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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. I was alluding to Europe (if they can make it)..or Latin America. Good luck queueing up for visas here for eternity... Asia is hostile to migrants, immigrants, refugees and all the rest of it ..and that includes 'us' btw
  2. They couldn't have chosen a more hostile country to escape to.. With the exception of the rich of course. They can always find ways to stay long term here..
  3. Transfer to an inactive position for a week, 10 baht fine, a few wais. No phobem.
  4. Smuggled from goody two-shoes Malaya? ????????????
  5. Boohoo....land was horribly expensive even before that. It's not uncommon here, deep in the rubber plantations of Songkla province, to ask for 1 mil for a Rai of land. No village nearby or electricity. I would be lucky to get 1/20 of that back in my area, somewhere in the Med.
  6. It could take weeks... or years. Are you on the run? ????
  7. There is hope then..???? Mine is pending for over a day now
  8. Sheeple are still terrified. Masks will be around for a long time
  9. Another mangled slogan Of course, asking a farang teacher or such qualified person to proofread it would be too much loss of face. ????‍♂️????‍♂️????‍♂️
  10. I don't know abt other land crossings but at Sadao/Dannok, you can walk across either way, without any problems. Way too much foot and vehicle traffic and no controls at the main gate.
  11. I delayed my reporting as I was waiting for the usual email from immigration..it never came. Yesterday was the expiry date and I filed a report online...no answer yet. I hear you cannot report online on your last 'day' or afterwards....only in person at the offices. Correct?
  12. I live in a Buddhist area. Yes..Muslims are not that friendly either. Btw....this (lack of friendliness) has been going on for a long time Nothing to do with the current events, with the exception of Covid. It effed things up a notch.
  13. I'm in the deep south. The only place I ever lived in TH. Smiles are rare. If you do smile first, they will reciprocate. The only outwardly friendly ppl here are kids.. some of them. ????
  14. Nothing serious...a few wais should be ok.
  15. A few wais will suffice.. Maybe a 10 baht fine will be thrown in. No phobem! ????????
  16. No April fool's day jokes please! They interfere with the shill media lies...????
  17. Good luck with that. Move on. Btw...how do you know the land belongs to the family? Maybe they borrowed it from another family member (even a neighbor ????), so that you can build a house. Lying is the national sport here.
  18. He's looking for a doctor and some pills then ...
  19. If he has no money he has a problem An ECG alone will cost 3000 or so. He will see a trainee Dr in his first visit and then he will be referred to a cardiologist a week or two later. He's looking at several 1000s (Xrays-ECG,EKG etc) If a CT scan is required, cost will go to the moon...relative to his budget. Btw.. I'm not in Pattaya but in a big provincial town. Results may vary ,as they say..
  20. No headlights and driving against the flow...???? Add alcohol consumption and what could possibly go wrong.. Wait..they might even have a sidecar too.
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