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Everything posted by NONG CHOK

  1. Maybe the brains trust in Pattaya should follow the Bangkok program as the pavers used here are nothing short of pathetic.
  2. Seriously who really cares? I'm an Australian who's lived in Thailand for the past 20 years. May I add I'm the holder of an Australian Service medal. If I voted I would certainly vote YES. Why shouldn't people have a say in the communities where they live. In saying that this will end up like the referendum for Independence. Australia should've became a republic when the UK went to Brexit. It's just politicians playing games again who vote against anything suggested by their opposition. These same politicians and their predecessors are the main reason why guys such as me now call Thailand home. The lucky country is well gone.
  3. Or impound his tuk tuk for 30 days.
  4. I worked in ship building in Australia, we built frigates for both the Aust and NZ navies. The first few were German designed by Blohm and Voss in Hamburg. The rest were US designed by Todd Shipyards in Seattle. The German design was so much better than the US design. Of course Australia fell for the US crap citing cost etc and paid the consequences. Thailand would be better advised to invest in more appropiate vessels for Thai conditions, such as patrol boats etc detecting anything illegal from getting into Thailand.
  5. These same law breakers work in the homes of the rich and famous including police who employ them as house keepers, nannies and what whatever other low paid jobs they are required to do, I was caught out years ago, I was at my step daughters soup shop in Bangkapi. She was very busy one night so I washed some plates for her. Two cops eating at her soup shop warned me about working. She told them that it was a one off as she was very business and she was told her excuse was unacceptable. Thailand the hub of double standards.
  6. May I ask how many almonds do you eat per meal. Thanks.
  7. Hi there, I've tried all the information mentioned here in regards to acid reflux, so far nothing has worked. So I suppose my next step is a visit to a doctor and or hospital. So any suggestions for hospital treatment in Pattaya and the approximate cost. Thanks.
  8. I mean it's more like Thai ladies scamming farangs.
  9. I was born into a working class one income family at the end of WW2. Of course I like to have money but for essentials. I remember waiting months for my first football before my dad could pay for it. Credit cards have stuffed up the World, people buy things they can't really afford and in many cases don't need. I'm a property owner in Thailand so I don't pay rent and I'm totally debt free. My Isarn wife can't walk past a shop or market without buying something. I used to give her 10,000 baht for house keeping money. I soon changed that as she was always running out of money. Now I do all the shopping and have taken control. She threw a wobbly and when I told her it was my way or the highway she pulled her head in. I've been married 20 years and my parents taught me not to spend beyond my means. Her indoors still doesn't understand that. It's another saga with Thai parents they teach there kids nothing.
  10. What about a reduction in the fare if your trip was unsatisfactory.
  11. Why can't Thai people accept the fact that even if Pita and the MFP had gained 100% of the votes in their favor he still wouldn't be PM. The elite have done everything to make sure of that. If Pheu Thai does anything to anger the elite another coup maybe just around the corner. MFP would be wise to start planning for the next election now and getting everything in order and keep their fingers crossed. There will always be threats of coups until the head honcho takes control.
  12. Slow down, I never made any racist remarks about them or even call them nasty. Sharing a small beer, demanding a WIFI pin and expecting a free game of pool is not the normal way tourists live.
  13. I think you missed my point, tourists even in the back packer areas around the World, get out and enjoy themselves. I wouldn't say sharing a small beer and a smoke among 3 guys is enjoying yourself. In all my years in Pattaya I've met people from many different countries. Not once has an Indian spoken to me, actually I've never heard an Indian speak English. A holiday is normally once a year where we tend to live well above our normal means.
  14. Hi there, As the title suggests Indians in Pattaya amaze me. Around 11.30 am I went to the Bodega Bar on the corner of Pattaya Klang and Soi Post Office. After a long walk and shopping at Villa Mart I decided to relax there. After about 30m minutes in walks these 3 big Indians. They studied the drink menu for at least 5 minutes. Then they bought one Heineken and shared it. Then one lit up a smoke and they shared that. They all wanted to know the Bodega Bars free WIFI. When that settled down they wanted to play pool. When they were told they needed to pay 20 baht per game, their very dark black complexion nearly turned green. What TAT sees in these types of tourists amazes me. I'm not a tourist I'm a condo owner and I've lived in Pattaya for the past 20 years.
  15. Let's get this straight, again it's the BRB's not doing their job. The down and outers most who come from up North should be arrested and sent back to the address on their Thai ID's. Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket aren't the promised World unless a person has employment there. In saying that what BRB would arrest a down and outer as there's no money in it.
  16. Hi all, thanks for your recent comments. Lazada does work ok as suggested but make sure you click on Chonburi then Banglamung. Her indoors knocked up a temporary way to raise my head and already I've noticed improvement. You do need a wide pillow because you will certainly move while you're sleeping and you will probably roll off the pillow, then you're back to the original problem.
  17. Hi there, like many older guys I've recently noticed I have acid reflux symptoms. Does anyone know where I can buy an acid reflux pillow in Pattaya? I've tried several locations near my condo. I've even tried Fascino near the rear of Terminal 21 without success. They're for sale on the Lazada website but when changing my Lazada address the drop downs don't show Pattaya 10530, so I can't complete the order. Thanks.
  18. What's the rules for babies being carried in motor cycle baskets as happens regularly where I live.
  19. You amaze me OMF, firstly you're not Thai so how do you know what goes on in Thai politics, even Thais don't know. I can assure you that Thaksin is not the only bad man in Thai politics. If a senior Thai MP wasn't totally bent he wouldn't be a Thai MP in the first place. So why single out Thaksin, balance your posts out with substantiated stories instead of singling out one person. If Thaksin had've been eligible to stand at the last election, the senators would've packed up and moved on. Whether you like it or not the bulk of Thai voters are down trodden people from the country who support the Kingdoms needs by working hard on their farms. Where as you live in your luxury Bangkok apartment without a vote, which you must find quite discomforting at times.
  20. Where I live I see many monks when I go for my early morning walk. It makes me wonder how many are genuine. Many are obese males in their mid 30's who need to toughen up and get a job unless they are genuine believers. My wife told me that many are sugar freaks who've run away from personal issues rather than face the issues up front. I'm not Buddhist bashing as I have 3 brother in laws who are monks and all in their 60's.
  21. The free haircuts are still available over the road from Tukcom in South Road every Friday.
  22. Big deal, a side that can't win back the Ashes on their home soil and conditions can hardly claim to be winners.
  23. I suspect that this guy thinks he's a poor mans Mickey Rooney.
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