped picture of Biden. Thai authorities were not telling their citizens and to foreigners from where their vax come. Opposite, they tried to mislead this info. Also I think that there was not a large booster intake, as omicron danger was low and many considered their 2 initial once good enough. I had my booster in europe and my health application is not allowing me for the second booster, not offering any date to chose. Personally I would prefer the second generation booster, they yet to be imported to thailand
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