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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Totally irrelevant as usual, we are talking about falang here, you know, the op is a falang not thai As equally relevant as your claim that "99% of people don't get loans we are in Thailand". Maybe you should have said "99% of foreigners in Thailand don't get loans".
  2. Debts are paid off after probate is granted and before any remaining assets are passed on as inheritances. Heirs to an estate are not obliged to pay off debts incurred by the deceased from their inheritances after the estate has been distributed.
  3. Debts are not inherited by heirs, they are paid off from the estate of the deceased prior to the distribution of any remaining assets by way of inheritances. If there is no estate, no assets, sole borrowings of the deceased do not pass as debt to the family.
  4. and they couldn't explain without increasing dramatically prices, instead of facing "rejection" or "question", they saved face and did a runner ???? There's always some posters chucking in their unjustified speculation!
  5. Please explain per se, is it French, Italian or what? I think it's Latino for "pretentious"!
  6. It's finance you were offered by a dealer, not a loan per se, as in bank. Car finance is a loan...per se [sic]. The bank pays the loan amount to the dealer and the debtor repays his loan to the bank/finance company by monthly payments.
  7. I'm not sure that anyone would be that interested in knowing his name but he's a foreigner, you said that he's not in Thailand, he's blacklisted, so how can Thailand's defamation laws have any relevance?
  8. Where did you get that bizarre "statistic" from?! "Thailand Household Debt reached 445.2 USD bn in Jun 2021". https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/thailand/household-debt--of-nominal-gdp#:~:text=Thailand household debt accounted for,86.6 % in the previous quarter.&text=The data reached an all,of 40.6 % in Mar 2003.
  9. So you live in Chiang Mai .....I did not know that Lou You got something right, at last! I was, of course, commenting in the context of the title of your OP which is... "How is the water pressure in your area ?". I told you how the water pressure is in my area!
  10. No, appearance is objective, opinion about someone's appearance is subjective. That woman is an attractive woman, objectively, she is not factually "absolutely hideous" as one poster said.
  11. Nice.... Do all there cars have heaters in them because it might snow.... This is a tropical country, are you determined to make your search as difficult as possible by needing a facility that most Thais vehicles do not have? Are you requiring heated seats and steering wheel, also? What about snow-rated tyres?
  12. No, I'd suggest that he just thinks, quite rightly, that it's particularly daft to say that the girl in the photo is "absolutely hideous, when, objectively, she isn't!
  13. Why? What is so unacceptable about blue footwear? Red or white footwear doesn't stir up the "ultra-nationalists", does it?
  14. Same colours but it's not the Thai flag, they made that mistake before.
  15. Very odd "journalistic" licence by Thaivisa, the original article didn't mention "dozen" anywhere. Maybe next time they'll continue to extract the Michael by slipping in bushels and pecks.
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