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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Not right at all, but the guy must have made somebody angry.
  2. Ending with the stupid drinking coffee care about nothing emoji! Good job! Now, when you are at it, when ever did I talk about pre-frozen fresh shrimp? Everybody knows they are not fresh. Just posted that frozen shrimp are not fresh, because they aren´t. They are fresher than what you, and your AI friend, like to call fresh shrimp that have been frozen. An idiot can understand that, but they are not to be called fresh at all. I talked about fresh shrimp, if you know what that means.
  3. Actually fresher??? That a point of delusion we haven´t reached before.
  4. I understood that you would be the one to question if people argue with themselves. Happens to you a lot?
  5. What are you trying to talk about? Are you posting that you buy frozen prawns just because a specific brand? That´s lunacy, as Thailand have great fresh markets that sell them. If you live close to a beach, you can even go to beach markets in the morning, and get then directly from the boat. And here you come trying to make a topic about freeze burnt shrimp? Really!
  6. Overstay! Please explain how a person who illegally entered Thailand without a visa through a natural border can be on overstay? What visa, that he didn´t have, did he overstay?
  7. Ok, so now you think all blacks are Nigerian? Better take your meds.
  8. No, you not get to say that, because you have no clue. You just assume. That´s the end of.
  9. No, it´s not a weird and creepy thing. In my opinion they should have this video posted on every possible news and social media site. Seems like that is the only way to get crazies to think before they do stupid things.
  10. Yeah, that was positive!
  11. That´s great! Nice to hear a positive thing. Wish your happy day will continue and more to come. Myself, had about the same. Our smallest daughter had a terrible stomach pain yesterday evening, so slept on the sofa downstairs with mummy. But, around 4-5 in the morning they walked up and crawled down in bed. Of course I woke up and not able to sleep more. Daughter fell asleep again and wife took a shower and opened her shop. I was left with my 2 sleeping daughters and a great cup of coffee, sitting looking at the sun going up. After that I got up to bed again and were close to my little daughter until she woke up. She felt better and had a super warm smile looking at me in the morning. That´s a great start of the day.
  12. Why do you answer like that? I am not angry. I just asked you a question. Why don´t you answer it instead of circling with an irrelevant response?
  13. Yeah, sure! You are right, sex is normal. Just not normal to do it in public places. Also illegal in Thailand and many other countries. It must be a reason for that, right? Might be, that it shouldn´t be seen as normal. After that, why do you call me a jealous perv and a loser? What makes me a perv? How do you consider me a loser?
  14. Yeah I point it out as and option. It must be terrible to live somewhere and have so much complaints and problems with the country and the locals. That´s not a good way of spending a retirement or repeated holidays. Much better to find a place where can be happy and relax without any irritation or problems. What do you think?
  15. No, you do not know the answer to that at all. You are just assuming. Assumptions built on your narrow view and negative thinking of Thai people. It´s sad that you have chosen to live in or interest yourself for Thailand so much. You should have chosen a country where you can respect the citizens and the people who lives there.
  16. Nah, you are a little bit wrong there. Recording an illegal act and reporting is normal. Breaking the law is considered not normal. The only thing was that he should have given it to the police instead of posting in public.
  17. What makes you think he doesn´t have one? Just because he don´t have sex in public?
  18. What a strange question. They were sitting there talking, having fun or partying. Nothing is wrong or illegal with that. Why are you questioning people who do not break the law, instead of the people who do?
  19. One would assume suicide and not accident. After 6 days and nights the money was gone, and he couldn´t cope with that.
  20. There is no Thai perv here. What the foreigners done is illegal in Thailand. Filming an illegal act is not perverted. It´s a recording of evidence. It´s their country, and we are supposed to be respectful guests.
  21. Moore quality tourism! They get exactly like they want.
  22. Yeah, that´s nothing new. Thai people are generally kind and friendly as well as helpful. What is somewhat bothering with this story is a man who seems to have no means to be in Thailand. After a visual search, it stands quite clear he is not a very known youtuber. Maybe time to go home to Turkey.
  23. I will help little bit there. Mental illness?
  24. You are like everybody else. living in or visiting a country, and feel the need to complain. Why not stay home, as it´s much better. Bye bye!
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