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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. I very much doubt that is the reality . A de motivated, badly trained, poorly educated peasant, in a 1950s era tank, does not a soldier make.
  2. A Russian colleague of mine once, surprisingly, described his Mother country as a Nation of peasants. He attributed all of Russian's problems to this characteristic.
  3. Out of date. https://enviliance.com/regions/southeast-asia/th/th-osh#:~:text=Primary legislation to regulate occupational,safe working environment for employees.
  4. Why should they, a lot of their customers may be thieves, given half a chance
  5. Doesn't bother me.
  6. Russian crooks will make sure of that as well
  7. Nonsense. I am perfectly happy here, and with the environment and my lifestyle. I don't have to be sweating like a pig and uncomfortable to enjoy Thailand. It's not an endurance Course.
  8. That's interesting. We have tried both an 'open house policy', windows and doors open, open to the veranda all day. but for the past 4 years, we have operated a 'closed house policy'. windows and doors firmly closed and house in aircon. We much prefer the closed house as no bugs, no flying things, no walking things and a cool place to live in. Personal choice I guess, but I prefer the separation from the outside, hot environment , until I choose to engage it. Dogs prefer it too.
  9. I can't think of anywhere else in Thailand that has the above advantages for living. CM may come close but it has the burring season to deal with and it takes an extra flight to get to BKK. Phuket is a scam and crime ridden dump and not worth consideration, or even a visit.
  10. Don't . The best advice I was given is, never spend or invest in Thailand, any more than you are prepared to lose. Good advice in my view .
  11. True, but as far as the Pattaya District is concerned; 3 good private hospitals, the City is within 90 minutes of BKK, two hours to the Centre of Bangkok, a local economy geared to expats, extensive range of restaurants for miles around, extensive local nature reserves, great beaches within easy reach. I carry no great love of Pattaya City, but I do like the area. It's easy to live here, not so much in other areas of Thailand.
  12. My issue since retirement is that I need to wake up naturally to avoid fatigue during the day. That time can be anywhere between 7am and 8;30am , but I never settle down to sleep until 11pm. If I set an alarm, it doesn't work for me anymore. I stay tired all day. All very odd.
  13. That's just God's punishment for being Australian.
  14. For the UK; The Times is not as bad as the rest. The best publication for the use of near correct English is, in my view, The Economist, closely followed by The Spectator.
  15. What a most unhelpful comment. The amount of time YOU have spent here is immaterial. We, or at least all thinking people, know that frequent exposure to the sun can, and in very many cases does, lead to skin cancers of various kinds. You don't need to be an Oncologist to know the risks, you just have to reasonably intelligent and well read.
  16. Of course you can OP. Stay out of the sun here, its a killer.
  17. An exaggeration. The most stable that Thailand has ever been since the restoration of the Monarchy, has been when the Military have been in charge, restraining the Thai rich Elite. The last manifestation of this, with Prayut in change has seen economic progress, infrastructure progress and an excellent, measured response to Covid. I would take a Military government over any civil administration here. By the way, the Thai Marines are some of the best in the World, with an high reputation as jungle troops.
  18. Walkie talkies now exploding in Lebanon, this gets better and better. No need to bomb them back to the stone age, this will get them there in short order. Microwaves and Air Fryers next?
  19. This post is a waste of time, The OP is a troll. Move on.
  20. No, you just say, "hold on mate, I'll give you a hand"
  21. That's not what you wrote, I quoted what you wrote
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