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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. there is no point blaming anybody, including mask less, for catching omicron. It spreads fast and doctors believe that half population will get it (or already had it since November). Even if masked and social distancing when going public, you can still catch it from family members, friends, neighbours. There are many other important factors in catching virus. Because of mild symptoms, it's not a big deal, as with delta and the previous once. Getting sick for 3 days is not a drama, this infection acts a booster to earlier vaxes, probably works better, than vaxes. There are still no the second generation moderna, which thai government ordered the last year. With this infection you might well be protected for another 3 months, possibly much longer. If there is another wave sometimes with a new variant, you have stand a chance not catching it or just being asymptomatic
  2. attacker have used his work car (not private one), as he is working at the government office. So he well might have protection from his boss or institution. As I understand the victim is still hospitalised. Possible suffered concussion from blow to her head with a wooden button - that might be permanent or temporary. When discharged from hospital and remembering events, she can still testify. She was attacked from the back and in complete darkness - I have seen on thai tv reconstruction of crime, probably based on reenactment. Police should not close this case, but pursue the other mentioned attacks, search their records for closed cases. Also interview females in his workplace, neighbourhood and appeal for public to come forward with other leads. Police believed, that it was sexually motivated attack. This guy is sexual deviant and will hurt, possible rape and kill, his future victims.
  3. true, they won't be coming to thailand if positive. Airline will refuse them boarding. Most airlines will re-book free in case of any medical emergency, even in the cheapest class.
  4. chances of getting another infection, common cold, risk of flue A or B. Any bacteria from water. Irritation from chlorinated water. No doctor would advice swimming while sick with respiratory track. No, I am not a doctor. Now please do give the op your sensible advice
  5. looks like an envelope was exchanged and he is free to roam again, and possibly murder his next victims. Looks, like this lady has concussion from blow to the head. That might be temporary or permanent. From reenactment of this crime he attacked from the back with a wooden button, strangling with this button. She is still in the hospital and not getting better, as I understand
  6. swimming likely lower your body temperature, you can catch cold, worsen symptoms. Very moderate physical activity is good, in the well ventilated room, around property. You need body vital energy to be used against infection, not for sports. Take easy for a week or so. Just resting and recovering.
  7. no insurance will pay anymore just for positive (those insurance companies are bankrupt) and recovery certificate not needed, as very few countries require any entry testing. Certainly coming back to thailand is testless from 1st May. From 1st June even unvaxed can enter with no any testing
  8. just self-isolate, take body temperature several times daily. Drink plenty of room temperature water (minimum 3 litres), some vitamin pills (C, D+calcium), lime or lemon juice, honey. Garlic, ginger., any healthy foods and spices. For sore throat camillosan spray. If cough comes back get NAC Long from pharmacy. Paracetamol for any pains, nasal congestion. If you have some serious underlying conditions you can see a doctor if any symptoms return
  9. so 2 rival gangs fighting on the street with knives and guns (and not over girls, but something else, like basic controlling their patch). so police is informed by the public or some undercover cop with radio, that 3 are riding against traffic. They are told to sit down, are handcuffed and searched. Possibly they were recognised by one of the cops as gangsters, so not matter what they said about being attacked and running for help, they are not believed and brutally treated.
  10. yes, less those ready made from pharmacy or Lazada. Better from hospital custom made. If lymph problem, you can keep your legs up on stool (or even on desk, table - cowboy style). Also exercising your feet (as advised to do on airplane) will be the best option. When on the bed keep legs on pillows, rise mattress or even get hospital style adjustable bed
  11. take easy, don't <deleted> yourself, tourists don't know about regulations. As dr Anutin said, there is no legal obligation to wear masks. Thai habits are different in each place and change over time. At some places nobody wears masks anymore. Large enclosed restaurants, food courts are opened, nobody wears mask there. From 1str June all bars, discos are opening and nobody will have one. Not wearing mask has nothing to do with being clean or dirty. He was referring to personal hygiene, with strong nationalistic and racist undertones (yes, he is a nationalist and racist). There are many more important factors in getting covid, than masks. Albeit they are the most visible, a fashion accessory for many thais. What about sneezing and taking mask off, so I won't get dirty? That happen to me twice, without sorry from them. They dont understand why they do wear mask
  12. agree. but metronidazole 400mg is available everywhere. Also similar tinidazole 500mg. There are many others, whatever is available, including herbal traditional mixtures which I prefer to use. Prophylactic with deworming medicines at least once a year is recommended. There are 5 of them and each works different way and on different parasites
  13. on his arrest he admitted to many previous attacks he committed. Police should appeal to public for coming forward with unreported earlier cases. Also check records for similar cases which were closed, including murder. But what is puzzling, why she can't testify. She is seen on the video energetically moving and waving her arms for help. Earlier reports about multiple bruising, including head. Unless it's a brain injury with swelling, resulting in concussion, she should be able to talk.
  14. still la nina year, but much different, stronger, than any before. Frequent clouds and thunderstorms from the end of January. Suppose to be only 3% over the yearly average, but I am afraid it would be stronger than the last year with 10%.
  15. it's chlorinated, so need to be put in a jug for some 30 minutes for chlor to evaporate and lose bad taste.. Surely any water filtering system, even portable one, would be good to have, rather than buying many bottles and carrying them home. Filter replacement in my system recommended up to 20k litres, many years of use. At times of droughts high tide enters as far as patum tani and salinity can be at high level, that might indicate some pollutants.
  16. let people chose by themselves what they do. Cheering some and berating others is much pointless. Thousands of maskless tourists won't change popular attitudes, but at some stage might cause bad sentiments against us, who live here. I would rather like tourists wearing masks more often. It's residents, who will be blamed for those short timers. Xenophobic comments from dr Anutin and some other establishment politicians might well be used now and during election times, to score points with their electorate. I don't wear mask outside, never was pedantic about them, but during waves I was using 2 masks on top of each other. Many thais outside city centres don't wear masks. I just copy their habit. Definitely mask is needed when approaching an entrance to enclosed space. And should be carried at all times, even if asked so by anybody and anywhere in close distance. Masks are going to stay in thailand for long. There is nothing wrong about them
  17. europe now with qatar e805 (can be lowered by over e100 with long layover in doha - that option will show only on qatar website). On their website brussels and some other destinations around 22k baht. Till April europe with top airlines was 21k baht. You can get saudi airlines for 22k baht, but it's one of the worst airlines in the world. Check scoot from berlin, athens by singapore. They fly to CM. Buy now, prices will only go up. War and armament madness. As with airplane occupancy - pot of luck. A380 tend to be empty. Be sure to get directly from the airline and covid flexible policy (you can chose this option on skyscaner).
  18. you need minimum covid insurance for a minimum $10k and minimum 1 month. from fwd from 650b/month, but wiser to get yearly from 4200b (multiple entry).
  19. ask her, and not the other guy, for 300k. If not ask consulate to cancel her visa
  20. attacker was stalking people/women in a car with the government registration, so most likely he was the government employee. He points to his mental health but more likely he is a sexual predator. With more cases to come forward within the next days from those who failed to report it in the past and from re-opened investigations, police will be able to prove his true intentions. They should not rule out murder and disappearance cases, especially female. I would not be surprised if his sense of power and authority coming from his job, made him sexual deviant. Females at his workplace, his subordinates, should be encouraged now to contribute to this story
  21. driver of this government car was already arrested and admitted to this attack and mentioned, that he did many, before "to relieve his stress"
  22. I would like to see all tattoos she is brandishing on her body. Former bar girl still in old habits?
  23. at some stage chiang mai airport might open for international arrivals. Probably in the autumn. Stay in canada, until you have connection to chian mai
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