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  1. Trump is wrong in claiming full credit for loweringinsulin prices https://www.news-medical.net/news/20240718/Trump-is-wrong-in-claiming-full-credit-for-lowering-insulin-prices.aspx You think his insulin plan is anything close to the big beautiful healthcare plan that he repeatedly promised and never delivered? And what about his lie that he never tried to eliminate Obamacare but that he only wanted to replace it with something better? This after railing for years at John McCain for voting down his plan to eliminate Obamacare?
  2. Actually I found the official transcript of the interview here. https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/elon-musk-and-donald-trump-interview So I'll be posting Trump's falsehoods on an occasional basis. Here's falsehood #1 Donald Trump (20:27😞 "Because look, Kamala was the Border Czar. Now she’s denying it." Now here's the facts: "But Biden didn’t put Harris in charge of overseeing border security.In a meeting with Harris in March 2021, Biden said Harris would lead U.S. diplomatic efforts and work with officials in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras to stem migration to the U.S. Biden said that when he was vice president, he "got a similar assignment" and that the Obama administration secured $700 million to help countries in Central America." https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2024/jul/24/republican-national-committee-republican/border-czar-kamala-harris-assigned-to-tackle-immig/
  3. You mean she plans to destroy Obamacare? She going to stop the push towards renewable energy? She is going to abandon the Ukrainians? She's going to push for lower taxes on corporations?
  4. And I'm sure that musk would be just as hard-hitting and ferocious in his interview with Harris as he was with Trump.
  5. More nonsense from you. Maybe you're quoting unsubsidiized prices. "The IRA and ARPA’s enhanced health insurance subsidies both increase the amount of financial help available to those already eligible for assistance under the ACA and also newly expand subsidies to middle-income people (with incomes over four times the poverty level, $103,280 for a family of three in 2024), many of whom were previously priced out of coverage. These subsidies, combined with increased funding for outreach and marketing, have led to record-high enrollment in the ACA Marketplaces." https://www.kff.org/affordable-care-act/issue-brief/inflation-reduction-act-health-insurance-subsidies-what-is-their-impact-and-what-would-happen-if-they-expire/#:~:text=The IRA and ARPA's enhanced,three in 2024)%2C many of
  6. And over the next 3 years more 20 medications per year will be added to the list. Remember when Donald Trump promised to do this? Trump draws ire after retreat on drug prices pledge President Trump is backing off his 2016 campaign pledge to negotiate drug prices for Medicare with pharmaceutical companies, drawing fire from Democrats after months of talks on the issue with Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). During his campaign, Trump famously broke with Republican orthodoxy with his support for having the government negotiate lower drug prices. “When it comes time to negotiate the cost of drugs, we are going to negotiate like crazy,” Trump said in New Hampshire in early 2016. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/471735-trump-draws-ire-after-retreat-on-drug-prices-pledge/
  7. Oh no! Et tu, Breitbart? Retail Sales Blow Away Expectations Spending at retail stores rose at a much faster pace than expected in July, suggesting that the U.S. consumer is stronger than previously thought. Retail spending jumped one percent in July, the Census Bureau said Thursday. Economists had been expecting a much smaller 0.3 percent increase. https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2024/08/15/retail-sales-blow-away-expectations/
  8. Great news!!! It looks like the people have money!!! July retail sales see biggest jump since early 2023 Americans stepped up their spending at retailers last month by the most in a year and a half, easing concerns that the economy might be weakening under the pressure of higher prices and elevated interest rates. The Commerce Department reported Thursday that retail sales jumped 1% from June to July, the biggest such increase since January 2023, after having declined slightly the previous month. Auto dealers, electronics and appliance stores and grocery stores all reported strong sales gains. https://finance-commerce.com/2024/08/july-retail-sales-see-biggest-jump-since-early-2023/ Oddly enough, as of now, no report of this appears on the landing page of Fox News or Fox Business News.
  9. Don't the job numbers come out on the first Friday of every month?
  10. Remember Devon Archer, one of Biden's partners and the guy who Republicans believed had the info to bring Hunter Biden down? Had you followed the testimony of Archer before the House Subcommittee, you would know that Hunter Biden told Archer that he was playing on the belief of Burisma officials that the had influence with his father but really had none. Just another unfounded allegation.
  11. Because MAGA supporters know that the Justice Dept had plotted to investigate Trump, William Barr and John Duirham made a prolonged and desperate effort to find evidence of FBI collusion to prosecute Trump. They found nothing. Now you raise another allegation unbacked by evidence, Good luck with that.
  12. No. GDP is adjusted to account for inflation. So, while nominally, for example, it might be 5 percent, after adjustment for inflation of 4 percent, it would be only 1 percent.
  13. The nation's gross domestic product totals trillions of dollars. Most often, the number you'll hear people refer to as "GDP" is a percentage. That's the rate of change in real GDP from the previous quarter or year. "Real" or "chained" GDP numbers have been adjusted to remove the effects of inflation over time, so different periods can be compared. https://www.bea.gov/resources/learning-center/what-to-know-gdp#:~:text="Real" or "chained",during the period being measured.
  14. I'm not here to write an essay for your benefit. And, no, GDP figures are always adjusted for inflation.
  15. You really don't know this. I'll give you a hint. Inflation is positively proportional to demand. If demand increases, then producers tend to charge more for their products. Higher GDP growth means more demands for good and services to fuel that growth. More demand tends to bring on higher inflation.
  16. Well, we sure can count on Trump to keep his promises: Back to the Future: Trump’s History of Promising a Health Plan That Never Comes Ever since he was a presidential candidate, President Donald Trump has been promising the American people a “terrific,” “phenomenal” and “fantastic” new health care plan to replace the Affordable Care Act. But, in the 3½ years since he set up shop in the Oval Office, he has yet to deliver... . Trump has promised an Obamacare replacement plan five times so far this year. And the plan is always said to be just a few weeks away. https://kffhealthnews.org/news/back-to-the-future-trumps-history-of-promising-a-health-plan-that-never-comes/ Trump’s 2016 campaign pledges on infrastructure have fallen short, creating opening for Biden Winkleman, 74, drives through a stretch of downtown Milwaukee that once served as a hub of U.S. manufacturing, pausing occasionally to note the factories that have either shuttered or moved their production to China over the past three decades: the Pabst and Schlitz breweries; the Allis-Chalmers manufacturing giant; several different tanneries; the Briggs & Stratton foundry; and Kearney & Trecker, which produced milling machines. Winkleman voted for a Republican presidential candidate for the first time in his life in 2016, largely due to Donald Trump’s promise to bring back manufacturing jobs and invest $1 trillion to rebuild U.S. infrastructure in Rust Belt states like Wisconsin. This year, Winkleman will vote for former vice president Joe Biden, a decision sealed in part by Trump’s decision to pursue tax cuts — which Winkleman says primarily benefited the rich — over infrastructure investments. https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2020/10/18/trump-biden-infrastructure-2020/ Trump draws ire after retreat on drug prices pledge President Trump is backing off his 2016 campaign pledge to negotiate drug prices for Medicare with pharmaceutical companies, drawing fire from Democrats after months of talks on the issue with Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). During his campaign, Trump famously broke with Republican orthodoxy with his support for having the government negotiate lower drug prices. “When it comes time to negotiate the cost of drugs, we are going to negotiate like crazy,” Trump said in New Hampshire in early 2016. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/471735-trump-draws-ire-after-retreat-on-drug-prices-pledge/
  17. It's also clear that you don't have a firm grasp of basic economics. If you did, you would know that lower unemployment and a higher GDP rate exert inflationary pressures. Despite that, the USA's total inflatio for the post covid period is about the same as the EU's.
  18. What nonsense are you about now? The USA's economy recovered far faster from Covid than Europe's, and has a much lower unemployment rate.
  19. It's a stretch. It's also a genuinely good achievement, yes?
  20. If inflation is your only measure of how well a country is doing economically, then you're making an excellent point. On the other hand, if you care to factor in emploment levels and GDP growth, then you're definitely not making an excellent point.
  21. They came up with so much that not enough Republicans would support them filing for impeachment. It is to laugh.
  22. If you calculate US inflation the way the eu calculates inflation, then the results are just about identical. The method is called the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices. It's what the EU uses. The US Fed also uses it to compare US inflation to EU inflation. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CP0000EZ19M086NEST https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CP0000USM086NEST inflation. As you can see the levels are virtually the same. The reason there is such a big disparity is due to the way that the US measures housing prices. Here's a link to an explanation: https://realeconomy.rsmus.com/u-s-harmonized-index-of-consumer-prices-a-more-accurate-metric-of-disinflation/
  23. Lately, a supposedly new kind of Republican (like J.D. Vance) - have been making lots of noise about their support for unions. Clearly Trump isn't one of them “Economic Terrorism”: Teamsters President Finally Slams Trump Teamsters President Sean O’Brien seems to be finally waking up to the reality of Trump after his disgusting comments about workers to Elon Musk. During his interview with Elon Musk Monday night, Donald Trump praised the tech CEO for firing organizing workers, drawing the ire of labor unions and those who care about workers’ rights. It also reflected poorly on Sean O’Brien, the president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, who became the first union leader to speak at the Republican National Convention last month. “Firing workers for organizing, striking, and exercising their rights as Americans is economic terrorism,” O’Brien said in a statement Tuesday to Politico’s Playbook. https://newrepublic.com/post/184861/teamsters-president-sean-obrien-reaction-trump-musk-interview-workers
  24. You might look closer to homes for problems with specififtiy Well, your question betrays a certain lack of scope in knowledge and precision in thinking. What is your time scale for millions of aliens entering? Monthly? Yearly? Were millions of aliens entering the US under the Trump administration? Monthly? Yearly? What is the level of aliens entering currently? Has letting in millions of aliens on whatever timescale put downward pressure on wages?
  25. "If inflation has cooled because people don't have jobs or money that will be bad." It's always the case that some people don't have jobs or money. It's the level of people who don't have jobs or money that counts.
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