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  1. And lots of owners of those stocks, who were paid by Truth Social with stock rather than cash, most likely will cash out once the 6 month waiting period expires in September. It's hard to see how this sad Twitter knockoff isn't doomed.
  2. "Despite the polling data, the Trump campaign remains skeptical. In a recent interview on Fox News, Trump's running mate, Ohio Senator JD Vance, questioned the accuracy of the polls, stating, "First of all, the polls tend to radically overstate Democrats. We certainly saw that during the polling of summer of 2020 and summer of 2016, and of course, a lot of those polls were wrong when we came to Election Day." While that may be true for 2016 and 2020, the opposite was the case in 2022. Remember the Red Wave, the tsunami predicted by pollsters that magically evaporated? Most likely due to the Supreme Courts overturning of Roe v. Wade. Those women voters are still out there and the horrific consequences playing out in anti-abortion states are a continuing motivation to vote against Trump and Republicans in general.
  3. That certainly is a possible explanation. Some will try to dismiss this as another lie from Trump. I don't think so. At this point, it's fair to say that Trump is genuinely delusional and believes whatever it takes to sustain his self regard. Sad in a candidate but frightening in an actual President who simply won't be able to accept reality when it conflicts with his beliefs.
  4. As of now, DJT has falllen to a new record low since it went on offer to the public: https://www.google.com/search?q=djt+stock+price&oq=djt+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBggAEEUYOzIGCAAQRRg7MgYIARBFGDsyBggCEEUYOTIGCAMQRRg7MgYIBBBFGDwyBggFEEUYPDIGCAYQRRg90gEIMTIxMmowajSoAgCwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  5. No. You claimed she "changes" her race. Not so. In her public life she has consistently identified herself as black.
  6. Certainly longer than it would take someone to make infantile jokes about race.
  7. Contrary to what you seem to believe, Harris has never denied her Indian roots. She wrote about them at length in her book. And the fact is she attended an historically black University, joined a black sorority , and in her public life has always identified primarily with the black community. What does a family photo have to do with that? You seem to have a problem with people of racially mixed backgrounds.
  8. Rightwing members here don't seem to have read the article. Whatever Starmer's decline in popularity with the electorate may be, it's not because the government has been too harsh on the rioters. You are backing a horse that's bound for the knackers. Here's a quote from the article which they apparently failed to read: " Specifically, 44% of voters believe the government’s reaction to the violence and unrest was proportionate, while 26% feel that it did not go far enough. In contrast, only 18% of respondents think the government overreacted." So only 18% of the electorate thinks the government went too far. More citizens actually believe that it didn't go far enough. And a total of 70% either agree with government policy or believe it wasn't harsh enough.
  9. Except, of course, that must would be selling those shares because of a disaster that he himself created. Said disaster started with his crazy purchase of Twitter. If the consequences of the self-inflicted wound only affected him that would be one thing. But given how badly it's already affecting Tesla and how much worse it can get, it doesn't bear much resemblance to a hypothetical venture by another multi-billionaire.
  10. Given that his lunatic comment about the crowd greeting Harris was actually a fake created by AI posted as "truth" by Trump himself on Truth Social, I don't understand how hearing, as opposed to reading, is relevant to the issue. Or how allegedly getting a fact wrong about the price of bacon, is in the same league as Trump's delusional and paranoid thinking.
  11. Do you understand that there's a difference between getting a fact wrong on the one hand and making an insane claim on the other? Such as claiming your opponents crowds or actually generated by AI.
  12. Really? Those jailed were arrested for giving the wrong answers on a poll? That's what the rioters were doing? Just "voicing disapproval?"
  13. Is that some sort of religious rule you've got? You take some kind of vow not to watch Fox? I offer you a link to a Fox video that shows a crowd there and you come up with a lame excuse. And then you resort to a lame accusation about people being obsessed with Trump during an election year. In other words, you've got no answer to defend Trump's lunacy.
  14. I guess you don't trust the video from those lying liars at Fox News' Detroit Station: Tim Walz introduces Kamala Harris at Michigan rally https://www.fox2detroit.com/video/1497601
  15. But what Trump did that was massively dumber was imposing tariffs on other nations whom he apparently considered dangerous enemies like Canada and the EU. And they, of course, responded with tariffs of their own. Not exactly the way to enlist developed economies to join in the fight against Chinese manufactured goods. That's all changed under Biden.
  16. I see that you ignored this bit of Trump's lunacy: https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112944255426268462
  17. If Nick Fuentes, Laura Loomer, and Candace Owens don't count as far right, what beliefs would someone have to subscribe to to count as such? Doesn't seem there's a lot of room rightward of these three.
  18. When personality crosses into lunacy, it's relevant. This is the clown who claimed images of crowds supporting Harris were AI generated! The claim that the press is prejudiced against Trump is belied by the fact that the MSM actually downplays the crazy things Trump says. And not just crazy but increasingly crazy. The Unadorned Truth About Donald Trump "We must treat him like any other candidate for high office who is emotionally and mentally unstable. It works like this: Trump sounds nuts, but he can’t be nuts, because he’s the presumptive nominee for president of a major party, and no major party would nominate someone who is nuts. Therefore, it is our responsibility to sand down his rhetoric, to identify any kernel of meaning, to make light of his bizarro statements, to rationalize. Which is why, after the electric-shark speech, much of the coverage revolved around the high temperatures in Las Vegas, and other extraneities." https://archive.ph/8hRTp#selection-1003.0-1003.483 The reference to the "electric-shark" speech is explained in the text that is linked to. It's nuts. Trump’s decline: His interviews and lies get worse (Axios commented on his AI delusion: “Trump’s advisers and allies worry he’s spending so much time in an alternative reality that it’s undermining his real-world campaign.” How about asking hard questions about how a party can stand behind someone in an alternative reality?) If President Biden held a news conference with 162 lies, resorted to laughable fabrications, sounded as bad as Trump did on X and scheduled so few appearances, a swarm of investigative pieces exploring his fitness and commentary asking whether he should leave the race would have ensued. Still, the pretense of normality persists. https://archive.ph/BTyFa
  19. The Journalist you cited to back up your claim the Harris was the Borde Czar is Robbie Soave, a right wing libertarian commentator.
  20. Great article, three years old and full of generalization but no real data. Anyway, maybe the ACA should look to the excellent job that employer sponsored health care plans are doing in keeping costs down. An October 2023 survey from the Commonwealth Fund indicated that 38% of US adults in the past year delayed or skipped healthcare or a prescription drug because they couldn’t afford it, including 54% of those with employer-sponsored coverage. "I think that even for working people, but particularly for low-wage workers, many of the cost-sharing provisions required by employer-sponsored health plans raise real affordability issues [for] what their ability is to actually use the plan," Matthew Rae, associate director of the healthcare marketplace project at KFF, told Yahoo Finance. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/employer-sponsored-healthcare-costs-keep-rising-and-its-sort-of-untenable-143036064.html
  21. I know that mortgage rates have already begun to decline based I guess on weaker demand and the expectation that the Feds will lower the prime rate. But I suspect that people might wait a year or longer after that happens in the expectation that rates will decline further. Still, thanks for alerting me to the unsuspected dimension of rate cuts.
  22. And as per usual no links to credible sources to back up your assertions. Until unless you manage to do that, you've got nothing.
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