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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. from the beginning of this year there suppose to be imported to thailand the 2nd generation moderna (those payed at private hospitals in August). Not sure if anything from that upgraded vax ever materialised. There also suppose to be constant tweaking of the AZ (that one some 6 weeks for laboratory work, possible research on people, and many months for developing production on large scale). As I am aware there is a surplus of many different vaxes in developed countries and some already expired (so the producers are forced to change their original expiry date). Difficult to re-sale, swap or even give away (example of the remaining 1mln pfizer from the usa - not sure, where it's now). For me vax way is almost finished - my national vax application in europe has data from morprompt and allowed me to take only 1 moderna (on top of 2 thai pfizers). I still have 2 Moderna from Medpark. I wish I never bought them, as I can get them free in europe and thailand. For me, at this stage, covid is a remote issue. I had got omicron and I don't think I will get anything more within the next 6 months (if at all). There are many other vaxes, not directly covid related, which should be taken care of - starting from the seasonal flu shot
  2. so less than songkran FMP with 10k. The June one will likely to be smaller. With half or majority participants being thai, the next big one will coincide with some extended holiday. Most likely the next one will be new year celebrations combines with Full Moon or Half Moon (whichever will be closer to date). There not necessarily will be foreigners increase at those parties, as rainy season might be coming earlier to samui archipelago (as it came already to central thailand). August might be already wet there
  3. don't you contradict yourself? "And no, walking is not "enough," laughable idea." "So maybe you could start w/ at least a 15 min walk per day, work up to 30, and speed up the pace as you feel stronger. " "You could of course swim, but I've never seen any old out-of-shape guy keep it up. I got one to sign up and pay for a year's membership at a Y for the water aerobics program popular with overweight women." - if women do it, also guys do it. That's the way - get long and unlimited pool exercises program at good discounted rate, so there won't be financial burden to pay weekly/monthly. Also doing exercises in groups, and with the opposite sex, are adding some social motivation to exercising.
  4. I think they have moved full moon parties to the nearest weekend. The previous one was taking place during Songkran with 10k participants. This month already done during the extended weekend. That indicates it's also thai youngsters taking part in them. With many guesthouses still closed, islands tourist infrastructure is not in good shape to take care of that many visitors. For health reasons there should be limit for entering this island.
  5. just walking is good enough. Use walking stick when steps, uneven pavements. When too hot or raining walk corridors in your condo. Try to use condo staircases, but at your own pace, as slowly as you need. Ask your wife for assistance. Possible get knee pads to protect from fall injuries. Yes, group exercises are good for motivation. Even just one another senior for companionship and support. Swimming also good because you don't overheat, no injuries from exercising, gentle for joints.
  6. the cheapest insurance is 4200b per year some 360b/month. That's from fwd. Poor quality, small print. But is unlimited entry. It's unlikely that insurance requirement will be removed, even if TP is gone. Many countries, over 30, have introduced insurance during covid times. Thai citizens always had to buy health insurance for EU visa for the whole stay, and that was in thousands baht per entry. On top of it, not formally required, a proper but cheap health insurance (including large accident) for some 15-20k, as a back up to the required one, but extending to all medical conditions, post covid complications. Travel much and happy with your life? If some 650b (some $20) is too much to add up for international travel, it's just illogical attitude. Million came to thailand without thinking twice. Many payed much more, as they were pre-covid travelling
  7. there was never prohibition on airplanes
  8. do you mean thai police is not well paid and that's why they have botched murder investigation which resulted in death sentence for innocent? police is payed by criminals and by rich. In that case just only around 200mln (split between 10-20 cops doing that case). There was also pressure on them from Prayuth to frame anybody because of high international exposure. They found burmese, so thai nationalists didn't lose face. What is usual penalty for corrupted cops, and the other officials, is transfer to HQ to office work.
  9. unbelievable. were drugs or girlfriends/wifes somewhere involved in this story? if drugs were sold there and under police protection, investigation won't take this lead
  10. you can save buying discounted foods, close to expiry date, damaged packaging, end of line, special offers etc. I am often buying them, all what is left on the shelf. Sometimes for up to 90% discount, usually around 50%. I would portion and freeze them, or cook in put into small containers for easy storage. Sometimes drying. Sometimes give as presents to relatives, neighbours or needy. There are also 3 dogs and 2 cats to feed, if is going to be spoiled - usually is cheaper, than quality animal food
  11. as all lockdowns anywhere in the world. There were several country wide lockdowns in thailand, lasting for over 2 months each. Their purpose, as any other measure, was to slow down infections and not overburden health service. And who knows if, when and how many lockdowns on from of us in thailand?
  12. in tokyo metro platforms wardens had before even sticks for pushing passengers in. Instead of waiting some 2-3 minutes at each station, there is more sense to send more trains with 10 seconds stops
  13. any insurance, domestic or international, was paying for hospitalisation. There were some issues with free insurance from Emirates. As somebody mentioned below his axa for 9k policy did pay even for 7 nights hospitel some 17k. I am not sure about his statements, because quarantine was rather 10 days, much more expensive than 17k and not covered by any policy - looks like he was triple lucky. My 10 days hospitalisation was covered by dhippaya for a medical bill some 50k (even my policy cover was for 100k). They didn't want to cover cost of room, food, cleaning for the remaining 92k - I just run out from hospital with no any consequences. My health insurance has 300k deductible, so no use. Still waiting for 200k lump sum from south east insurance. Yes, those cheap covid policies for 450-1100b were not enough for certificate of entry requirements. But they still were used to cover hospitalisation, as in my case. For CoE and later for Travel Pass was Tune insurance for 15k per year (but it allowed only 1x entry). For multi entry was a proper health insurance from around 25k per year covering over $100k - that was the best deal, included accident. For tourists there is travel insurance, around $50-100 per month, depending on age. From 15.2 there is a problem with hospitalisation, because the government changed rules, so no asymptomatic and hospitalisation only for 39.5C for over 24h or breathing rate over 25 per minute are required. The only scammers, who benefited from those rules, were private hospitals. Partially also AQ and sandbox hotels, which were offering only very strict policies, charging additional fees etc. The whole quarantine projects were superwised not by the ministry of health, internal or international affairs, but by (surprise) the ministry of defence. So it's this ministry which benefited from all abuse of rules. Affair with the ministry of defence became apparent around 11.2020, when thai repatriate posted online appalling conditions from the Ambassado Hotel in Na Jomtien. It was the spokesman from that ministry which threaten this citizen with defamation
  14. that "sudden" is from July 2020, when borders opened. That was for a long time covid policy $100k, falling to $50k as a health policy, and later falling again to $20k and now $10k. Thai insurance companies are obvious choice for those living in thailand, as there was an option of choosing health policies that are not much more expensive than just simple covid policies. So covering all illness. For those incoming to Thailand a tourist insurance from their own countries or international companies from the net. An advantage of thai insurance was cover for asymptomatic hospitalisation/hospitel (that changed from 15.02) mandated by the government requirements - that's why several insurance companies are struggling or went to bankruptcy. Many Thai citizens, probably in millions, took them voluntarily over a year ago (and even 2 years ago), not for travel purpose, but to have a higher quality of medical care in private hospitals or even in the governmental hospitals - private room. I think that charging 10k for a tourist visa (which would include insurance) is opposite to transparency. There are now covid policies from 4200b per year and multiple entry. Most tourists do enter on visa exempt. But a large part enter on many other visas, than tourist one. There would be 300b tourist tax included in airfare from August. It's partly health related, but not covid specific. Non tourists are excluded from this tax. As to statistics for foreign tourists - there is non one from May, because there no more any tests and not any other measures (no sandboxes). Very few tourists do enter on AQ 5 days quarantine - those, who are not vaxed
  15. misterprakan has some 10 insurers and the cheapest pacific cross has some 10 policies
  16. there are countless insurance policies (in thailand and from around the world). I had simultaneously 2 covid policies, which were not made for thailand pass. So I had to get a proper health insurance covering $50k. One of those covid insurances covered my positive hospitalisation. I am still waiting for 200k lump sum money from the other one under bankruptcy law. I was told by a private hospital nurse, who deals with patient's insurance, that they will pay with delay. My health insurance refused to reimburse any hospital fees. Now I have covid from fdw for 4200b yearly, covering 700k baht, which allows to enter unlimited times. It has some other limitations and I will see when possibly claiming within the next year. I don't mind at all. I chose the cheapest possible one. When I will get windfall of backlogged 200k I will be richer some 110k then before pandemic. In principle, all insurance is scam. Just know how to play against them
  17. so they will scrap the TP for thai from June. And possibly for foreigners from July
  18. he is contradicting himself if he says infections are falling rapidly and endemic might be delayed beyond 1st July. That's confusing and contributes to public anxiety and it's pointless
  19. when checking in on lufthansa they do check vax certificate. see updated rules here, enter all variables https://apply.joinsherpa.com/travel-restrictions
  20. if he kept low profile, he would be able to retire at age 30. Instead of those luxury items he could invest in btc and nobody would knew, who he is. Flashy lifestyle brought attention to his business. He wasn't mafia. More like working nomad
  21. yes, money from UN organisations (there are tens of them, FAO, UNESCO) for yearly sponsorship of different projects. water buffaloes are not near extinctions, still some 120mln on every continent. Yes, they were immensely important in agriculture, but times are changing. In thailand they are now only a source of food, not working on fields. They won't disappear, but their population will be falling. In comparison - asian elephant was on the verge of extinction. Situation improved just recently. But because of covid domesticated rearing is small and will be such for many more years. Mahouts, who were underemployed, will not come back for that low payed and dangerous work. So the circle closes. With national parks closed down and later working in limited capacities, funds for protection of wild elephants are lower, resulting in poaching
  22. once borders open, thailand again becoming a hub, a centre of a universe. Somehow they can't lead in technologies, inventions, progressive thinking. Instead they push it's history - culinary, cultural and now agricultural. At the same time the government neglects elephants, wild and domesticated. There was not any help for starving ellies during pandemic. Kraals had to depend on charity, animal fundations. Would tourists visit buffaloes and not elephant kraals?
  23. fact is, thai sanhga is sponsored by the state to the tune of some 50%, some 5bln bht yearly. That's why the government can object to head sanhga nomination, as was the case the last time. So instead of the most senior monk, and with support from the most of sanhga council, so lesser important monk is selected by the prime minister - making him a stooge for the government affairs (like telling budhists who to vote at election time, at constitutional referendum and many other political matters). At the same time they will purge red monks in Isaan and elsewhere throwing at the any random accusations and forcing them to leave monkhood.
  24. that's requirement of destinotion country, no BKK airport or thai airways. Some airlines (like lufthansa, austrian) allow submission of vax certificates at online check in. It's approved within minutes and boarding pass send to email. If dropping hold luggage they might glance at certificate. When I was coming back from europe in March they wanted to see only thailand pass. They explained, that it's my own responsibility to have in order all the rest of paperwork. Here is the best and up to date website with covid requirements. Allows to enter all variables https://apply.joinsherpa.com/travel-restrictions/DEU?affiliateId=aerlingus&nationality=DEU&departureDate=2022-05-09&returnDate=2022-05-16&tripType=roundTrip&transitType=noTransit&fullyVaccinated=false&language=en-US&originCountry=THA
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