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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Because it's not really about people coming to conclusions via their own research. Rather they have their biases and they seek sources to confirm them. That's why you'll often see the same demonstrably false claim repeated ad nauseam on this forum and others. And no matter how many times you shoot it down it pops back up again.
  2. Very few preprints get the attention of Nature. There's a reason for that. If an expert on the subject thought it worth their time to compose an article, I'll go with their idea of its worth. As for your claim that transmission via the fully vaccinated is "rather negligible" is nonsense. No major reputable source claims that in the wake of the Delta variant transmission via the fully vaccinated is "rather negligible".
  3. Nor does it compel everyone to be vaccinated for covid. But in most of the United States children were compelled to be vaccinated for smallpox. As well as members of the Armed Forces. Now that smallpox is judged to be extinct in the wild vaccinations are no longer required. Or for that matter given.
  4. When a preprint draws attention via an article from Nature, planet Earth's preeminent scientific journal, it's a pretty safe bet that the study is worth more then the pixels it's printed with. The article specifically states that the study is about infection, not hospitalizations or death. Transmission is not a negligible issue. And the very first footnote provides a link to the study in question.
  5. So for all those years. Doctors who were following the advice of the medical establishment were committing malpractice? Where did you get this legal opinion from? The Journal of Disbarred Lawyers? You might want to look up the phrase "Standard Of Care".
  6. It's the same thing with smallpox. Most people do recover from it but those damned propagandists don't want anyone to know that.
  7. There's an excellent article in politico about how central and eastern European countries that were slow to vaccinate are now suffering the consequences of relaxing the rules too soon. https://www.politico.eu/article/the-lost-summer-central-and-eastern-europe-pays-price-for-slow-coronavirus-vaccination/
  8. Here is a link to an article about what happens when countries that were sluggish in getting their residents vaccinated open up too soon. The lost summer: Central and Eastern Europe pays price for slow coronavirus vaccination A summer of sluggish vaccination, the relaxation of most restrictions and, in some countries, political upheaval have created a perfect storm for the highly infectious Delta variant... Romania and Latvia both took drastic action last week to free up space in hospitals being deluged with cases. Last Monday, Romania halted all nonemergency surgeries and hospital admissions, while on Thursday Latvia declared a medical emergency, diverting resources to focus on COVID-19 patients. https://www.politico.eu/article/the-lost-summer-central-and-eastern-europe-pays-price-for-slow-coronavirus-vaccination/
  9. And I'm sure you have the evidence about covid deaths to support your claim. Otherwise you would just be bloviating. Care to share that evidence with the rest of us ?
  10. Well Phuket has over 70% of its population fully vaccinated. So maybe it has reached a level where protection is adequate?
  11. Just read that the FDA has walked back the recommendation that people at risk for heart attack should take a small dose every day.
  12. And of them only Macron and prince Albert are heads of economically developed nations. The others are heads of middle income nations. And Macron was definitely not anti mask. As for prince Albert, who cares about the leader of a country that's less than 1 square mile in area? That said, I couldn't find any news suggesting he is an anti-masker
  13. What does "vaccine kills natural immunity" even mean? That if you've acquired natural immunity and get vaccinated, it undoes the immunity acquired by having had the disease? Recent studies suggest the opposote Getting vaccinated after being ill with covid could actually gives people the highest antibody levels of all. Or did you mean that vaccinations neutralizes one's resistance to covid.? Really?The State of Pennsylvania recently released it's latest mortality report. 97% of those who died were unvaccinated.
  14. Which is why red states are lower in vaccination rates than blue states? And if you get more granular and break it down by red counties vs. blue counties, even more so? Which is why death rates are much higher among Trump supporters than those who voted for Biden after the advent of vaccination?.. Which is why thousands of Trump supporters went maskless at his rallies outdoors and indoors? Which is why the ex potus concealed the fact that he had been vaccinated while still in office?. Crowd boos Donald Trump when he recommends taking COVID vaccines https://fox8.com/news/alabama-crowd-boos-donald-trump-when-he-recommends-taking-covid-vaccines/
  15. I figured out the generic angle. It's not what I assumed. "To help India with increased supply of investigational oral Covid-19 drug molnupiravir (EIDD-2801/MK-4482) amid the country’s surge of coronavirus cases, Merck (MSD) has signed non-exclusive voluntary licensing agreements with five established Indian generics manufacturers. The agreements have been signed with Cipla, Dr Reddy’s Laboratories, Emcure Pharmaceuticals, Hetero Labs and Sun Pharmaceutical Industries which have World Health Organization (WHO) prequalified manufacturing facilities and capability as key suppliers to global and key low and middle-income countries (LMICs)." https://www.pharmaceutical-technology.com/news/merck-licensing-indian-firms-drug/
  16. Well, for companies like these there is always something to precipitate a crisis. But what I have read doesn't assign the blame to Covid but rather the Chinese govt's tightening of credit restrictions last August otherwise known as 3 red lines.
  17. I think some of these folks already have health insurance. The problem is that the authorities specifically stipulate that the policy explicitly guarantee that up to 3.5 million baht in coverage is provided for covid treatment.
  18. That's why I wrote it's best to look at factors that are independent of infrastructure to determine the trend.
  19. For Indonesia, there's the question of credibility. Three reasons why COVID-19 data in Indonesia are unreliable and how to fix them More than a year into the pandemic, Indonesia has the most COVID-19 cases and highest fatality rate in Southeast Asia and still grapples with disorganised COVID-19 data management. The latest media report shows that COVID-19 cases in Indonesia are more prevalent than the official figures. The report indicates that 15% of Indonesians had already been infected by coronavirus, much higher than the estimated 0.4% shown in the government’s data. https://theconversation.com/three-reasons-why-covid-19-data-in-indonesia-are-unreliable-and-how-to-fix-them-157056 As for Malaysia, it had a record number of deaths in September. Now those mortality rates are plummeting. So it's a bit early to open the country to them.
  20. Maybe the daily mortality rates? That's a lot better way to judge the severity of the pandemic since deaths are far more likely to be reported more accurately. And where did you read that it was the declining number of cases that led to Thailand being taken off the UK's red list?
  21. Mine just doesn't. I could bang it with a hammer and nothing would happen, There's an entire region of my keyboard that's out of service. The replacement should be arriving today or tomorrow.
  22. Because the number of new cases depends in large part on the number of tests administered. By itself, that statistic means little.
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