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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Yet, the humor there seems alive and well....fortunately.
  2. There are ways. You need to get them used to eating rice and meat from one single pot. The pot of food must be large enough for all the dogs to have their fill. Keep the pot replenished for about a month. And then.... When you have all the roaming dogs eating from the pot religiously..... Give them your final blessing, in the pot.
  3. So, according to Classical Conditioning.... In Thailand, you first have the stimulus.... And then, salivation.... This is what happens near most Sevens. In Pattaya.
  4. Is it ever too early to think about 2028? Will we see President JD Vance the one who carries us through the year 2030? The Democrats have decimated themselves, Big Time, with plenty of help from Biden and Harris. Anyway, Harris might have her sights set on completely destroying California, in coming years. Therefore, JD Vance seems the most likely one to be chosen by the American People, and probably by another landslide, in fact. Or, there might be the chance we could see DeSantis rise to the bait? Some say that Swami Ramaswamy might run. However, nobody in America really loves Bollywood movies, enough, even today. Therefore, it seems that the odds favor JD Vance. Will you be happy, or “VERY happy” with Vance at the helm? What are the odds we will see Vance in the oval office in 2028?
  5. Well, for one thing: He never answered the question, or than to EMOTE like the bad actor he is. To answer your question: Yes. How much is this guy worth, anyway? A bad actor worth this much? Something is amiss. Did you ever take this guy seriously? Hope not.
  6. Abridged version. Watch the original film. What was that.... Some kind of fertility dance? Such temptation.
  7. It IS scary. Even at my age, I got scared a few nights ago while watching the newest release. Still, one of the best. My guess is that such a film could not be made in America. As far as I know, there has been several versions, original versions, lost. One was recovered from Harvard, according to what I read. A great film...I think. EDIT: Yes. Just checked, and here I found this from Gemini....
  8. The thing is.... Trump definitely has the potential to be a Bull in a China Shop. Trump is not a diplomat. Trump was never schooled in the art of diplomacy. This entire world might go up in ball of flames...if.... IF he is not more careful. Let's wait and see.
  9. Dear Folks, The film Wicker Man is such a wonderful film. And, I have always wondered if this film is actually based on a True Story. IMHO, I believe it is. Do you? And, what about Scottish Society? Does this film accurately portray what it’s really like to live in Scotland? Naturally, if one is just a tourist visiting Scotland, then one would not be able to see such things as this docudrama seems to accurately depict. Obviously, I guess most members here are NOT from Scotland. But, if you are Scottish, or, if you have spent much time in Scotland, then…. How accurate a depiction is this film of what it’s REALLY like to live there. I have always wanted to visit Scotland. And, unfortunately, this film is the closest I have come to better understanding this land. This film has been acclaimed, broadly, since its first release. And, recently, there has been a new FINAL CUT version put together from the original people involved with producing this wonderful film. I recall setting this film, many years ago, and I have just watched it once again, …the Final Cut…. And, I must say: Glorious. Raving!. Mad! So many adjectives can be attached to this thing. By the way: The music provided to viewers of this film is magnificent. Anyone here able to answer the above questions? I guess this is why UK films are still better, in most cases, compared to dumb American ones. Enjoy this film, once again, the Final Cut, if you might have time. Very worth the viewing, once again. Best regards, Gamma Note: I guess that most here know that I have always dug Celtic music. So, the film just provides a very superficial taste….yet….still good. Note2: Hail!... Hail, the queen of the May...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Me? At my age, I have no skin in this Great Game. Please... Just leave me out of it...
  11. Perhaps. But, do we really care? Are those allies worth having as allies, anyway? What are they good for....specifically? I say: Our policy should be a scorched-earth policy. Let's burn them, and then begin again. Their thinking is just too....non-aligned with our interests. Let's have a scorched-earth policy, whereby we... a. Sterilize b. Begin a reeducation, and then... c. Support only those that are willing to fall in line. Hold their feet to their fire. This is the only thing that works, and is just human nature. Is JD the Antichrist? NO. JD is the antithesis of the "Antichrist".
  12. Elon and his: Incompetent Dog Team, did you say? Let's not be too hard on poor old Elon. I, for one, truly do have complete faith in Musk. I am NOT joking now....
  13. Yes. Anything would be better than some western style sterile environment. The niece should be made aware that this is a better option.
  14. How much longer must we wait for AGI to replace nutjobs? A truly intelligent AGI will definitely discern when a human is a nutjob. Then, replacement will be easy. The AI will just create a likeness of the nutjob. But, the nutjob will no longer be a nutjob. This same thing happened in the Stepford Wives....the 1975 original...NOT the nutjob 2004 version. In Stepford 1975, the men were getting what they always dreamed of. And, NO nutjobs. Also, when you go back and look at some 1973 films, this was about the very LAST year you could find American women who were still appealing. Not fat-slob airheads.... Although, yes, unfortunately, after conversion, probably the typical Stepford wife (1975) was a little bit of an airhead. Still, nothing is perfect. And, better than today.
  15. I'm OK with this provided he does NOT waste a dime on Sammy Boy.
  16. I am not aware of this. Paws are very ineffective for manipulation of important objects in a dog's life. Instead, dogs rely mostly on their snout and teeth, just from my observations. This the way they manipulate almost everything in their lives.
  17. What is the difference when a lion lies up and lies down? Do they do their lying-up up a tree? I am aware that lying up is a nautical term. Which means, for a ship, to, for example, lie up in a dry-dock. So, maybe these lions are lying up for repairs, or something?
  18. It is said that the hands make one human. How will she be able to use tools without hands? Dogs do not require hands, and do quite well, of course.
  19. The shark was not attacking her, per se. The shark just wanted the camera. And, her hands got in the way. Lures are shiny. So are cameras.
  20. NITWITS. And next. Guam will be sinking.
  21. Somebody else also pointed this out. Yet, it is growing on a mango tree. Very strange. OR, maybe I need to check to see if there is some other plant growing at the base of the Mango Tree. This year, maybe we will get some mangoes, if we can first have some good blossoms.
  22. I agree. Nothing wrong with the Samsung camera. It is I, the failure, in this case. (So then: That is actually NOT a mango blossom? I feel better now.)
  23. In this film, one can see the benches at 30th-Street Station. Those benches, alone, are worth watching the film. Spent many hours on those benches. Coming and going, and waiting. I'm not talking about these benches. There were another set of benches, just near the Mens Room. It was quieter there. I used to sit there, on those benches.... While waiting to change trains. Those were the good old days, when the Mens Rooms were quieter. I was there in 1964. Plenty of Cigar Smoke there, too. IF you watch the film, again, you will see those benches.
  24. You seem funny, though. I am not as funny as you.. Admittedly.
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