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Everything posted by Woof999

  1. Pretty much any local pharmacy. I mostly get mine from the mom and pop pharmacy a few 100 metres from my house. Bear in mind that I take just losartan, no combined duiretic. That might explain at least some of the price discrepancy.
  2. Just double checked. 40 baht per strip of 10, so 120 baht per month.
  3. Same for me. Roughly 40 baht per month for that dose and no side effects that I can tell. Thai doctor at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya took me off my UK atenolol prescription and changed it to cozaar / losartan. Said it was better for me, easier to buy here and cheaper.
  4. Have you asked anyone to pull your finger?
  5. Deja vu. We were all, and some still are, young and so we make mistakes. Good luck and all the best to him. No need to vilify him in his and his family's darkest moment.
  6. Yep, I use the semi gloss on a couple of my bathroom doors. 10% or so of thinners will help it go on smoother, but will make it harder to control drips and will produce more smelly vapours. Take the door off and paint it horizontally in a well ventilated indoor area, free from dust, for a decent result. Use a gloss roller, but not a furry one.
  7. From what we know in this thread, a car stalled once. No repeat of the stall and no other issues, but the OP should write letters to senior management of the parent company in Japan to demand action? Wow.
  8. Exactly. Pressing the nuclear button on a single reported instance. I know dealers here can be a right royal PITA, but from what has been stated so far, if 100% true, you're not doing yourself any favours.
  9. ManyCam was the program of choice for years. It's probably still about, or something like it. Personally, if I wanted to appear professional, I'd pay the fee for the app you're using so you can share as before. The people who wrote that app deserve to be paid. I'm assuming you're using their software to charge people for your services?
  10. Correct, at Jomtien at least.
  11. It is the consular section on HIS country's embassy, with HIS passport in hand that HIS wife needs to contact, according to the poster's advice.
  12. Used to live there and probably still would be if I hadn't married a Thai. In comparison to Thailand, some points about the Philippines are: 1.) Long stay visa considerations are much easier. Just pay an amount every few months. So many travel agents and others can do this for you without any huge fees. You don't ever need to go to immigration yourself, but you will get lots of stamps in your passport so empty pages are a premium. 2.) Food is bloody awful. Like REALLY awful. 3.) Medical facilities and quality are almost certainly lower than those available here. 4.) In and around Manila is even more congested, polluted concrete jungle than Bangkok. 5.) Cost of living is somewhat lower, but the quality of many things, especially food as mentioned above can be lower. 6.) The fairer sex are, IMHO at least, generally more pleasant. 7.) A huge amount of islands in the archipelago so finding a beautiful, relatively cheap location is easier.
  13. Far from it. The post is about what the OP's wife should do on the death of the OP. Logic, common sense and intelligence would all suggest the comment you replied to was referencing the OP's wife having the OP's passport in hand. Perhaps you meant pedantic?
  14. Studies since the beginning of time, repeated over and over, have proved that education is totally wasted on donuts.
  15. For a second I thought I knew the same ride, but the Muslim cemetery was on the right, the crematorium to the left and it was a nice ride going down the hill.
  16. One thing puzzles me. If he is convicted and incarcerated, what colour jumpsuit will he wear? Orange would clash, surely.
  17. 1.) 2 original handwritten TM7, in blue ink (some will say printed is OK, or black ink is OK, but I always hand write both) 2.) Photocopies of passport data page, plus every page that has anything related to Thailand (x 2) 3.) Copy of original marriage certificate, both sides (x 2) 4.) New (within 6 months I believe) marriage license document that you get from the Bang Lamung district office. Only 20 baht each but can take an hour or two (x 2) 5.) ID card of your wife, copy of both sides on 1 page (X 2) 6.) Copy of your wife's house book (x 2) 7.) Letter from your bank stating the standing of your account - just ask bank for VISA letter (1 original and 1 copy) 8.) Copy of bank statements for at least 2 months prior to date of application - I get 3 months (1 original with bank stamp and 1 copy). 9.) Copy of all relevant pages from your bank book. Main page plus transaction pages - I do the full year from last extension date but I believe they only demand 2 months (x 2) Note that Jomtien require all the bank info to be dated within 2 days of your visit. You MUST make a small transaction (deposit or withdraw 100 baht or so) so that your bank book and statements are all up to date. Some offices apparently are demanding it's dated the same day as your IO visit, but not so for Jomtien, at least as of mid January this year. 400,000 baht must have been the minimum balance for a full 2 months prior to your application. (I don't know the amounts for the income based method as I don't use it). 10.) Your house lease agreement if renting (x 2) 11.) Copies of house book of your rented house if renting ( x 2) 12.) If house book above does not list your landlord, you might also need a copy of the chanot, both pages - I have to do this (x 2) 13.) Copy of landlords ID card. Both sides on 1 page (x 2) Note that if you own your condo or you live in your wife's house, the requirements for 10/11/12/13 will be different 14.) 6 photos, 2 per page of you and wife. Outside house with number visible. Kitchen. Sofa. Her wardrobe. Sitting on bed. Near bathroom sink (1 original photos and 1 photocopy) 15.) Hand drawn map of how to get to your house from Jomtien immigration office. I've had highlighted printouts from Google Maps refused. Never had a hand drawn one refused (1 x your original scribble and 1 copy). 16.) Your actual passport (obviously) 17.) 90 day reports up to date 18.) TM30 reporting accurate - I had an issue with this just recently. The house owner name did not match my rental / purchase agreement. It appears that there are 2 houses with the same number and another TM30 report updated my home details with the wrong info. This was sorted the same day but required a nearly 2 hour wait in room 10. 19.) Thick skin and patience (x lots). 20.) Sign every single piece of paper - the worst part of the whole process for me. Desk 6 for Thai family matters at Jomtien is actually pretty painless and has gotten better over the years, but it's still crazy busy I believe. EDIT - 2 colour passport photos glued to the TM7 forms. They really do appreciate it if you've already attached them.
  18. The main reason is that Agoda get paid instantly, directly from the bank account when a debit card is used. For a credit card, they are paid by the credit card company at some point in the future (sometimes weeks, perhaps days, that I'm no longer 100% sure about). Credit card companies (in my experience at least) tend to very much side with the card holder in any cases of fraud. They are the judge, jury and executioner. Not so easy with a debit card where funds have already left your account and already arrived into the vendors account. Also, although you can't go overdrawn (you can still eat into an overdraft facility) with a debit card, it's "real" money that has come directly out of your account. With a credit card, although in the end it is very much real money, it is coming out of your available credit, ie the money that the CC company is willing to lend you. You don't instantly lose real funds from what is likely your main bank account, funds that you might have needed to pay your mortgage the next day. I also believe that vendors can tell the difference between a debit and credit card just by the number. I'm not 100% sure how, but online sites that I've used in the past have applied different payment fees depending on whether a debit (less) or credit (more) card was used.
  19. Exactly this. The farmers need to be given an alternative even if it involves a subsidy from the government. The big stick approach has never worked.
  20. You're 'avin a laugh. Kiddy fiddlers, rapists, murderers. Songkran powder throwers?
  21. Understood. I use these: https://www.thaiwatsadu.com/th/product/แม่เหล็กกลม-GIANT-KINGKONG-รุ่น-QJ7245-ขนาด-12-มม-(แพ็ค-6-ชิ้น)-60319377 plus the bullet type ones which don't seem to be on the site. Cheaper than they used to be.
  22. It will rust almost certainly. If the places you are hanging things are semi-permanent then consider embedding some pellet or coin shaped neodymium magnets in the wall. Ferrous metal will stick to the wall like magic, and/or other magnets (with the poles positioned correctly) will stick like glue. The magnets will need to be embedded well into the wall, covered by at least 5mm or so of filler or they will pull out, especially if using another strong magnet on the thing you're hanging. Works well for my applications.
  23. I might be being a bit thick, but I'm not quite understanding the timescales. I got the impression you were in Thailand now, but if you entered on a 60 day TV at Christmas, then even with a 30 day extension you're already at the end of that and need(ed) to leave. What is/are the flight(s) already booked in May?
  24. What is your Thai immigration history? All my preferred airlines arrive at Suvarnabhumi.
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