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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. I wonder how many will be whinging unnecessarily about the word "hunt" being used in this story?!
  2. You seem to be, very conveniently, overlooking the alleged speed testing which invalidates the policy anyway!
  3. There's something wrong with an insurer denying a claim because of multiple breaches of the policy conditions by the policy holder? Would it be ok for the policy holder to breach his policy's conditions, make an invalid claim and then demand payment when he's found out, if that is the case here? Insurance companies use reinsurance to reduce their exposure in the event of large claims so this drivers claim would not be a big deal to his insurer, they'd be covered by their own reinsurance policies.
  4. It's not so much the roads , but other drivers ,can be a problem here. The problem then would also be the same whether it's a Ferrari 458 being driven or a Fiat 500, but the poster I responded to was referring to Thailand's roads.
  5. Based on that, the insurer is justified. Engine changes have to be notified to the insurer, if they're not, claims may be denied as their risk may have changed. If the insurer knows/has evidence that he was on that road for the purpose of speed testing, that would invalidate his policy, the police not charging him with speeding is irrelevant to what he may have been doing.
  6. Well they changed the money in the bank requirement drastically for retirees, they imposed Thai health insurance for those on the o-a visas/extension of stay, one has to produce updated bank book and a copy thereof Those additional requirements were introduced a long time ago, they are not "increasing requirements" which suggests that requirements are currently being amended .
  7. The vast majority of Thailand's roads are fine and are probably better, in general, than US or UK roads and make driving a Ferrari no more risky than driving any other make on them.
  8. For example the policies foisted on the unwitting myopics opening accounts (to fulfil branch sales targets) fully deserve the epithet So insurance is not "puerile" [sic], then. Think you may need to look up the meaning of the word.
  9. What's any of that got to do with my question to the poster who said insurance was "puerile"?
  10. Most places are saying that a Moderna booster should not be done until at least three months have passed since the second vaccination but they're also saying that a Moderna booster after two AZs should be taken under medical advice. Two Sinos and a Moderna are ok, apparently
  11. Yes, of course your visa is still valid, you're not on a three-month overstay! There are circumstances in which IB can cancel visas, a long overstay, accompanied by blacklisting being one of those. But you know that already, surely?
  12. What is "puerile" [sic] about insurance policies? They're not trivial, or childish, some people find them specifically useful.
  13. You can use any branch in most instances. I don't think that Thai banks "do" account closing, get the balance to zero and just don't use it. After the bank cannot get the annual payment for the ATM card and the account is unused let them do what they want with it, i.e. add it to their dormant list, it's no skin off your nose.
  14. Given a haircut to take up less space ???? As a gratuitous Thai-bashing thread it's a pity it couldn't have had a complete head shave!
  15. Anyone who buys this business will instantly have the connections needed if they don't have them already!
  16. Those will be the legitimate massage/café revenues in the books, the actual revenue could easily be two or three times that!
  17. You are wrong. An overstay does not invalidate the visa. The overstay may, however, as in the current case, mean that you are forbidden to use the visa. If the overstay had been shorter, and the fine paid, he would have been free to re-enter Thailand on the visa without any problem. "The overstay may, however, as in the current case, mean that you are forbidden to use the visa". So, I am correct, thank you, his visa is invalid. "If the overstay had been shorter, and the fine paid, he would have been free to re-enter Thailand on the visa without any problem". If, if if... It wasn't, he didn't and he isn't! Guess what will happen if he tries to re-enter in the next 12 months...he'll be told his visa was invalidated because he was blacklisted due to a long overstay.
  18. Think you'll find that that is the "might" [sic] Central Group, not the British Embassy.
  19. Are they taxes simply because they have electric motors ? More likely simply because they're vehicles.
  20. Not just "for once", it's happened in a few other cases also over the past few years.
  21. Selective naming and shaming seems to be allowed here now! That's a move in the right direction.
  22. I didn't buy my Vigo truck to intimidate anyone I know, sorry, I meant to say that you're the other exception!
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