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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. Wow what a genius you are. Is that what you were hoping to get out of writing this article. A pat on the back? If you think you have the answer to ALL relationship situations you must be naive. To put all the blame on the woman reflects poorly on you.
  2. Can’t thailand be No1 in anything?
  3. I don’t think she’s changed at all. It is you who has now realized the truth. She and most Thai women marrying older farangs primarily do so for financial stability and status. She’s got that. On the other hand you having passed the honeymoon period starting to think with your big head. Had you done that before marrying you’d be single. Nevertheless you can either accept that her happiness is about material things and you by providing it can get some reciprocal non-material benefits or find someone else. Won’t be easy though since most of them have similar mindsets.
  4. Some go there to pick up girls.
  5. I have a suspicion this story is made up.
  6. Make sure you stipulate “after I’m dead” in your dealings with hospital. Otherwise you may attract organ harvesters ready to put your bits into a Chinese recipient.
  7. Guess who’s gonna be bullied no more?
  8. Need a week to swear in? Doesn’t make sense unless each candidate has to recite a long novel or something.
  9. They’re insulting public’s intelligence with brazen display of what seems to be pre-arranged plot or maybe such bad actors/planners. Arrive same day as his party winning premiership? Taken to hospital same day after arrival? At least wait a few days to make it a little more plausible. Then again they know average Thais either don’t get it or they can’t do anything about it.
  10. Where I come from politicians that have been found to get up to no good disappear from public life for good because the public won’t have it any other way. Thailand deserves the political system it has because people allow it. The aristocracy has no respect for people and unless people revolt and clean house it will go on forever. Average Thai man is too spineless busy getting drunk, cheat on his wife, gamble, play on phone than stand up and fight.
  11. You’re mistaken. Paper gold is better than jewelry. The commission is lower and you don’t risk having it laying around in case of theft. The pros in gold trading never buy jewelry gold.
  12. Perhaps. Just putting out there may be reasons for denying leave.
  13. Arabian National? English is not the writer’s first language, fair enough. But surely…
  14. But he makes a valid point. What if she’s a regular “my xyz is sick, can’t come to work today” kind of worker or she’s not good at her job. Not often you see people rushing to social media posting such things. Maybe she’s a trouble maker and a liability to her boss. Not saying this is the case here, just possibility.
  15. There are other applications for cyanide compounds.
  16. He’s real. From north India.
  17. Darwin’s Natural Selection comes to mind. Why can’t they all share. A threesome on their resume.
  18. Is there a difference between a qualified pharmacist and non-qualified in Thailand.
  19. I used my Thai DL to rent a car in Australia in April. No issues. (Budget Ca Rental)
  20. Welcome to the world of politics. Learn, prepare for next time.
  21. MFP are showing their nativity. First Pita announces major constitutional changes before securing premiership and now this fool who’s got a vested interest in craft beer business and announced he would change the law before getting in to suit himself is showing off his product online. A dumb farang knows you can’t do that. Do they have advisors?
  22. You can get online numbers at KTB via their app. But no physical tickets. Some can payout winning tickets. But Thai only!!!
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