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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. Try downloading their application, your boarding pass might be there. Some other airlines do send email with boarding pass to print out. At some airports just application with QR code is enough. Still, if you have bag to drop, they will print your boarding card, will check vax certificate and on return to thailand do check thailand pass
  2. major works on widening of beach at south end of jomtien. after widening a very few beach chair remains there. Punters don't want to seat on chairs some 100m from the shore. But at sunset, and long into night, there are beach restaurants, with lights. Pretty nice, romantic, and busy. Between those restaurants there are free patches for setting your own mat, table and chair. Over hundred food and drink pick ups and tables along the pavement. Definitely difficult to park here and there is a constant traffic jam
  3. the last few days, over holiday weekend, I went to Jomtien. Certainly, less senior foreign walkers/joggers on the beach than at the end of 2020 and the last year, but more younger one, touristy, in large part Russians. So they went to their home countries, to see their kids and grandchildren, but I have no doubt they will come back faster, than they went. Thailand and the rest of the world are just opening post-covid, giving chance to see families. I don't think a return airfare of 10k baht higher would prevent anybody long term coming back to thailand.
  4. Certainly lounges at terminal E were closed till April. Also just recently closed at terminal C. Albeit I was running this corridor to catch my plane and not concentrating on lounges. I never knew about Miracle at the F, as I have never departed from this gates. They are irrelevant as I dont plan flying with them. Certainly they have chance to cut check in lines by online. according to this website 4 lounges (out of 5) are temporarily closed. https://www.loungebuddy.com/BKK/miracle-first-class-lounge-temporarily-closed-concourse-d-ABB6mZ9zRy
  5. Some other airlines in BKK do on line check in, you get boarding pass with QR by email or download their application. You submit vaccination certificate by attachment and have an instant confirmation. same with returning to thailand. Just thailand pass check at the gate. In both cases you can come to airport less than 1h before departure and have some 30 minutes for security and immigration. as to thai airways - I would not fly with them anymore. Too risky with their reduced routes, schedules and poor customer care. They dont offer free covid flexibility with re-booking, as some the other airlines. From what I gather they closed down all the lounges at BKK at terminal C and E, possibly only one open is for the 1st class
  6. Dr Anutin's fame is from weekly contradictory statements. It's still the PM who makes important decisions and he doesn't sound much recently as for speedy law liberalisation.
  7. Transnational crime is fact for a very long time. if not for thai immigration corruption, starting with visa agencies organising any visa to anybody with the right money, there would be only a fraction of criminals hiding in the country. For the last 2 years there was an increase in drug production in the golden triangle and export through thailand to the rest of Asia and elsewhere. At low level but on a large scale, it's thai gangs, that including customs officials. With borders increasingly opening and with rising tourist numbers, there would be the very thai citizens doing all the legwork across borders. Money laundering is also done by thai only registered companies, not by registered with foreigners - those are under special scrutiny, even for tax purposes. Masterminds don't have to be in thailand at all. They avoid detection by moving around in the region and to countries with similar to Thailand law enforcement.
  8. Get free pfizer, for a change. This private moderna might come handy later on, possibly as a second generation, twicked for new strains. Or re-sold, given to somebody, who needs one, but unable to get any
  9. Covid Insurance would work only when you have over 39.5c over 24h, breathing rate over 25 per minute or you have some serious underlying chronic illness. Otherwise any medical care would have to be payed, whether the governmental or private hospital. Being unvaxed you have a bigger chance of getting infection and developing serious symptoms. insurance doesnt cover pre departure test. So each time you enter thailand you have a constant expense and hassle. If positive you cant get thailand pass. So be sure you have a flexible airfare. Still would be a bummer to change travel plans at short notice. And you will have to pay inflated airfare price difference. And you dont know for how long you will stay positive. Possible only for a week or two, but can be longer. Difficult to say when thailand pass will be cancelled. And what would requirements after that. For already vaxed there might be need for a booster. For unvaxed there still might be a need for test, to be checked by airline on check in. Regulations might change for worse at short notice, that is for thailand as well as returning to your departure country.
  10. Grakcu online, including lazada and multiple pages, also fanpages on fb. I have asked at tesco pharmacy, they dont have it.
  11. Do abdominal ultrasound, i think just couple thousands at the governmental hospital. Check also for parasites, probably with a specialist doctor. Try several different medicines to see, if anybof them will work. If strong herx effect might mean you have some bug
  12. Kamagra jelly 100mg box of 50 sachet from 800b lower suk in the evenings, daytime for 1k. Some pharmacies also box of 7 from 150b (from under the counter). Each sachet can be used 2-4x, store in the fridge between use. sildenafil might be preventing Alzheimer in doses 25-75mg daily, according to 7k strong patients data sourced over many years. Study published december 2021. Further research is carried i have started to take it not for recreational use, but purely for that prevention. Not religiously, not every single day, just when I remember. Certainly gives a good feeling.
  13. That research is from 01.2021, so 17 months old. If there were significant results they would conduct further research, phase 2. By now they should release this herbal formula into public domain. Chinese population would make good use of it now, but also to benefit of the whole world. Anybody knows any ingredients of this formulation?
  14. Big chance even this pcr requirement will be replaced by atk or completely dropped - that if you are vaxed. follow news just max 4 days before your flight, to save yourself hassle and costs. Pcr usually takes less than 24h, atk instant result (that one you can do at the airport - bangkok some 500b and 1h wait, level 1 door 7. Probably also at departure level (but i haven't explore it).
  15. Agoda. but with rainy season i would not book in advance more than a day or two. You can ruin holiday by being forced to sit at hotel. Also i would not stay more than 5 days in one place, gets boring after that. Moving just a few km would make a more interesting stay. When booking for a long period there is a risk that you won't like that hotel, for example poor location. Once already there you will have a feeling if other locations are more suitable. as to price 25k for 6 nights is 4k per night. I would chose something cheaper and stay longer. Travel to krabi from home would take some total 4h by airplane and much more if done by car or other mean of transport. i would also swap to samui archipelago, which suppose to be yet dry. Likely to start wet only from September, so July still pretty safe to be there.
  16. From 1st May unvaxed do apply for thailand pass including negative test results (72h for pcr and i think some 48h for atk done at clinic with certificate). From 1st June approval suppose to be automatic. Insurance for all to be downloaded for TP, but not checked at border, just vax certificate or test results. From 1st of May there is no hospital or hospital for any positives. Just self-guarantine. In case of serious symptoms hospital covered by insurance
  17. Pal, we are talking about antibiotics here, which are (or were until around covid times) available at thai pharmacies, probably still available in cambodia and some other countries, and which can also be bought online from many countries. There are certain medicines, completely harmless and with no or small toxicity, which are still not available in europe, but available at each thai pharmacy. At the same time there are over the counter medicines in europe convenience stores, which are not easy to find in thailand, a common aspirin being one. Even some european food supplements available at health shops are classified in thailand as medical use and stopped by customs. Also within europe there are different laws in each country and medicines are flowing in each possible direction, in one country OTC, in neighbouring prescription one. Laws are changing in each country all the time. Sudden shortages of common medicines lasting for months and years. Bans on export certain small stock medicines. It's a jungle out there, which leaves patients confused. On top of it, there are huge price differences between countries in europe. So patients, especially less wealthy one, are forced to import cheaper ones. thank you, but no thank you, for your priceless advise
  18. Get over it, pal, stop using patronising tone and stop using explanation marks in discussion. Vent your anger at muay thai or whatever. Your level of discussion is on a hammer level, not that sophisticated tool. And derailed topic, on top of it. Not many in europe have private insurance. Going private, that includes also tests, is expensive. Both options are beyond means of the majority. That's why people in europe do import privately medicines from thailand and asia. Don't bother replying
  19. I have explained, they are not for me, but for friends in europe. They are not available there in any form. That's why they are making creams by themselves. Getting prescription in europe is problematic, waiting time for a specialist appointment, need for tests, check ups as well as limited supply on prescription, pushes many to make shortcuts. Especially, if they had already an earlier prescription which has worked well for them
  20. I use to be able to buy streptomycin 5g, vancomycin 500mg in vials, also rifampicyn 300 and 600mg in pills. Since covid time no more. Anybody knows where they are still available, any form and potency? sometimes i have friends from europe asking for them. They dont inject, but take this powders orally or make from them cream for skin problems or wounds. That's because in their countries they are not available in those forms. Are they available in neighbouring countries?
  21. the new once, some 30 years old, come only the last year. As old and noisy they are, still good to ride. I think they were donated, just cost of sea transport
  22. I have never heard yet that omicron is over 50% asymptomatic. People do self-test because they have some symptoms, however mild they are. They also test when close contacts are positive, yet they themselves don't have symptoms yet. Tests should be carried out each time there is possibility of infection. And self-isolation should still be carried. Hence reporting to authorities of any infection will show a true scale.
  23. flights to europe now starting from around 29k (bar the saudi airlines, which start from 21k - but it's one of the worst airlines). The problem is, prices rose sharply in March, and they well might continue to rise further, as traffic increases, but many airlines are still flying reduced routes and schedules. I am not sure how many travelers plan their trips 4 months in advance, as they are not certain what covid situation would be like. I think some book 1-2 months in advance, with majority booking just weeks ahead. Notice those spikes in arrivals each time covid regulations changed in thailand.
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