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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. It's true that I am, by nature, a Skeptic and Contrarian. But, that's actually a GOOD thing....
  2. It's true...and.... I enjoy typing my comments in the NUDE....
  3. You are entirely correct, and I agree, absolutely, concerning violence and aggression, at all levels. It all began, I think, with Primates. We are nothing but Naked Apes, as everyone knows. But, as we also know...it all began with a woman, or over a woman.... You remember LUCY, don't you? Remember the Australophithecus?
  4. You mean... Might have been a ladyboy? What's the difference?
  5. Nope. They should have done it twice, just for the STUPIDITY Penalty Kick!
  6. Thank the gods.... I am, and always shall remain, a happy recluse in my compound....just... Enjoying the power of my supercomputer. I am not a brawler, at heart. (I guess those guys will think twice....next time.) Uncouth, is the word..... And, Sartorially Speaking....Downright SHAMEFUL, as well....
  7. Late for what? I began using Linux in the year 2000. I would have begun using Linux earlier, but it was only in the year 2000 that Linux sent me his testimonial of encouragement. I trust anyone who works full-time in pajamas.
  8. My bill, too, was much higher this past month....around Bt.6000.00 Still, I am happy to have the electrical power supplied to me to keep me cool. Bill is up about 35 percent, in fact.
  9. If you had one of these, as do I, then you would spend every waking moment in front of it....just CREAMING, from morning to night.... I am sure that you will agree with me on THIS POINT, at least, for once in your life..... Of course, I install openSUSE on almost everything..... When I do my computing, I do my computing ONLY in EXAFLOPS..... I plan on training my own LANGUAGE MODELS.... But, I am developing my own software, choosing not to use CSoft, using SUSE. Anyone here, willing, is welcome to join my project. You can download the WHITEPAPER here from this link..... https://8968533.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/8968533/Whitepapers/Cerebras-Whitepaper-ProgrammingAtScale.pdf As SUSE loves to say: "Have A Lot of Fun"
  10. Yes...but.... I just built a SUPERCOMPUTER which is heavy and takes up two of my large workstation desks. The thing is HUGE! I hate phones. I still use my NOTE4, in fact. In use for 10 years, and I have no plan to replace it. Why pay more money to Apple or Samsung when I do not need to do so?
  11. Nobody enjoys needing to apply for a retirement visa. The Nile is beautiful in he sunset. The Nile flows grey just at dusk, and maybe at dawn, as well....
  12. Dear Folks, I just watched a documentary about Omar. Omar spent many of his best final days in Egypt. So then, would Egypt be a good Plan-B, just in case Thailand retirement might no longer be an option? Are the people just as friendly as here? And, what about the food? Also, what might one do in Egypt, after visiting the temples there, in Egypt? The Nile is a magnificent river. Also, watching it flow past the city of Cairo, in the moonlight, seems to be spectacular. Also, is it true what they say, that sand gets everywhere? Is it easy to make friends with Egyptians? What else might there to be known...before.... Retiring to Egypt/ Thank you. Regards.... Note: Do you think it was very believable that, in the film Dr. Z, Omar played such a major role. He never seemed so very Russian, to me. Even though he enjoyed walking through snow drifts. Geards, Gamma
  13. In Manila, the prefrontal cortex is crucial if one wishes to stay on he straight and narrow. If your prefrontal cortex is weak, then do not go there.
  14. Thai dating, is not really dating. Most Thais in Thailand rely on word of mouth to find the Giks they need, most afternoons. In Thai culture, strict monogamy seems to not be given the highest priority. In Thai culture, it is the mother-son relationship which is most sacred. And, probably.....THIS is why everybody loves Giks, and Giking about, so popular here. I would love a Gik....if... I were not so celibate all of the time. I have never had a Gik relationship. And, this is one of my deepest regrets.
  15. What ever happened to your Profile photo? I will miss it, much.... What do you call that?... A semi-.....WHAT? (Semi-Frog?)
  16. Dear Folks, There once was a day, very far back, when the old stodgy British stilted ones ruled this part of the world. Now, mostly, these same guys, if they have not already left, in one way or another, either six-feet under, or some other way, by, for example.... Being flown back to England, in a medevac plane, to gasp out and eek out their dying days in the isle from whence they came..... Seem to hold their noses high, as if they were still living in the Days of Raj. Hard to say if they might actually be more intelligent than most of us commoners, but they pretend to believe that they are. So, the question is: Do you: a. Find them insufferable? b. Find they pitiable? c. Find they amusing? It seems to me that their main claim to fame is that they still speak with this insufferable British accent of the years before the war. If they do not get flown back to the British Isles, then what might become of them if they remain here in SE Asia? It's just their sheer pretentiousness which makes them so very difficult to endure. There once was a day when just being British meant that one felt entitled..... To something. Is this the case now? Not hardly..... Probably, ten years from today, or less, most of these old guys will be underground, anyway. Still, even today, there are a few left hanging around these parts. Where they every really good for much of anything, many years ago, in the first place? Or, are they just as stuffy now....as they were.... Back then? And, how do you even deal with them, when you meet one of them, before they kick off.... I am sure you have met one or two in recent decades. Such weird anachronisms in their own right! Regards, Gamma G.
  17. Of course...just one more consideration.... People like me are tired of hooking-up with Windows and Microsoft. With this new Windows-11, MS has truly crossed the Rubicon....
  18. WOW....I say.....WOW! You actually spout the truth, the truth that all SHOULD know....by now..... Yes, this is one of the BEST comments I have read on TV....in many months. In fact....as time goes by (or should I say: as time has gone by, and passes on).....there is less and less offered by Windows that Linux cannot offer better, based on a far better OS. Your prescient and valid comment is nothing but further refreshment to mine ears. THIS is the MAIN reason that.....a few months ago..... I decided to FINALLY and FOREVER shuck and shun Windows.....Forever, and Forever, til Kingdom Come..... There is REALLY nothing that I cannot do, these days, for my work, using Linux...and so..... It's, for me, these days...... Bye, Bye, Windows..... And, you can even think of my thinking in another more musical way, if you will.... No more Monopolists for Me, I say! Still, I do love the humor of Gates, even though it destroyed so such. You cannot stifle technology, as Gates did, without hurting millions. No wonder he builds huge Armageddon-proof bunkers under his magnificent residences. Give me Linux, any day.
  19. People like me. The ones in the know. I thought you understood this.....
  20. "I was quoted 100k to remove a hemorrhoid. Outrageous." How BIG was it? If it were as big as a basketball, then maybe the price was right....
  21. And, concerning Lou Reed VS Amy Winehouse....if you look on the stage: Lou Reed: And the Colored Girls say.... Amy Winehouse: And the Black Boys go...... The same.... Check it out! Amy must have done this quite intentionally.... She was no dummy.... And, don't be a dummy......either..... USE Linux And, begin using Linux, now, before you are too dumb in your old age to make the changeover.... Just my best advice to you. LINUX DESKTOP is the wave of the future. Linux will never die. And, it will just get stronger, even though this might take some time of adoption...yet.... It WILL HAPPEN.... Don't get left behind, Folks.....! Do NOT get left behind! Best advice I can give to you, these days.... Take care.... Gamma G.
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