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Everything posted by Woof999

  1. Thai company and employment law is MASSIVELY in favour of locals, more so than in any other country I've lived. If a Thai cannot compete in their own market against foreigners (legal or not) then they should take a very hard look at: 1.) There business model (if they have one) 2.) The people paid to enforce their laws.
  2. In the land where headlines of "Glue sniffer steals police motorbike" and "Policeman steals glue sniffer's motorbike" are equally believable, not much surprises me any more.
  3. Leave UK on British one. Enter Thailand on Thai one.
  4. "Sundown" and "If You Could Read My Mind" are on my chilling play list. Totally different genre from what I normally listen to but great tunes. RIP sir.
  5. Price is too good to be true. Bike has no registration document. I'm not sure what that means 100% in Thailand, but in every other country I've lived in it means don't touch it.
  6. 120 baht. $3.50. You want an omelette made of 10 eggs. You want the place to have a chef / cook. You want them to have at least one service staff. You want them to offer you at least 4 different 10 baht water bottles for you to choose from. You want your plates to be clean (magically cleaned by someone that earns nothing). You want your cutlery to be metal, weigh more than 5g per piece and not have a hint of "wasn't cleaned 2 seconds ago by a 20 year old virgin" shimmer. Sir, you open that restaurant next week. I will eat your 10 egg omelette every day (or at least pay for it). I will order the equivalent lunch and dinner every day. I will not laugh (too much) when you go out of business. What are you basing your business model on? Cost + 10 baht? Cost - I don't have a clue? I don't know the cost so I'll charge whatever the lowest denominator will pay regardless of my costs? Please, really, you open that restaurant with the quality and price you demand from someone else and I will dine 3 times a day every day until you wake up.
  7. It's not a villa. It's a boat. A very nice (calm water) boat for sure. As a villa? 0 out of 10.
  8. I went to an Irish circumciser. He missed and got the sack.
  9. A 60w bulb in a floor lamp is something from decades ago. Is it incandescent, halogen, or is it LED and 60W is the equivalent incandescent wattage (making it more like 9 watts or so)? Get an energy efficient bulb in there. If the bulb is enclosed then buy an expensive one (that can stand heat), if not fully enclosed then just any LED bulb. 12W max I would think. EDIT: Just read from the poll that it's incandescent. Those things are something like 2% efficient. So 98% of the 60W of energy is transformed to heat. Add in an unusually high temperature and many bulbs will struggle.
  10. Had a full respray of a Pajero done about 5 years ago at: บริษัท รุ่งเรือง บอดี้ เพนท์ 1999 จำกัด - Auto repair shop ซอย เทพนิมิตร Nong Pla Lai, Bang Lamung District Chon Buri 20150 038 241 089 It's just off route 36, 4 km or so west of Regents School, 2km east of Sukhumvit on the east bound carriageway. 12°59'21.31"N 100°56'43.53"E. Colour was pearlescent white. A few of the plastic trims (a large wheel arch and the whole rear bumper) needed some major repair work. I was expecting a typical Thai quality job but I was absolutely astounded at the work they did. It was absolutely first class. If it had been done in the west I would still have been impressed. It was an insurance job (ask your insurance, they might well do it for you) after a door was hit by a motorbike. I asked them to touch up a couple of other areas and they said "why don't you go for a full respray?". They charged me less than 10k baht on top of what the insurance company paid. Insurance did go up the next year, but only by 2000 baht or so. Again, I cannot begin to say how impressed I was with their work, and I am very much Mr Picky.
  11. Indeed. My brother-in-law wears a shirt emblazoned with "Man U United". When I try and explain why it's wrong he says he's supported them all his life and knows better than me.
  12. My bank (Krungsri) tells me it is $20k US equivalent. They actually volunteered this info without me asking on one of their checkup calls. This is backup up by the fact that every time I send myself $20k or more they call me, and all I say is that it's living expenses from my own foreign account. Once I said to was to buy a car. I've never been asked a second question during that call. Every time I've sent myself less than $20k (regularly $19k or so) I've have no such phone call. That foreign account is in the same name as my Thai account so it's clear that it's me transferring my own money.
  13. Never anything but trouble any time I needed to change packages, move home, get the TV box that should come with what I pay for etc. Internet and phone has been good. I cancelled their TV service after 7 years of use roughly a year ago and haven't looked back.
  14. Your attitude stinks. I've added myself to your blocked list. If she wants to go to the UK, my best advice to her is to find a new fiance. You'd probably block the UK immigration officer.
  15. I believe way, way less than the number of times Trump has told his lemmings that the election was rigged, flawed, stolen, fraudulent etc. etc. with zero proof to back it up.
  16. How about one that is just, transparent and judges based purely on the merits of the case rather than the defendants gender, race or religion?
  17. My idea is that anyone who thinks the bible is god's word, or that the biblical god exists are at least a sandwich short of a picnic.
  18. Blimey, how big is the label?
  19. A small line (2cm or so) of Bayer Quantum on your desk once a week or so. Leave it there for 24 hours and then clean off. It truly is amazing stuff. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/bayer-quantum-12-i2752308429-s9995907195.html EDIT: Made the URL about a mile shorter
  20. Thermostatic valve is seized. They typically aren't that expensive if you can find the spare parts, but if your plumbing skills are limited you'll almost certainly be needing a plumber.
  21. Except that in any sensible country he would now lose his license (and so livelihood) until the cause of the seizure is understood and he can prove it is fully managed. That of course wont happen here.
  22. Indeed. 100% of those injured on motorbikes were not wearing seatbelts.
  23. No worries, all good. I think it might be prudent to do it anyway. There may be assets she's not aware of or relatives / heirs he never mentioned. It seems the right thing to do (for me) even if not absolutely necessary.
  24. I don't finnit. I was clarifying what another poster wrote. It wasn't my advice.
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