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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. What is the carbon dating on those bones, please.
  2. I once had a house cat that could whine better than Dave. Dave could make any dog howl. But, let's forgive young Dave...because.....NOBODY who was born so late in the gave, and never grew up in the 50s, 60s, could ever understand. YES, Dave could make us all, including our dogs.... Howl....surely....and loudly....
  3. Yes, of course. Goes without saying, actually.
  4. Are we now about to have an academic discussion on TV? Next time, please give us a warning. Shifting gears too quickly, just might give most of us.... Whiplash.
  5. Or, all along the watchtower !!!!!!!! Incredible. Still, even after 60 years.... Shivers Down the Spine....
  6. OR...so says some AI you managed to unearth.
  7. One can only shudder....IF...they might be.... hand painted by your students. I guess you probably already know that.....Dawkins' ties are.... Hand-painted. Richard keeps his wife's nose to the grindstone...painting his ties... So the story goes. Obviously, it requires a very LOVING husband to wear a tie such as this one, painted by a wife.
  8. Yes. Out of Africa.... A Billion Years.... Beating on Drums.... fantastic old songs.... It ALL began in Africa.....
  9. You mean... Sort of like the Bach family.... Right?
  10. Yes. I do. But, The Chieftains, too, for sure. The Chieftains in China, particularly.
  11. My opinion is not so important. Let's just go with the opinion of the famous prof Pettis. He should know. He made a bundle on Wall Street, I think.... Trading Short, probably. I never liked his taste in music. Maybe....just perhaps....he might be... Tone Deaf. STILL: I can usually accept almost all kinds of music. And some music resonates more gracefully with me. JS BACH is....GOD.
  12. Forgettabout...dallas...for now. But what do you really think about Susanna?
  13. Mary Kay Cosmetics is pretty HIGH CLASS, let me tell you. A great company....IMHO....
  14. Just in case....you might not have understood the allusion.....then....
  15. When I think of Dallas.... I think of Mary Kay Cosmetics.
  16. No WAY, no HOW! Pettis was very...DOWN...on ... Dumb bands from the West. He always maintained that in recent decades.....bands in the West had become....mostly... PABLUM. This is why he opened his own club in Beijing...to...FIGHT against.... PABLUM. One club was D-22 (PUNK ROCK).... As you can see here, from Gemini, the AI that seems to know everything: But....what did D-22 really sound like, about ,,, more than a decade ago? Heaven Forbid.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It sounded...... REFRESHING..... According to Pettis. As I say: A very interesting fellow. (((Wow, Man....almost TWO DECADES AGO....This so much dates me. Even though, at the time, nobody would date me. Such a LONG TIME GONE, passing.....))) IMPORTANT NOTE: This was BEFORE the XiJinPing ERA....Sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Neither as good as The Carsick Cars, either. Bet you never heard of this band. This is actually an Arbitrage Trading Band.... This band, as far as I recall, was one of the stars put forward by the Beijing Professor.... Who once owned a metal-club in Beijing. Long Time Passing, but I still remember a bit. So, you have: The Cars The Carsick Cars Just a matter of TASTE. As far as I know, that prof is still teaching in Beijing....even post-Pandemic. Pettis, I think, was an arbitrageur who did well, and got out, just in time, before the big crash. But, he didn't foresee the Carsick Cars crash, obviously. The Cars And Boston Are still doing better, even now. I guess one would need to be interested in China to know a lot about this garbage, as a matter of course. It's happenings such as this that we in China, Old China Hands, know about...even though we might not necessarily care about... Such nonsense. Pettis is a very interesting fellow. I once kept up with him and his exploits. But, finally, he tired me out...and...I just.... Gave up.
  18. Did you mean...a...naively.... Optimistic.... Era... Perchance?
  19. That's fine. Support surges. But.... Does it even matter?
  20. Rush seems to have some of the Boston/Cars feel to it....must admit....
  21. Dear Folks, As we all know, the Hot Season is now just around the corner in Thailand. Of course, if this were Hong Kong, no matter how hot and humid it might become, still, there is really no good excuse for not dressing-up, or..at least…in the past…there was no excuse. Maybe, these days, after the commie-takeover, things have changed in Hong Kong, with everyone running around without being dressed to the hilt. But then, what about here in Thailand? During the Hot Season, do you dress to the hilt? Or, these days, do you try to dress in a way which makes you appear more egalitarian, and…more….approachable to those who have not? Here in Thailand, air-conditioning is not up to the standards of Hong Kong, as you know. And so, dressing up makes one sweat more in Thailand. But, do you still do your best? Personally, I enjoy being among those who dress well, and dress well for any occasion. This means wearing a tie, sometimes. And also, walking around the city as if BKK or CM were Milan. In my opinion, it actually does not matter how old one might be….because… There is really NO EXCUSE for not looking good. And, not looking good like…. THIS: Let the above vid be your guide. And… Do most of you on TV dress this way when you step out? Or, just HOW DO YOU DRESS, anyway??? Send photos, please. What is the TV fashion style? Curious. Gamma
  22. And, in your opinion, which might be the better band to listen to?
  23. Sorry, but I forgot to mention: Every Time I Boot openSUSE on my computer.... Tears of Gratitude flow freely down my cheeks. WHY??? The reason is that I am, every day, so deeply moved by the gargantuan effort that went into this project....just to.... Make this great Distro freely available to the likes of both you...and me. Can you even imagine the guys, even now, behind the scenes...who...are.....updating openSUSE for us? Can you imagine the ULTIMATE dedication of doing this work...for the good of MANKIND? i TRY to imagine it....but....yet...I am sure I cannot fully imagine it in its full glory. ================== So, really...also..... Just in case anyone here has been working for the openSUSE project, ever since the early days..... I just want to say: THANK YOU...so much....guys. You guys bring tears to mine eyes, tears of gratitude, so very often... And, this really....is.... NO JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such dedication. And, so....THIS song goes out to you...... NOT because I am saying....Bye My Love...but, just because..... The tone of the song reminds me of what I feel when I set-free my pet lizards in the forest. One must set all living creatures free....like butterflies. Butterflies, like all creatures, must be free. FREE FREE and OPEN Long live this ethic.
  24. Dear Folks, As I always say: This is NOT a joke post.... I just want to encourage others to HAVE A LOT OF FUN! Don't know who these guys might be...but....they are obviously not having much fun! I HAVE THE DISEASE..... The LIZARD Disease. I have had it for....just over.... TWENTY-FIVE YEARS...... So Sic, Really...... I have been relying on the Green Lizard for over 25 years. You would be NUTZ not to try it. Or, what is wrong with you? Have you never even tried it? I can tell you...... I love openSUSE. 25-years and I will never stop....until.... The day I die. OpenSUSE is the perfect mix of what you need. 25 YEARS....and....this is all I need..... Anyone who does not even TRY it....is just.... What? Nutzo? I think so. UPS to you, though..... Kindest regards, Gamma Note1: I love German products. Note2: I love lizards. Note3: OpenSUSE is beautiful and a breeze to use. Note4: Have a Lot of Fun.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Not sure why, but it seems that not too many, at least recently, have expressed much interest in Linux for the Desktop....on....TV. How strange.....STRANGE......but not strange like David-Bowie Strange, I guess.) STRANGE....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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