Obama was a cultural Marxist??555
You gotta go for an IQ test and have yourself checked in.
Have you read any books by the founders of the cultural Marxist tradition, Adorno, Horkheimer, Marcuse, Lukacs etc ?I am sure you haven't . Your small mind wouldn' t understand them anyway. You'd better stick to Fox, it's made for nitwits like you.
To call Obama a cultural Marxist is an insult to the genius of Adorno. Obama is very much within the neoliberal right wing corporate fascism tradition. The total failure of his administration brought us the orange one, so following the reasoning of the cultural Marxists, we have gone backward from the soft totalitarianism of the totally administered society back to the hard totalitarianism of outright fascism.
Back to Fox for you . they will feed you more of these easy to digest ,easy to understand -even for the dumbest of dumb- soundbites that will get you all riled up , so that you can use concepts you don't have the slightest idea swhat they refer to.