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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I have NEVER been biased against BLACK GIRLS..... Black girls.... Are nice and juicy .... As we all know..... I am all FOR Equity and Equality....down on the plantation.... Oh, Lord... I guess the STONES could not have gotten any blacker than this.... Just ask Mick where his music came from....
  2. Dear Folks, I hope that we all will get on Richard's bandwagon..... After over two decades.... I have returned to complete distaste for anything related to MS. I crap on Apple, too. But, have you read this? Richard Stallman resigns from MIT over Epstein comments https://www.theverge.com/2019/9/17/20870050/richard-stallman-resigns-mit-free-software-foundation-epstein In recent years, I have stopped reading much about anything. And so, this old news has become new NEWS for me. Still, Stallman has always been one of my heroes. Even if Stallman retreats from the opensource argument....temporarily..... His legacy lives on.... At least in me. I would encourage ANYONE reading my words to .... IMMEDIATELY disentangle themselves from BOTH Windows OS and Apple OS.... Because, the sooner you do.... The more power LINUX will garner. I have already left other OSes for Linux, a second time. And now.... It's up to you. Do you really want to go to the DARK SIDE, Apple and Microsoft, which will only continue to HURT our World? No. You do not. I am a rabid lover of OpenSUSE Linux. But, there are other flavors, is you refuse to follow my lead. Listen, Guys.... Now is the very BEST time to DUMP Windows and Apple. KDE is amazing. The new KDE is more amazing....even than..... Anything you could possibly intentionally install on you computer. I love Linux. Never go back. Thank you for listening to me and Stallman.... Although, Stallman is not necessarily a lover of Linux....as you also must know. Best regards, Gamma NOTE4: Is this guy crazy smart? Or, is he just crazy? In my opinion....he is CRAZY smart. Maybe, too, just a little bit crazy, in the best meaning of the word.... Thank you for listening..... Take care Gamma ==================== Yeah.... Truly.... I LOVE this guy.....
  3. My very honest review of the A55..... a. It's fine for your elementary students to take to school....as a throw-away phone. b. At the moment, I need to return this phone to Samsung, before the 7-Day cut-off date. c. Always go with the Top-of-the Line phones, and NOTHING LESS..... d. My Note4, of 10 years ago....is....STILL better than the A55....in so many ways.....particularly.... hardware.... e. 10 years ago....the Note4 was a masterpiece.... f. Now....thanks to BUBBLEGUM...for his good advice....I plan to return my A55....and go with the Google Pixel 9 XL... IF I can get it delivered to me here in Thailand. As always... I get great advice from TV.... But... You just gotta sift through the chaff to find the wheat.... Tks to all! Note: Great advice from Mr. BUBBLEGUM.... He has been on this forum for a very long time. This song goes out to BUBBLEGUM.... Love It...... FINAL CONCLUSION: NEVER buy any phone which is not the TOP of the line..... Best advice I can offer...for what it's worth....
  4. Sure. I agree. I purchased my NOTE4 ten years ago. And, my NOTE4 is better than anything I see today. And, the S3 Galaxy is better than my NOTE4. By the way, I just spent hours waiting on the phone with Google One support.... And, I have no idea how to get the Pixel 9 XL sent to me... PDQ.... Do you? It's times like this that I wish I were in HK or NYC... Money Talks....Nobody walks ..... Here in Thailand.... it's.... Manyana Living here in Thailand....were are TRULY..... In the BACKWATER of the world.... Nothing but Papaya and Banana.... FING Jasmine Rice..... Nobody cares about the NOBEL....etc., etc., etc.... I love watching this beauty run and bounce !!!! Hard to find anything this beautiful....in this life. mañana DynaMIGHT!
  5. I really like this one.... Any negative thoughts about this one....??? 512GB storage might be better. 16GB of RAM is what I would wish for, and it has it. I have no idea about the build quality. But, if manufactured in CHINA...then....I can easily accept this. I LOVE China.
  6. Hey there.... BUBBLEGUM.... After receiving your helpful hint..... I am, this very minute, in touch with GOOGLE ONE..... Trying to get them to send me a Google Phone...... Yes. Great Suggestion. This is why TV is such an amazing Forum.... People here.... Actually...CARE....about.... Other members.... I love TV. Note: Your good comment has pushed me, ever so slightly, like the flapping of the wing of a butterfly.... Thank you.
  7. I love Fortnite.... "A fortnight and odd days"... https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2021-03-04/fortnite-mandolorian-tech-powering-royal-shakespeare-co Better to just read Shakespeare's sonnets, though.... Lest thee get married with haste....
  8. This seems the phone for All Seasons.... Although, I prefer the Taming of the Shrew.
  9. I LOVE THE WAY THIS GUY TALKS ABOUT PHONES !!!!! Personally....guys....I do not give a FING CARP about price.....after being burned with the A55 5G from Samsung.... I am no longer price sensitive..... F That! I will use my phone...for about....another 5 years. Therefore.... Price no longer matters to me..... I just want the best and most reliable phone. I do NOT want to switch phones for, at least, another FIVE FING YEARS!!!! Not joking....!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE: I will NEVER EVER consider an Apple product....!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE2: I was a true Walter Mitty for dreaming that some FING phone, like the A55 could ever come close to my tried and true, and trusty NOTE4, which I used for 10+ years.....!!!!!! NOTE3: I still love Danny KAYE, by the way.... Nobody can ever replace Danny. And, no machine can ever replace my NOTE4.
  10. Also.... Why does the A55 Samsung offer 12GB of RAM....for so much a LOWER cost....... And the S class of the Samsung phone offer only 8GB of RAM for such a higher cost? To get the same amount of RAM on the S-model Samsung phone.... Then, I must pay almost TWO TIMES the price?!!!!! Makes no sense to me. But....is the extra cost worth it?
  11. Concerning buying a phone from Google, rather than from Samsung: I am very interested in doing this. aa. So, can anyone give me the NEGATIVES in doing so? bb. Also, how to buy a Google phone in Chiang Mai? cc. One thing I really like about the idea of buying a Google Phone is that I might get far more INTEGRATION with all my Google Accounts, of which I have MANY...MANY.... dd. So, any ideas will be very welcome to me..... I have only 72 hours to choose... I will be returning the A55 no later than Monday, Sept 2nd... Tks! Note: My budget now is about.... BT40,000. Anything cheaper than this is GARBAGE....in my opinion....compared to my old but great NOTE4.... NOTE2: I really cannot believe that I actually purchased the A55..... I must have been.... OUT OF MY MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Sorry. I will never be comfortable with Camilla.... The American presidency is NOT..... A Talk Show.... Let the VP appear on Oprah.... Better.... Rather than to be a contestant in the Great Game of our World.... As Prez of the USA.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Game Might as well vote for Oprah, over Camilla, or Kamela, or Pamela .... FOR SURE!
  13. One thing you might not know.... About 11 years ago, in 2013, I purchased a NEXUS tablet....from Google.... And, I was very dissatisfied by the build quality on the NEXUS, at the time. In fact, the build quality was not so good. And, it bombed out fairly quickly.... That machine, was built by ASUS for Google, as you may or may not know.... So....I am just saying... Once burned....twice shy.... Do I really want to trust Google devices, again? Or, have they improved. Obviously, .... Google does not make their own devices.... ASUS is great for Motherboards. And, I have no hesitation to buy ASUS motherboards... But....Do I really want to trust a Google phone or tablet...ever again? YES.... or.... NO... And...then..... WHY?
  14. I must repeat.... I think that I agree with you..... REALLY....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, also, I am not sure....actually.... I just hope that my new phone will interact, very well, with Google. My entire existence, on the internet....is.....Google-based.
  15. OK. Please provide you evidence here.....ASAP.... Because....I still have 72 hours before returning the A55 to Samsung. Personally, I TRULY agree with you....BIG TIME. What I would really like is to have EVERYTHING on my Google Accounts.... This means....GREAT BACKUP SUPPORT FOR DATA....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am completely OPEN to buying phones from GOOGLE..... But....also....the question begs: Can I buy a Google Phone here in Chiang Mai? I really do not know...because..... I VERY seldom pay much attention to PHONES...... I LOVE Desktops.....and I know something about desktops....and LINUX.....on the desktop.... BUT....I know FING NOTHING about phones....since.... I HATE phones.....BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, what do you know about Google Phones compared to SAMSUNG phones.....to be purchased in Chiang Mai???? ....... For example: All of my data is on Google, and has been for many, many years. What I would PREFER is to have my phone do what my Desktop computers do..... Which is to completely and seamlessly integrate with all of my Google Accounts.... Are SAMSUNG phones better...in any way.....to the S series of Samsung phones? I am a REAL DUMMY when it comes to phones...because....I almost never read anything about smartphones....and.... Smartphones DISGUST me.... Thank you... (This is not one of my many JOKE posts...and, also....sorry for so many joke posts....in the past.....please forgive...!!!!!!!)
  16. Sorry.... What is an "FE"....? I don't understand. Also, you know... IMHO... The NOTE4 has been the very best phone I have ever owned. Also, before the NOTE4, I used, for a short time, the GALAXY S3.... And, that was a beauty, too. I think the S3 Galaxy is one of the best phones I ever owned. I still have it. I still love it. It's a really beauty of a phone, for its time..... Such good craftsmanship, for example! Which is the best choice? I will use my new phone for 10 more years.... Just as I did the NOTE4.... TKS....! PS: What a FING hassle to need to revisit the store where I purchased the A55.....!!!!!! I really HATE to deal with the local retail merchants.....BIG TIME....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Worse than Trump....???? NO. Trump is a pussycat, comparatively....!!!!!
  17. First....thank you very much for your reply. This is the info I have...for the Galaxy S21...... i NEED 256GB....minimum.... I think I will go with this....IF.....as you say.... It might be better. Again.... No worries....this is NOT another JOKE POST of mine.... Never fear. TKS!!!!!!!! NOTE: I must make the switch, and return the A55.....no later than MONDAY, ..... NOTE2: But, 8GB of RAM is NOT enough for me. I need 12GB....RAM....
  18. OK. But.... I am really not sure that I want to pay that much for a phone....unless.... ABSOLUTELY necessary. Still. Thank you very MUCH for your reply !!! (Obviously...this time....my post is NOT a joke post...Sir....) The A55 is really, REALLY....stressing me out.....BIG TIME!!!!!!!
  19. I am posting back, NOW...as you requested. So, if you know more about Samsung phones than I.... What is the next much better phone than the A55 5G? I have found the A55 unacceptable.... Sound volume, for one. Even just while making basic phone calls. Tks...if...you have any further advice.... I will buy ONLY Samsung....
  20. I am sure that I could explain a LOT to you.... But the question is: Would you ever listen?
  21. Dear Folks, I just purchased an A55 5G Phone from Samsung. On the surface, the specs look quite nice. But, for one thing, I have noticed that the new phone is NOT as good as my NOTE4..... No Way, Jose !!!! Therefore, I have already contacted Samsung support... And the Samsung Service Center told me that I can return the phone within 7 days to the Samsung shop where I purchased it. One BIG problem is that the VOLUME on the A55 is nowhere near as loud or clear as my NOTE4, even after TEN FING YEARS of use!!! Therefore, what is the problem here...????? Is the A55, despite its specs.....just basically a GARBAGE PHONE.....by comparison to the NOTE4? And so...the Real Question here is: I need to make a quick decision about returning the phone to Samsung...and then.... UPGRADING from A55.... TO WHAT???? I need to act fast, but I really have no idea what to upgrade to.... I am just trying to get the same or better quality as the NOTE4.... And, I am also trying to pay the minimum possible in order to achieve this goal. (Because....I am not interested in phones. I HATE phones. I LOVE desktop computers. And, a phone is just basically a disliked but necessary TOOL for me. I take ZERO pleasure in looking at my phone, nor in using my phone. I just need something really good, in order to go about my daily life, and meet my daily commitments. Phones, of any type, no longer get my juices runninig....like they do for young idiots......) So, then, any good suggestions concerning what I might upgrade to, from the A55? What a HUGE headache this is.... I am NOT a Phone-Loving-Drooling NITWIT....truly... Thank you. I get a lot more turned on by just looking at a Monet (either painter), than staring at my phone. Thank you for any reasonable comments on this, if you might be able to spare the time to comment... Huge stress involved with buying anything from the local shops....I MUST say!
  22. Yes. I understand. This is why I try not to buy such things when living in Thailand. Maybe...FOR REAL..... I will move to Japan, where I can buy a new NIKON...and NIKON lenses, etc. When you buy stuff in Japan... The experience is just so much better. I am trying to think of some way to move to Japan...to spend the last years of my life. Maybe even find a Japanese wife, for example. I am too old for Thailand, these days, maybe... I LOVE Japan. And, I love China, too. But, these days...I am also TOO OLD for China, in fact. I first began living in Japan in the early 1970s.... And I loved it there. The Japanese countryside is beautiful....
  23. No. Sending back is not a good option, for me at least. Therefore, my best option is to just donate what I do not want to the local temple. At least....this way... I FEEL better!
  24. OK. Once again...as I said... I will give them a try. Or, I will have my Chinese friends (CHINESE) help me from China, to send me good quality, and what I need. Being Chinese, myself, at least I do consider myself to be 99.99 Percent Chinese after all these years..., I can always depend on them. They are just SMARTER, as I have continually maintained.... And, I prefer China CULTURE.... Always have... ALWAYS WILL....BIG TIME! I wish I were back in China, or even Taiwan, sometimes. At least, after 45 years of speaking nothing but Mandarin.... I can communicate. Also, did I mention: a. Chinese people are SMARTER. b. My Chinese friends.... LAO PENGYOU (old friends)... are more caring.... BIG TIME! I am not saying that you might prefer a different culture...but just that.... I am NOT YOU.... And, I guess you will consider yourselves fortunate.... For not being me...
  25. Do you mean that now, at this time, flooding might be worse than the last extremely severe flooding, which occurred just over a decade ago? If so.... My heart goes out to the farmers, and to the many people so very affected....
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