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  1. But that will hold true for legal immigrants too. Or for people from one place to another. What makes undocumented aliens so special. And your argument that the situation would be worse is nuts. Crime is always measured by rate, not by cumulative totals. Otherwise crime would virtually always be counting as getting worse in any growing community.
  2. Interesting article from Prospect Magazine about how Putiin's prospects don't look so promising. https://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/world/putin-wont-be-able-to-deflect-blame-for-much-longer
  3. Or maybe to make employing undocumented aliens a serious felony with lots of prison time imposed.. Conservatives are the problem.
  4. In theory, according to Federal law, an employer can even be imprisoned for up to 6 months for hiring undocumented aliens.
  5. Just what the USA needs, More border wall. Bad enough as it is. The ecological disaster that is Trump’s border wall: a visual guide https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2017/4/10/14471304/trump-border-wall-animals
  6. Well, if Republicans really wanted to stop undocumented aliens, they would make it a felony to employ them. In Texas, about 8.5% of the workforce is reckoned to be undocumented aliens. Certain industries, like home construction , which has been booming have much higher rates. In Florida it's only a misdemeanor to hire illegal aliens. A $500 fine to be imposed for each illegal. You know how many prosecutions there have been under Desantis? If you guessed higher than 0 you've got it wrong.
  7. Even on the dubious assumption that they were able to, you mean they should have overridden the desires of the migrants? You think these migrants are their peons?
  8. In a related topic I posted that lawers claim that brochures were given to migrants that promised them jobs, etc if they agreed to be transported. This might also be subject to criminal investigation.
  9. Weill be interesting to see what comes of this: Migrants flown to Martha's Vineyard on planes chartered by DeSantis received a misleading brochure that promised cash, job placement and more, lawyers say Migrants flown to Martha's Vineyard received brochures falsely promising cash and job placement services. They were flown to the Massachusetts island, as a political stunt by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Lawyers for Civil Rights is seeking a criminal investigation. https://www.businessinsider.com/marthas-vineyard-migrants-given-brochure-promising-cash-jobs-2022-9
  10. Here's a bit of the review from Top Gear On the face of it, the MG4 doesn’t seem like a very exciting car - certainly not something Top Gear would give a massively high score to. But when you dig into what it does for the money, how high it scores on multiple levels, it’s probably the only car in the class to recommend. It’s got range, charging, equipment, zippy dynamics and now some style. https://www.topgear.com/car-reviews/mg-motor-uk/mg4
  11. With us your evidence that the people on Martha's vineyard were upset with the migrants on the Island?. The locals had no say in where these migrants ended up. That was between them and the Federal government. It's harder and more costly to get where you want to go if your starting point is an island.
  12. Where have I written that Trump or his supporters don't have the right to free speech? What has freedom of speech got to do with the fact the Republicans still support Trump despite the nasty lunacy he's espousing? I almost admire the way you have introduced irrelevant observations twice in a row.
  13. It's not about whether he's going to be the next Republican candidate or not. Rather, it's about that someone who endorses such views is still so popular amongst Republicans.
  14. What excuse? The migrants didn't want to stay there. They plan to go to communities where they have connections already and where they'll feel more at home. And where they're not stuck on a small island.
  15. Looks like I confused you with Hanaguma. I guess it's because you both get info from the same poisoned well.
  16. It's almost inevitable that those of a certain political persuasion will resort to the FAIR which consistently uses misleading statistics and sometime outright lies.
  17. Why would you think that they would want to stay on a small island in the Atlantic? The government offered them free accommodation on the mainland. From there they can go to communities that host their relatives or others from their various countries.
  18. Not all the people of any immigrant group are all nice law abiding familes. But as I cited in an earlier reply to you, these migrants have a lower felony rate than do legal immigrants and U.S.. born citizens. And it's also been pointed out to you earlier,, apparently to no avail, that most drugs come into the US hidden in legitimate shipments of goods from northern Mexico which is highly integrated into the American economy. Even if all undocumented aliens were prevented from entering the US, those drugs would still be coming in.
  19. *Deleted post edited out* If you get stopped in a car with children because you are drunk, then you obviously are in no state to have a child in your custody and in fact pose a threat to them. Most likely, if a parent is incarcerated for being drunk, someone else from the community be it a spouse or relative, someone these children know, will take them into their custody. At worst. social services will take custody. But While a drunk driver poses a deadly threat to others, what these migrants were detained for was a misdemeanor. They weren't in an intoxicated state. How morally deranged does someone have to be not to recognize how brutal such a separation is. These infants and small children certainly did not need protection from their parents. They needed their parents. What kind of human being does one have to be not to recognize the awful damage that was inflicted on these children? And to blame the parents instead of the creatures responsible for the separation. The Obama administration had special facilities for parents with children Not so the Trump administration The Trump administration separated some of these children for years. Years! . Many were sent to other states. In fact, some never were reunited with their parents. What's more, this wasn't inadvertent. These separations weren't a bug: they were a feature inflicted on purpose. The secret history of the U.S. government’s family-separation policy "We need to take away children.” Separating children was not just a side effect, but the intent. Instead of working to reunify families after parents were prosecuted, officials worked to keep them apart for longer. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/09/trump-administration-family-separation-policy-immigration/670604/ And what you failed again to acknowledge, is that when just some of the awfulness of this program was revealed. the Trump administration backed off in face of overwhelming revulsion from the American public.
  20. There's a report in Axios that claims to have unearthed the reason that the Trump team nominated Raymond Dearie to be the Special Master. This was considered surprising since Dearie is pretty much universally acknowledged to be an excellent, fair-minded jurist. Apparently, they believe that because he served on the FISA court he's open to being sceptical of the FBI. He is one of the judges who approved the surveillance of Carter Page which later turned out to be based on faulty grounds. So, I guess when he mostly rules against Trump, that will give them the option of calling him biased because of that approval. Anyway, here's a link to the article: https://www.axios.com/2022/09/18/trump-special-master-dearie-fbi-skeptic
  21. I'm sure you're referring to reports coming from the voices in my head which tell me thatThanksgiving will be canceled this year because there is no God. I hope everybody appreciates the significance of ths...no Black Friday sales!. We are doomed.
  22. Congratulations to the governor of Texas for making life even more difficult for the migrants: A bus contractor hired by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to transport migrants to New York signed an agreement not talk to NY officials, complicating volunteer efforts to help: report Manuel Castro, commissioner of the New York City Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs, told the AP that complicates efforts to meet and provide resources for migrants being sent from Texas. "It's a problem because we don't know when the buses are coming, how many buses are coming, if anyone on these buses has medical conditions that they will need help with, if they need a wheelchair,"Castro told the outlet. "We at least want to know that so that we can best help people as they arrive." https://news.yahoo.com/bus-contractor-hired-texas-gov-192722017.html
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