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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Your apparent indiscriminate awe of a Marxist scholar is in a way refreshing but also sad. That stereotype of Jamaicans may play in your brain or her father's, and it may have some traction in the UK, but it's not much of a thing in America.
  2. What have unions got to do with workers controlling the means of production? And what the unions have to do with your characterization of lefties as being 50% Marxist?
  3. Thanks for offering no evidence to support your claim. After all, who are we to trust? Experts on language or an anonymous member of aseanow.com?
  4. Tossing around those empty percentages again? I'm not sure you understand that Marxism is about workers controlling the means of production. I don't recall seeing any advocacy for that position in this topic. Or for that matter in any of the others.
  5. A predilection for smoking marijuana is a racial stereotype? What century are her father and you living in? Hyper woke much?
  6. Unlike so many people that right wingers reflexively accuse of being Marxists, Harris's father actually is a Marxist. For shame on her for offending an actual Marxist!
  7. And I don't care about your alleged difference. You've got nothing.
  8. According to you, all lefties follow it MSNBC and the guardian. That's 100%. So unlessyou got a link to back that number up, you might want to look a little bit closer to home for someone who has a problem computing percentages.
  9. Another empty characterization. Empty because it offers no evidence or reasoning to justify its claim.
  10. The problem is your target audience understands what the national guard is and what it isn't. And it's not as though Walz has been hiding the fact that his day job before he was elected to office was being a teacher. Wel,l maybe if your source of news is Fox and points further to the right, it's news.
  11. Apparently, you don't understand that being in the national guard is not a full-time job. The national guard is a state militia. Members of the national guard typically hold full-time jobs elsewhere.
  12. Right. Trump reproached the Fed for being too tight in its monetary policy. Whatever the justification for Trump's position, tight monetary policy is anti-inflationary.
  13. Not that the nationality of someone who posts here is relevant can we be sure that you're from the USA?https://www.google.com/search?q=jurist&oq=jurist&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDQ3MDhqMGo0qAIBsAIB&client=ms-android-samsu &ie=UTF-8 North American a lawyer or a judge. https://www.google.com/search?q=jurist&oq=jurist&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDQ3MDhqMGo0qAIBsAIB&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  14. You know who another church hater and Leninist was? James Madison, also known as the Father of the Constitution. He opposed having chaplains in Congress and in the armed services. And you think the reason that in the body of the Constitution there is no mention of God or any other divine power is because Madison and his peers forgot?
  15. This is one time an IMO will not protect you from the facts. Harris was also the attorney general of California and a U.S. Senator. Do you believe that those 2 offices are filled by civil servants?
  16. Southern Democrats. And one of the Republican Senators who voted against the Civil Rights Act was Barry Goldwater, who became the Republican nominee for President in 1964. With the exception of Texas, he carried the entire South which was formerly solid for Democrats. Hmmm... I wonder why...
  17. Which is also what is needed to get a driver's license. So I guess that they make you get it again even though it was necessary to get the driver's license?
  18. If you have a Thai driver's license, and, of course, a passport, is that sufficient documentation to buy a motorbike in Thailand?
  19. Actually, I got my history from David Kertzer, the distinguished historian, had you cared to check. "David Israel Kertzer (born February 20, 1948) is an American anthropologist, historian, and academic, specializing in the political, demographic, and religious history of Italy. He is the Paul Dupee, Jr. University Professor of Social Science, Professor of Anthropology, and Professor of Italian Studies at Brown University. His book The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe (2014)[1] won the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_I._Kertzer And not even the Church denies its long history of anti-Semitism. Does Vatican 2 ring any bells for you? And I should have noted that your comment about Nazism's virulent atheism, is just wrong. The Nazis reached agreements with the Catholic Church via a concordat and with Protestant denominations as well. They were allowed to continue to function. Even if the Nazis were atheists, they made no effort to abolish the practice of Christianity in Germany and elsewhere. Hardly the mark of virulent or even militant atheism. That might better apply to the Communist regimes in Russia and China.
  20. If the Thais are building this, why is it that 2 out of the three trapped workers were Chinese and the other was Burmese?
  21. And it closed for the day below $20 Trump Media stock falls below $20 per share, a first since company went public https://www.google.com/search?q=djt+stock+price&oq=djt&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBggAEEUYOzIGCAAQRRg7MgYIARBFGDsyBggCEEUYOTIGCAMQRRhAMgYIBBBFGDsyBggFEEUYPDIGCAYQRRg8MgYIBxBFGDzSAQgyMDg1ajBqN6gCCLACAQ&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 https://www.cnbc.com/2024/08/28/djt-trump-media-stock-falls-below-20-per-share-for-first-time.html
  22. Why would Smith have to bring the indictment now? Hmmm...that's a tough one. Just maybe, just possibly because of this: Court sets Aug. 27 deadline for brief appealing Trump classified docs dismissal Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed Trump's classified documents case last week. https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-sets-aug-27-deadline-brief-appealing-trump/story?id=112270892
  23. If by that cryptic comment you mean that it's impossible to prove an absolute negative (well, in anything except math) you have a point. Otherwise, you've got nothing.
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