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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. I do say so and kindly quit stalking me with haha emoticons. Don't flatter yourself, I'm not stalking you and the emoticons are, obviously, there to be used, just as you so frequently do. I'm surprised that you have any concern about what opinion emoticons some inconsequential poster uses. I notice that you don't accuse me of stalking you when I use the "Like, Thumbs-up, Love It or Thanks" emoticons! Selective accusations of stalking.
  2. I think his concern is valid.... I agree that his concern is valid, I just think that he should keep it to himself as the risk to her, statistically, is minute.
  3. Not one poster has said, or even suggested, that is the case, not one.
  4. You volunteered to live here, and marry a Thai, correct?
  5. Roughly, 0.03% of the population die on the roads each year. I know that is, obviously, too much but your wife has a much better chance of surviving her trip and assisting her career than she has of being killed while travelling to the destination. By the way, did she embark on this career after you married her or were you married knowing that she had a serious career and that she could not spend her life and career worrying whether you approve of everything that her career entailed?
  6. You want to! You're considering faking covid to stop her trip!
  7. No. that was a suggestion by someone else. He has never said he "want's to fake covid". He acknowledged it as an idea He clearly suggested that he thought that it was a good idea.
  8. No one has suggested that Thailand's roads (that your wife uses every day anyway) are perfectly safe. Some of us are suggesting that maybe 99.97% of road users, out of the 69,000,000 population, do not get killed on the roads.
  9. I don't believe he is. He's showing concern, possibly justified. He's certainly not controlling her. He sure is trying to control her (and her career!) as much for his well-being as hers!
  10. Yes, Mr Derek, you need to get your priorities right, also. She is not going on a life-threatening trip.
  11. Making yourself sound as though you're just a selfish curmudgeon now!
  12. That's just your opinion that these (very infrequent) trips that are good for her career, are "needless, trivial, pointless and inefficient".
  13. ...and she faces the possible wrath of her employer and colleagues because of a selfish old man!
  14. Very unlikely that he could make such demands on her employer.
  15. Well, yeah, but if she gets killed, it's effectively the end of my life too. Sounds as though you're being selfish, there, you're actually worried about yourself! But, statistically, the chances of her being killed are very low, she probably undertakes way more risky things in her normal everyday life.
  16. Nowhere does that ad mention that it's in Oppo, in fact, the specifications, described clearly in the info, state "No brand" but glad you seem to be getting a refund.
  17. Old man with young man here in thaild also is normal.. It is seen here but, no, it is not "normal".
  18. "Rear ending is the number one..." Hugely ironic given the two victims in this accident!
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