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Everything posted by Woof999

  1. Happens regularly, unfortunately. I usually check my bill after every order. The last time I didn't, it was padded massively. 10 or so lady drinks turned into atl least 30 on the bill. A very good friend of mine that has lived here more than a decade and is relatively well known had his bill padded earlier this year. He knew the go-go VERY will and knew pretty much all the girls. He pointed out that some of the girls that the drinks were allegedly for were not working that night, even showing facebook posts from at least one of them showing she was 200+ miles away on an island with her customer. They still didn't reduce the bill. Couldn't possibly admit to making a mistake. All you can do it not go back to that place once it happens.
  2. For any driver in Thailand, that video is chilling.
  3. Could have sworn I saw a coin > note machine at the entrance to Tesco Lotus at the start of Chaiyaphruk 2 (before it changed to Lotus'''ssss's). I've not been there for a while so no idea if it's still there.
  4. Am I the only one that read that as Lone Rangers kemosabe?
  5. Are they fully operational after the death of Darren? I've no reason to think they are not. I used them about 5 years ago to get a new UK passport and they did exactly what it says on the tin.
  6. Be very careful about who might see you shooting a BB gun (or worse) at any animal, even if only to scare them (including pigeons). It's illegal and you are very likely to be dobbed in.
  7. I think that actually does the opposite of losing face. It makes you a man. Depending on the severity of what you did wrong, it makes you someone that can earn respect. None of us are perfect, being able to admit, apologies for and make good on our mistakes is what differentiates us from those that I have zero time for.
  8. Perhaps it's not automatic. Perhaps they've watched the video that shows what happened? Take just a moment to view the video and then give a more informed view?
  9. The road is pretty well lit, the two German gents were crossing the road in a manner that many of us do (taking reasonable precautions) and the car, mostly on the wrong side of the road (quite clearly from the video) hit them with what seems like no attempt to slow down / avoid them. There can be zero acceptable excuse for the driver not to have seen them. He was not looking where his car was going, or he is blind. Either way he shouldn't have a license.
  10. You think many people are going to follow a link that contains "ladyboy" without any kind of context added to it by you?
  11. Damned well said. Kind of makes many of the anti-monarchy arguments moot. In addition, what benefit does becoming a republic bring to the UK? It essentially already is. The monarchy is pretty much in name only and has virtually no negatives for the average Brit. Elizabeth II was incredible for the UK. I bet she worked harder than most of her detractors, right up until her death. Charles will do the same, given half a chance. I would never swap my life of zero privilege with their privileged yet 100% public life (not that I'd ever have the chance). They live in a goldfish bowl. Imagine not ever being able to enjoy Soi 6.
  12. Indeed. Who can remember after 5 or 6.
  13. As I get older, letting one go without knowing beforehand whether it will be a "shart" is pretty exciting.
  14. Awful news. Joe was always so willing to help with his vast knowledge. Will miss his fantastic input here. Condolences to all that knew him, online and off. RIP Sir Joe. An Asean Now legend for sure.
  15. Bought 2 Samsung 21000BTU (I think) inverters about 3 years ago from PowerBuy. Happy with them, but the "free" installation was anything but, and the installers were about what you would expect for Thailand but not what I expected. The units were replacing 2 existing units and being fitted in exactly the same place. They charged me more for "cleaning" the existing pipes than they would have charged me to rip them out and replace with the new ones that came with the units (which would have taken considerably more work). The size of the holes they knocked in the internal walls was at least 5 times larger than it needed to be. They literally removed brickwork almost the full length of the units. They did this before I went to look. I'm surprised the upper walls didn't come down. Pretty sure they also charged me for the gas, because it was "more" than the free amount. In other words, free installation meant absolutely nothing. Think I paid something like 2000 baht per unit on the day. Still happy with the newer AC units though.
  16. Nope, using that logic you should never buy another lottery ticket, as your winnings > spending percentage will almost certainly only ever drop going forward ????
  17. That's a 20 to 1 payout at 100 to 1 odds, which is terrible in terms of gambling odds. With the other prizes, the overall change of winning will be more like 90 to 1 or so. It's the (incredibly small) possibility of winning $178,000 that drives people to buy them. My back of a fag packet maths says that if you bought a single Thai lottery ticket for every draw, it will take you 42,000 years on average to with that $178,000 prize. Pretty much any casino table game offers MUCH better odds, getting down to almost 50:50, but obviously not in Thailand. For full disclosure.... I buy Thai lottery tickets, so I'm a muppet too.
  18. https://www.healthline.com/health/marijuana-paranoia Not difficult to find info on links between marijuana and paranoia. Are they all wrong, in YOUR "expert" opinion?
  19. This would appear to be the entrance to the village. Barriers in and out. What was the village security doing?
  20. The sharp elevation change, on a motorbike, is bad enough during the day. At night it's unbelievable dangerous. Whoever decided that needing to cross onto the tarmac'd side of the road which is a good 6 inches or so above the concrete section, with the joint running parallel to your direction of travel, is a safety genius.
  21. Your definition of living like there is no tomorrow is rather different from mine.
  22. Boiling water takes a lot of energy. Cooling it down again (unless you're prepared to wait) the same. We buy the 20 litre bottles and have them in a cooler / heater (which of course also takes energy, but nothing like above). Each 20 litre bottle costs 40 baht and we use 3 or 4 per week. ~500 baht per month for all the chilled or hot potable water we need (a house of 6) is peanuts. One bad bout of the trots would cost more than a year's worth of water. EDIT: To give you a rough idea of the cost to boil water - raising 20 litres of water from 20 degrees celsius to 100 degrees uses almost 2 kwh of electrical energy (or equivalent). If using an electric hob, your tap water costs 50% of the price of my filtered water just in the cost of the boiling, taking into account some inefficiencies.
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