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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Because "the child is the father to the man?" Thanks for showing us that not only is the issue of citizenship a non-starter, so is your sloppy thinking.
  2. Actually, not so accurate. They tend to be a bit simpleminded since they give all polls equal weight. It's true that RCP is funded, not just by conservatives, but by extreme right wingers. They also own the notorious westernjournal.com. That said, their aggregation method, while it's a bit simplistic, is very open. I think it has a pretty good record.
  3. Well, that was because I based my search on looking for someone who had been sentenced to 3 years in prison according to you. I should have known better than to base my search on an assertion of yours. Just to remind you, that the party in question was sentenced to serve 8 weeks, not the 3 years that you claimed. Edit: This posted almost simultaneously with JonnyF's post above.
  4. Well, he is a dictator, after all. Apparently, that's the kind of leader you admire.
  5. Well, Truth Social has broken its old record. Go Team Go! ahttps://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=5d0a88e40784a59a&sxsrf=ADLYWIJ-gADxST3E9z73O3F8mN_lr3YbEw:1724821617295&q=djt+stock+price&source=lnms&fbs=AEQNm0BHe81ENDqBETLQnY7GvZ6DKUcIylne0I28qzCfQXwtcYlTAodTr1Xa_rScOC6YSHC26-Ta4NLLiKAenh9N6KJmruc_9izoG7sby9WzR6TEEa1IB8qpzYTf1AAomW7W3t608oowZjr4X2z4TnvViEkT4l-hklNsADC2KoFvvXc-UpoHV6SrErMQv0xLln91sGttnmqKbuN2zvCO9-9xFMVA-L5rug&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjt1bKe9ZaIAxW8xzgGHQGDBA8Q0pQJegQIExAB&biw=1536&bih=751&dpr=1.25
  6. It was Aileen Cannon who made the ruling. The same judge who had previously been rebuked by a pane of 3 judges, including 2 very conservative ones, for her incompetence.
  7. The main fighting now is in the Donbass. How quickly you forget what happened in February of 2022.
  8. Amazingly backward comment. Given Putin's actions, no need to go after him for his Facebook comment. As for those calling for rioting and murder on Facebook, freedom of speech isn't absolute when it's posted to promote criminal activity. As it has been recently in the UK.
  9. Did you base your conclusion on the RCP average. RCP doesn't weight its averages to account for pollster reliability. Fiver-thirty-eight does. It has Harris at 47.1 % vs Trump at 43.6% As for Harris' alleged lack of convention bump... The first aggregate polling average is from Aug 18, the day before the convention The second is from Aug 23, the day after the convention
  10. You need to make a detailed and specific replies to Chomper's objections rather than just make unbacked assertions.
  11. Trump's exit strategy ultimately was to hightail it out of there before his term ended. Trump ordered rapid withdrawal from Afghanistan after election loss President Donald Trump ordered a rapid withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Somalia in the wake of his 2020 election loss, but senior officials never followed through on the plan, according to testimony released by the congressional January 6 committee on Thursday. “The order was for an immediate withdrawal, and it would have been catastrophic,” said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., one of two Republican members of the special panel. “And yet President Trump signed the order.” https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2022/10/13/trump-ordered-rapid-withdrawal-from-afghanistan-after-election-loss/
  12. I decided to listen to the interview, and, not surprisingly, it isn't at all clear what Trump's intentions are. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/trump-says-hell-accept-election-if-results-are-fair-and-free/ When first asked about whether he plans to enforce the Comstock act he said " We will be discussing specifics of it but generally speaking no". Then he went on to say he wouldn't enforce it. So who knows? He's obviously left himself some wiggle room [Start at about 5:50 into the recording to hear this.] Though even an ironclad promise wouldn't deter him from reversing himself. He also got the Supreme Court decision about using Mifepristone. Contrary to what Trump claims in the interview, the court didn't decide whether the FDA had the authority to authorize it to be remotely prescribed for and sent by mail. The court simply ruled that the plaintiffs had no standing. So, in the future it could be an issue. And given the extremism of the right wing members of this court, it's not at all unlikely that they would vote to bar such use. He also managed to share with us his delusional side when he repeatedly claimed that most people, Republicans and Democrats wanted to overturn Roe v. Wade. "Democrats and Republicans, everybody wanted to do this for 52 years." [Start at about 5:00 to hear this claim for the first time in the interview.]
  13. You apparently missed the explanation of what constitutes a view. It doesn't take much. And there's always the train wreck factor to consider, too.
  14. It should also be noted that it's not a study of the ICE's performance before 2019.
  15. It's more nuanced than that. Still, overall, the US is regarded far more favorably than is China. And that's in the wake of the Gaza war, which has clearly lessened the world's favorable regard of America. https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2024/07/09/views-of-china-and-xi-jinping/ https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2024/06/11/views-of-the-u-s/
  16. Well, since the data in question runs from 2019 to 2023, it isn't only the Biden Administration that's implicated, is it? "Between 2019 and 2023, more than 32,000 unaccompanied minors failed to show up for their immigration court hearings, and ICE was “not able to account” for all of their locations, according to a report from the ICE inspector general’s office. During that period, more than 448,000 unaccompanied children overall immigrated to the US and were transferred from ICE custody to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the agency responsible for placing them with a sponsor or in foster care. Once they were handed off to HHS for settlement, ICE couldn’t determine all of these children’s locations, and more than 291,000 of the kids were not placed into removal proceedings because ICE had never served them notices to appear or scheduled a court date for them" https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/ice-report-lost-unaccompanied-child-migrants-b2599184.html There are other factors mentioned in the article as well.
  17. China has only one? Only if you accept that China's definition of who owns the South China Sea. And of course, China does have bases in places like Cambodia and Sri Lanka. It just denies that they're for military use. And just because China has fewer bases, that doesn't mean China isn't an aggressive nation. It has repeatedly launched attacks on Indian territory. And is settling on disputed land with Bhutan. And then, of course, there's Tibet. The vast majority of Philippine nationals would fight to defend their country, according to a poll conducted as China's territorial challenge to the U.S. defense treaty ally reached a new crescendo. Overall, 77 percent of respondents answered "Yes" when asked if they were ready to fight in a hypothetical "conflict between the Philippines and a foreign enemy," according to pollsters from independent consulting firm OCTA Research. https://www.newsweek.com/nearly-8-10-philippines-would-fight-over-china-claimed-territory-1878589 You think they would rather go it alone?
  18. That includes reaching profitability. At this point, it's just a vanity project for Musk. Elon musk's financial problems at X have financial experts fearing he will liquidate more stock https://archive.ph/fcvF7
  19. Actually, the minority portion of X/Twitter that Musk doesn't own, is owned by other wealthy rightwing or Saudi friends who won't much miss the total loss of their investment.
  20. Really? It's about China's security? And not about the natural resources that it lays claim to? And as for new bases? The Phillipines has just granted the US access to 4? It's a response to Chinese aggression; not a trigger of it.
  21. Now you're just dabbling in semantics. I noted that in real terms the amount is $150. Your claim of $200 is false. And you've still offered no explanation for it.
  22. Good point. That too, definitely. Lots of members of aseannow.com seem to have a perpetual chip on their shoulder. As though Thai people aren't also afflicted by various branches of their government.
  23. More nothing. Whether it helps me or not, the fact is that you can't explain it.
  24. Actually, what's sad, is that in this example in nominal terms the increase was 300%. In real terms the increase was 150%. Apparently, you can't even do arithmetic correctly.
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