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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. Is the extension, without money in the bank thingie ,still going on in Pattaya?
  2. Banks leveraged 100:1 What could possibly go wrong.. (Ok..I went overboard with the 100 to 1 ratio but who knows the real number) The whole banking system is insolvent as far as I am concerned. They didn't fix it in 2008 and they ain't gonna fix it now.
  3. That can easily be avoided. Don't shack up with anybody.
  4. Money interests keep me here. If I leave, it will be out of Asia altogether
  5. You assume everyone has serious amounts of cash sitting around. ???? I'm on the same page re: the sustainability of the current financial system.
  6. Money burns a hole in Thai pockets. Only the very few can manage it correctly. On another tack... These spendthrift dumba$$es will take down the banking system one day. I hope I'm not around when it happens????
  7. Cars are money sinkholes/liabilities. For me, only if I live in the countryside. Only saving grace is the (relative) protection in case of accident Better than a motorbike that is..
  8. Thais luúurve debt. They think repayment is a million years away.
  9. He is prepared to do the time and keep the money. Money is difficult to find again but time he has plenty.????
  10. Slap on the wrist, 10 baht fine and a (very iffy) promise to become a monk for a day. Case dismissed.
  11. I came here because Latin America is too far/laborious/expensive to fly to ,from my neck of the woods (S.E Europe)
  12. How dare you? Members of the cult are subject to different rules..
  13. Millers buy burnt cane? What for?
  14. Safety last. Has anybody ever tried to do heavy work with flip flops on? ????????????
  15. Both.
  16. Clay tiles by far. Easy to tell the clay from the cement ones if you look closely. Finding a roofer who can install them , can be a challenge esp in the provinces
  17. Spare a thought for Vietnam.???? They are battered throughout the NE monsoon period
  18. My experience here in coastal Songkla province. The easterly winds die down on the second half of April. Rains stop around the end of Jan. though. Late Apr-early May the transition happens but the SW monsoon is a total dud here on the coast. Hat Yai and inland areas way more rainy. Bottom line..enjoy the easterly breezes...they keep us cool-ish when the rest of Thailand is boiling.
  19. Dumbass farangs working without a permit esp in a high-visibility job.???????? Wait..it gets worse.. ..in a place teeming with police/immigration and with other farangs (potential informants) who are familiar with Thai law. What could possibly go wrong? ????
  20. I was thinking more if an 'accident' but the expertise is not available here
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