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  1. You're the party that originally posted about the purchasing power of the dollar. Not me. What did you think you were proving by doing that?
  2. Here are a couple of graphs that give the lie to both your claims: https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/inflation-cpi#:~:text=Inflation Rate in the United States averaged 3.30 percent from,percent in June of 1921. If you extend the time span beyond 10 years. you'll find lots more quarters where inflation was below 2% https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/unemployment-rate#:~:text=Unemployment Rate in the United States increased to 4.30 percent,percent in May of 1953. If you visit the web page and do a count, you'll find that under Trump unemployment only descended to 3.5% for 1 quarter. Under Biden it reached got down to 3.5% 3 times and to 3.4% twice.
  3. More empty denigration. I'll explain to you in terms that require only a basic mastery of arithmetic. If someone earns let's say $100 per week and then 10 years later earns $300 per week but the purchasing power of a dollar has fallen by 50%, has their total purchasing power decreased, remained the same, or increased?
  4. Thanks for dispelling any doubts about your mastery of economics. Or rather lack of it. Lots of evidence of ignorance here, but let's just stick to the main one: namely that somehow you correlate the purchasing power of a dollar with prosperity. The purchasing power of a dollar is irrelevant to how prosperous someone is. What matters is the total purchasing power of the dollars they earn and save. By your cockeyed reasoning, Americans in the midst of the Great Depression when there was actual deflation and the purchasing power of an individual dollar increased, were better off than Americans after WW2 when the purchasing power of the individual dollar declined due to high inflation during the War and afterwards. This is laughable. You really need to review your Economics 101 textbook or maybe just read it for the first time.
  5. In other words, in reply to the facts I marshalled, all you can do is offer a personal question. You've got nothing.
  6. Exactly how am I trying to attack Fetterman? I pointed out that the policies he supports are pro-worker. For me that's a good thing. Apparently, for you it's not. I guess you would rather he come from a working class family and oppose policies that are pro worker? And no matter what you'd rather, the fact is, as Fetterman himself acknowledged, he had a privileged childhood. Given that he has no problem acknowledging that, why do you?
  7. You might want to look closer to home when it comes to deciding who is ignorant. I don't know if you are unable or unwilling to read a graph but you'll note that from 1941 to 2017 the corporate tax rate was higher than the 28% tax rate which Yellowtail claimed would come out of consumers' pockets. Please share with us why the corporate tax rate which was always higher than 28% for 66 years over this time is implicated in bursts of inflation in the 70's and 80's? Where's the correlation? And why such a rapid growth in the average Americans' income when taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals was higher?
  8. But non-morons know differently Look at the corporate tax rates when Americans real income was rapidly on the rise: https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/corporate-tax-rate According to you, from 1941 to 2017, Americans were suffering from the high taxes on corporations.
  9. Depends on what you mean by a working class Democrat. If you mean he supports programs that help the working class, you're making a good point. But if you mean his background is working class, not so much... " He grew up in an affluent suburb of York, and his parents were conservative Republicans.[11][14] Fetterman had a self-described privileged upbringing; he said he "sleepwalked" as a young adult while playing four years of football in college, intending eventually to take over ownership of his father's business.[14][15] In 1991, Fetterman graduated from Albright College, also his father's alma mater, with a bachelor's in finance. He also received a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Connecticut (UConn) in 1993.[16][17]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Fetterman
  10. But you're not taking into account the cost of living. Which is a huge factor.
  11. What's pointless is your posting of accusations without linking to evidence to back them up.
  12. As you may recall, one of the proposals he campaigned on in 2016 was to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices with Big Pharma. He dropped that after the election and before he took office.
  13. I can see why rightwingers are so enamored of Fetterman: Fetterman doubles down on Biden support as calls to withdraw increase: ‘Cut the s—‘ Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) defended President Biden Saturday, showing confidence in Biden’s ability to win in November, as calls continue to mount for him to pass the torch following a rocky debate showing against former President Trump last month. “Democrats, stop worrying about Joe Biden’s legacy and think about yours,” Fetterman wrote on social media platform X. ” Abandon a great president after a rough debate or stand with the only person who ever beat Trump’s [a–] into dust.” https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4770084-john-fetterman-joe-biden-confidence-pennsylvania-2024/
  14. Oh no, Vaccinia virus! You mean the virus that's been used since sometime in the 19th century in live form to protect against smallpox? No wonder they won't tell us. This is shocking news1
  15. The thing is, in the past taxes weren't an issue. Now they are. And for wealthier expats taxes are likely to be a big issue. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  16. Just to be clear: mpox is not, per se, a sexually transmitted disease. So wearing condoms or whatever other precautions one might take to avoid infection won't be effective in this case: "The virus is not a textbook sexually transmitted infection. However, it is spread through close physical contact and sex obviously involves close contact." https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4glqzerw3no
  17. The type of mpox the infected patient is suspected to have is transmitted mostly via the adult-to-adult route. "In countries reporting clade I cases, human-to-human transmission through close physical contact and through both sexual and non-sexual transmission has been documented. Although all age groups are represented among cases infected with MPXV clade I, preliminary data show that infections by clade Ib virus concern mostly the adult population, whereas infections by clade Ia concern mostly children. To date, there are still significant uncertainties about the main transmission routes, transmissibility, severity, and natural disease history, and whether these differ between the two circulating subclades of clade I MPXV." https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/sites/default/files/documents/mpox-risk-assessment-monkeypox-virus-africa-august-2024.pdf
  18. Sometimes I think that the reason they come up with this stuff is to make their claims of a stolen election seem comparatively plausible.
  19. Not so. The 5th circuit court is too far to the right even for the Supreme Court. Supreme Court pushes back on 5th Circuit’s conservative breeding ground In case after case this term, the Supreme Court rejected decisions from the federal appeals court with a reputation as the nation’s most conservative. The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has become a breeding ground for legal challenges against Biden administration policies brought by Republican state attorneys general and conservative legal powerhouses alike. But the cases that progressed one step higher did not fare as well. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4768521-supreme-court-conservative-5th-circuit/
  20. I like to think that people aren't so dumb that they see conspiracies in matters of public health.
  21. Which says all we need to know about your opinion of Trump if you believe he can be beaten by someone locked in the basement.
  22. It closed for the day at 21.42. In after hours trading it drifted a bit lower. There's a saying attributed to King Louis XV of France, "Apres moi, le deluge" which means After me, the flood. Well in the case of a Trump cashout, it's more like investors would be taking a bath. A huge bath.
  23. How does "less reliant" in mdr224's comment become absolutely non reliant according to the way you characterize it?
  24. Do you understand that you're posting in a topic about Trump and accusing others of being obsessed because they're posting about Trump in a topic about Trump? I guess it's not hard to see why a Trump supporter would see relevant commentary as being somehow discreditable. It goes a long way towards explaining their fandom.
  25. Losing it is posting in a topic about Trump and claiming that others are obsessed with Trump because they are posting about Trump in a topic about Trump.
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