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Everything posted by NONG CHOK

  1. What if PT wins in a landslide and the current cretins refuse to go, Thailand would be back to how this all started in the first place. Don't forget originally the military moved in to restore law and order only. Instead they muscled into everything. Most of the current top politicians couldn't run a 2 baht poo house.
  2. Whether you like Thaksin or not he did support the real Thai people. Everywhere you go in the major Thai cities it's dominated by Chinese, their families migrated to Thailand many years ago and their money took over. Go up country where my wife comes from and you'd be shocked if you seen how people are forced to live. May I add many are working for 100 baht per day and still have to support their families.
  3. Firstly it maybe a good idea to tell the hiso's to stop spending excessive amounts of money overseas. Also the military who have brand new equipment laying about all over Thailand at Army bases and has never been used.
  4. Where I live in a very large estate on the eastern outskirts of Bangkok, I must be the only person who walks facing the on coming traffic. I walk 90 minutes evey morning so I get to see many people out exercising who have no idea what's coming behind them.
  5. There's one thing that never prevails in Thailand. That is " commonsense "
  6. Tops Supermarket wasn't that old when it closed down, I remember June 2000 I was staying over the road in the Queen Pattaya Hotel. They were in the process of pouring the foundations and the noise was deafening.
  7. He must be a spend thrift with an great sense of humour.
  8. Just get a VPN like I did and there's heaps of movie sites online to check from.
  9. Seriously I couldnt give a ratz about American politics. This has got much worse since that grub Murdoch muscled in. Let's be fair dinkum he is a defacto Yank who's dictating to everyone. If you think he's bad wait till he falls off the perch and his son moves in. They done everything to get Trump into power and they're playing their game again to re ignite Trumps faithfull. America should revoke his US citizenship and tell him to go back to Australia where even they have had a gutfull of his journalistic garbage. I believe in Australia they call them poo house phrophets.
  10. He lives in Thailand, please verify that.
  11. I believe everyone is forgetting one thing. What happens if Pheu Thai wins in a landslide, will this be accepted by the military cretins or are we back to a military take over again. There needs to be intervention from the luxury alpine resort in Germany.
  12. Many of these same shop assistants have had a Thai university education. Are the universities in Thailand as corrupt as everything else is. My wife has 2 nieces who both graduated at leading Bangkok universities. Seriously their mentality is on a par with bar girls from Isaan who would've been lucky if their parents could've supported them through junior school without even considering high school.
  13. I've lived in Thailand for the past 22 years, I've had problems with bar girls with attitude several times but as I'm married now those are byegone days. I've also had problems over the years with shop keepers but I'm smarter than them as I keep control over myself and tell them straight I'm never going to their shop again. It's a legal way to hurt them bad as you're hitting them where it hurts Thais most, in their pockets.
  14. I've lived in Thailand with my Thai wife for the past 22 years. I walk 90 minutes around our large estate every day and I've never seen how much Thai people have changed. Maybe they're in despair thinking a vote for democracy won't change the Government. Let's hope they're wrong.
  15. I've had 2 cases in my wifes family on the outskirts of Korat, a brother and also a nephew. Both 35 yo and appeared to be very strong and going to work, so why did did they die? Overuse of Lao Kaow, Yabba, or falling out with the BIB's over drug rorts. The verdict, both suffered heart attacks.
  16. May I add if you're going to break the accepted road laws do it at a reduced speed.
  17. I drive around Thailand alot and it amazes me how people in merging lanes have no idea that they're supposed to give way to vehicles on main roads, especially major highways such as 304 when driving to Korat.
  18. Prior to retiring from work my Philipino work mates told me how many young boys died there from unsanitory circumscision procedures done by quacks in the very poor areas.
  19. May I add, my actual useage was lower this month than the previous month which makes the 90% increase even more incredible.
  20. My power useage never varies much from month to month. My power charges from Jan through to Mar this year have totalled 2,100 baht. I just received my current account and it's 1,300 baht. I'm not complaining but a 90% increase from Mar to Apr would appear to be hard to justify.
  21. I've lived in Thailand for the past 22 years and I soon learn't that anybody who puts their trust in Thai people espcially businesses such as motor cycles, jet skis and even para gliding are potentially heading for trouble where it can be a serious health danger or even a serious rip off.
  22. Do IO's check people at random to see whether they're living at the address on their TM30? Or do they only check out people that have been grassed on. In all my bar hopping days over a 20 year period I've yet to come across any one who has been found out not residing at the address on their TM30.
  23. I've been used to summer days of 45 degrees at my former holiday house in Australia but the current weather here in Thailand is the most uncomfortable I've ever felt. By the way I've been living in Thailand for the past 22 years. I walk 90 minutes every morning starting around 5.30 am and the weather is perfect, by 7 am I can really feel the heat moving in and it can become quite stressfull without drinking water.
  24. I'm 78yo and I still get out and about. I must admit though what I used to do all night takes me all night to do now.
  25. I prefer to let my visa agent do my 90 days reporting for me. I've lived in Thailand long enough now not to trust Government offices and their online links. If the link doesn't work you would probably be treated like an overstayer. I've been using my agent now for 8 years and I must say everything they do is on the ball, which is rare in Thailand.
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