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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. as he is staying free at military base in bangkok, he is only riding tanks (no bicycles allowed within barracks). Sometimes VIP helicopters and jets from the government or military. A similar habit when he is abroad. When attending climate summit in scotland, he was flying daily with whole thai delegation to their hotel in London, because they couldn't find suitable hotel in Edinburgh and around
  2. I think reading forum is the best source for what is happening in across thailand in expat community (much less of tourists, who rather congregate on fb and the other social media in discussion groups in many different languages). there is really no any other info about covid and vax program for foreigners, with ministry of foreign affairs and consulates issuing only random communications and never disclosing data. Often official data is distorted on purpose, like this one from dr Anutin, who even is able to fool WHO
  3. from what can be gathered from reading forum at that time the great majority were not able to register on morprom system and were turned away when trying to register at their hospitals - they were told vax is only for thai, even despite their age, chronic illness or plan to travel internationally. From around April 2021 I have registered on many vax programs opened for foreigners. Nothing materialised out of it, as I was not priority case. Finally I had to travel to Pattaya for donated pfizer. In my home country I had chance to get a jab half year earlier. Covid visa extension is a different story, not related to vax, but I remember in August 2020 immigration warning people that there won't be any more covid extensions and many left, probably in tens of thousands. They have reversed this trent only when Prayuth intervened against immigration, but it was too late, just days before deadline, not many tourists wanted to wait it out to the last days (there were not that many air connections at that time yet). Problem with vax (as well as with immigration), it's not consistent across the country. Sure system is corruption, circumnavigating rules. I bet there were expats relocating to Phuket, Samui just in order to get their timely vax, taking advantage of preferential treatment for sandboxes
  4. with Malaysia fuel some 2x cheaper than Thailand, how are they able to do so? As thailand is taxing fuel around 6b per litre, looks like Malaysia is not taxing at all and even subsidising. At times of economic crises and high fuel, it makes sense to follow Malaysia model, so boost economy by lowering transport cost. Same should be done with electricity costs to boost production., but instead Thailand rise them several months ago. There is a very large surplus of electricity in Thailand, prices should go down, rather to be increased. https://www.boi.go.th/index.php?page=tax_rates_and_double_taxation_agreements With such huge price difference there must be a very large smuggling across border. That might be fuelling bank accounts not only corrupted officials (including military, who control border provinces under an emergency law), but also insurgents for their toys
  5. they were already flown in Thailand in March. https://aagth1.blogspot.com/2022/03/marcus-b-rq-21-blackjack-uav.html With 8 years already in use they are probably not the newest generation. And the gifted model might not be a brand new, but already decommissioned. Details are usually not disclosed, as it's military secret. There is a chance for the USA that with this gift a proper order from Thailand will follow. This system consist of 5 drones with 90km range. To properly cover costal borders thailand needs tens of them. Australia has just ordered 24. Thai army has history of buying decommissioned USA equipment at very inflated price, many times over their market value. "Army balloon deflated" "The surveillance dirigible that cost us at least Bt400 million provided zero assistance in calming the troubled South" https://www.nationthailand.com/perspective/30327104
  6. they have their limit still set 12.5mcg higher than international norms. With 50mcg it was 2x higher. Unless they completely stop illegal burning of jungle and agricultural fields, enforce law properly, still people will be dying daily in hundreds from smog and breathing related illnesses
  7. thailand is below world average excess deaths, with 113 per 100k, but well above new zealand with -35, taiwan -18, australia 7, malaysia 8, singapore 11, japan 33, south korea 54. https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/coronavirus-excess-deaths-tracker very few foreigners have received vax from thai supplies, despite registering on many vax programs designated for them. They had only their chance because of foreign donations (pfizer from the usa 1,5mln, AZ from the UK 410k, france for it's citizens and their families) from the end of August. That's why private moderna 9mln doses was snapped in July 2021, with another many millions sold in August. Some foreigners have left Thailand before that time, to seek vax at their home countries and some of them coming back to phuket sandbox. Thousand $ spend on airfare, quarantines, covid tests and hotels to get vials $7 per shot. That was time of raging Delta, when people were dying at homes, because hospitals were full. Isolation of mild and even asymptomatic infections is highly debatable tactic, because it was straining hospital system hence making excess deaths from causes the other, than covid. That was corrected only in February 2022, when hospital system was overloaded again with omicron cases. Another issue with thai statistics is very low level of testing. The first ATK tests for the general public were imported only in July 2021, with only 9mln they were very expensive at 200-300b and impossible to find. I was able to get them only around September, when price fall to a reasonable 100b Lepo test (which later turned out of poor quality and withdrawn from the health service). Those ATK's were given away free in UK, in Europeans supermarkets for 75cents so 30 baht.
  8. trains (as well as busses and all means of public transport, are considered "indoors", same with underground stations, and they are also usually crowded, so yes mask stays there. Rightly so, in my opinion.
  9. print out booster certificate, if you have one. Yellow book is not much interest in europe. get QR codes to upload to the Green Pass application. if you don't have qr for a booster and if you are in need of a booster you can do it in EU in your home country (pre-register on health application and get jab within hours of landing at your destination). But I think Austria abandoned booster requirement from 1st March, and that requirement was only for those planning to stay in Austria for longer, not just transit and tourists. All countries are withdrawing their earlier requirements, for example for entry registration (similar to thailand pass, but easier, simpler and instant). Your vax certificate (without booster) is enough to travel anywhere
  10. yesterday there was notice from the ministry of health, that from mid June thailand might go maskless (subject of approval from prayuth). it would still be adviced for those infected, with underlying, crowded spaces. I think many thai will wear it out of habit, for many months
  11. it doesn't matter at this stage. Until they introduce boosters as mandatory. Dr Anutin has mentioned sometimes that that might become a requirement for entering the country (after entry tests, thailand pass and even insurance are withdrawn), but now it looks Thailand won't push for any additional restrictions.
  12. his name is Kantheephop Thanachotsomboon. As I recall he is a civil servant. He drove his work car, which had the government registration. I have tried to find a link to article from the time of his first arrest on 19 or 20.05, but I can't see it anymore, so please don't treat my memory as a valid source. Usually occupation is disclosed, as in case of his victim, who is a teacher. The last picture showing his tattooed body - possibly criminal past, even if never was charged for any crimes before. There are some symbols. I think they have significance hence reason why police made this picture public https://www.newsdirectory3.com/a-young-man-who-attacked-a-russian-woman-was-caught-in-a-blood-bath-while-jogging-at-the-reservoir/
  13. Prayuth's reaction to defeat of his party (they won only 2 seats at city council, out of 50 - with 34 going to opposition) is unbelievable arrogant, rude and plain stupid. This defeat, and his reaction, spells his fall at accelerated speed. His party pal, Prawit, was reasonable. Still, the election commission has to approve results within 30 days. They might be digging hard for any irregularities. This election also intensified calls from opposition, for elected governors in all provinces. Only Bangkok and Pattaya has elected governors. All other cities have them nominated by the ministry of interior. Some more in this yesterday's night article https://prachatai.com/english/node/9840
  14. if most people are projected to get omicron, which is considered mild, in comparison to delta and previous, there is no point struggling to prevent it. From 15.02 hospitals stopped taking in those below 39.5C and below 25 breaths per minute. Otherwise hospital system would be non-operational, as with gamma and delta wave. Also tracing was abandoned, that one around January (as I think). Patients don't know when and how they got it, even if they don't go out much. Underlying conditions, untreated, also those not diagnosed earlier, are a different matter. They have priority treatment, including multiple antiviral medicines
  15. "Political science professor Thitinan Pongsudhirak of Bangkok’s Chulalongkorn University, noted ahead of the vote that this was the first significant election since the 2014 coup. “People are hungry to have a say,” he said in an email to The Associated Press. “The result, if it clearly goes against ruling Palang Pracharath, would be consequential for Parliament, Prayuth and no-confidence.” https://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2022/05/23/bangkok-governors-election-handily-won-by-opposition-figure
  16. absolutely not needed. In my travels never ever anybody have asked about it. When I voluntarily submitted it for border control in europe, it even wasn't glanced at and completely dismissed. Just vax certificate
  17. yes, it's valid only 14 days after an entry. But if you are planning long stay or multiple entry within a year, it's the cheapest. With the next entries it's valid from day 1. You have it instant. Not sure about their competitors
  18. here yesterday's article just before results: https://www.khaosodenglish.com/opinion/2022/05/22/opinion-what-can-we-expect-from-leading-candidates-as-new-bangkok-governor/ yesterday's night, after closing polling: "Chadchart’s victory will likely spell bad news for Prayut and his allies. The engineering graduate is generally seen as a liberal-leaning figure, a political rarity in Bangkok elections, which in previous years were largely dominated by conservative and pro-establishment elements. The seismic shift is also felt in the election for the 50-seat Bangkok Council, which took place on the same day, with the opposition parties Move Forward and Pheu Thai surfacing as the clear winners, each having won approximately 28 percent of the votes. https://prachatai.com/english/node/9837 and today's morning: "Chatchart insists he is an independent candidate, although the fact that he formerly served as Transport Minister under the Yingluck Shinawatra administration and that the main opposition Pheu Thai Party did not send any candidate to compete as Bangkok governor this time means many, including his rivals, regard him as a proxy of the party and that of ousted and fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra. The fears of Thaksin reclaiming political power will most likely dodge governor Chatchart and potentially become very toxic. Chatchart insisted that he will try to strike a compromise to improve the quality of life in Bangkok and that is why he is not running under the Pheu Thai banner. https://www.facebook.com/KhaosodEnglish/posts/pfbid02E5dd5pvGh1pR1V8qb6vsUVCqXkutiYc1J8672FpYj8nEZkn85DUsZMwbZY2MPXXQl
  19. I don't know or care, but you can find it in the article about his arrest. How is your social life, you asking me questions on many topics?
  20. fwd covid only policy from 650b per month or from 4200b per year. They do issue and send policy instantly
  21. "a ballot sheet for the council election was mistakenly issued to an eligible voter." rather illegible voter.
  22. there are financial gratifications coming only, if he is alive. They can blackmail him every few months. If he is dead, he is useless for them. He confessed without any duress. He came to police station after arrest warrant was issued. I think there was reenactment with him, that's why on tv there was animated simulation of attack
  23. yes, if he claims psychological problems, that includes self-harm (he claimed he slashed his arms), he should be kept locked in hospital for up to 2 weeks observation. That would allow police to conduct investigation into other cases. Now he is able to destroy any evidence at his home and at his workplace (buy off any females who he possibly offended there). police knows, he is a sexual predator, but don't want to pursue
  24. yet another senseless drivel from deranged junta and establishment apologist Tulsathit Taptim. Painful reading
  25. yes, he drove a car with the government registration plate. Having home a car from his workplace, allowing him to drive around after his work hours, might be pointing, that he is a senior civil servant and not just delivery van driver. Cars from workplace are usually tagged with tracking devises, to check on car usage, speeding etc. Based on this record police can track his movements night time and around the lake area, to see, if he also was involved in similar attacks in the past. But if he is a senior position, police won't get involved further. If he is rich, he shut them down with envelope
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