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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. And, concerning Lou Reed VS Amy Winehouse....if you look on the stage: Lou Reed: And the Colored Girls say.... Amy Winehouse: And the Black Boys go...... The same.... Check it out! Amy must have done this quite intentionally.... She was no dummy.... And, don't be a dummy......either..... USE Linux And, begin using Linux, now, before you are too dumb in your old age to make the changeover.... Just my best advice to you. LINUX DESKTOP is the wave of the future. Linux will never die. And, it will just get stronger, even though this might take some time of adoption...yet.... It WILL HAPPEN.... Don't get left behind, Folks.....! Do NOT get left behind! Best advice I can give to you, these days.... Take care.... Gamma G.
  2. Hi Folks, (This TOPIC is not really a Topic for any computer forum, but more just a casual topic for some place like....the....PUB on TV.....) I just thought that the time is now ripe for all of us to flee Windows-11, in favor of some Linux Flavor, like rats from a sinking ship. In my case, I have been using Linux for about 25 years. In the early years of using Linux, well then Linux was not so very easy to install and use as it is now. But, more importantly, why is this new introduction of Windows-11 causing so many more people to dump the newest Windows OS version/ There are many reasons, such as the newly-introduced increased intrusiveness of the new Windows offering. Personally, for me, I will never again register my email, my personal data, NOTHING, with Windows. Sure, it's true that Google requires registering a LOT of info in order to use Google products and tools, etc. But, Google is REQUIRED for my daily life....and...... Windows is NOT required for me to use, if I choose not to. Up to this point, using Windows 7, then 8, then 10, I was pretty OF with it....just because Windows encouraged me to use pirated editions of their software. However, beginning now....MS has become much more rigid and stringent in their requirements to login to Microsoft Corp, and begin to toe the MS line. There once was a time when one could use pirated MS Windows pretty anonymously, and they did not care. Now, though, perhaps due to market saturation, and the shift to subscription-type payments to MS, things are changing. We can see what lies ahead for users of Windows, as MS plans for the future. THIS is the main reason, about a month ago, I said..... NO, NO, NO.....Just like Amy Winehouse...... I just don't want to stay hooked on Windows....for.....ANYTHING, now or in the future. OpenSUSE is just as good as WINDOWS, or, some say....even better. So, this is the main reason, BEING SUCH A LAZY PERSON MYSELF, that I have realized that I must get off my duff, and....then... Just spend a few hours to remove Windows from ALL my computers...and move to openSUSE. Also, I feel this great and wonderful sense of NOSTALGIA by returning to where I was, eight years ago....just..... Using openSUSE. You can pick your own personal Linux Flavor if you like, and I am not saying you should choose to use openSUSE....but.... I am only saying that you would be pretty foolish NOT to. So, I am just asking the question: Are you ready to dump WINDOWS...... BIG TIME, like Trump always loves to say? After you move, THIS TIME, you will NEVER LOOK BACK....just as I WILL NOT....ever.....ever again. See you on the LINUX side guys,.....when... You finally see the light of day.... Best regards, And wishing you well with the Linux Kernel..... Gamma G. Note: Here, in my opinion, should be the Mascot for the Linux Kernel..... Note2: So sorry about poor Amy..... I loved her almost as much as I love Linus..... NOTE3: Windows and MS is just no....FUN...anymore.....! LINUX is just about as much fun as AMY! Also, as we all know...... TORVALDS loves to work in his pajamas....... (did you know that? I did....) NOTE4: RIP....Amy..... You were and ARE GREAT..... Amazing, too! NOTE5: RIP Freddy and Bowie, too..... EVERYONE NEEDS LINUX......especially TODAY!!!!!!
  3. Hey, Man! I have an actual question for you. But, I also realize you might not wish to answer me, since, as you know.... You consider me such a NIT.... But, you can deign to answer my question if you will, or not. a. Would you consider it better to do a complete reinstall of openSUSE 15.6 (on June 12th)? b. Or, would you consider it just as good to upgrade openSUSE 15.5 to 15.6. c. I am willing to do either one, of course. But, if there is really no advantage to doing so...then I might not re-install the OS, and just go with the upgrade. d. Also, at this early stage in my use of/switch over to openSUSE, I really don't think there might be much more effort in doing a new install of openSUSE 15.6. There is no doubt, in my pea brain, that you have been using opnenSUSE a lot more than I have during the past 8 years. And, I am a bit concerned that upgrading instead of re-installing from scratch, might lead to problems in the future. My intention is to: Install openSUSE 15.6, and then just use it for the next three or four years...... Still, since I realize that a very few of my comments on the Forum might seem a bit...Far Out....then you might not take me seriously, this time. It's like the old Fable of.... Francis Barlow's illustration of the fable, 1687 Of course I will appreciate your thinking....IF..... You choose to answer this question. And, I guess, there might be different opinions on this, as well. In closing: I would caution you about ever crying wolf. And, I should know better, myself, although.... I know that I will never be able to help myself, or discourage myself, from my inborn facetiousness. Take care....if you will.....!
  4. Dear Folks, I do not like tats on ladies. Where I grew up, tats were considered to be nothing but downright GAUCHE! But, these days, it seems that almost everyone and everybody is hell-bent on covering themselves with multicolored ink, and ink that is not easily washed off. This is not a new fad, of course. But then.... When will it ever stop? I would never date a woman with tats, just because I would not know whether to read her or bed her. When I first read Moby Dick, I could not imagine that a harpooner would choose to cover himself with ink. And yet, today, so many stylish women (not really stylish, of course, nor educated, either), seem to be competing for attention with Mr. Queequeg. I find it unnerving when I see a woman attend a formal function, only to show her back, completely covered in illustrations, sort of looking like the posters we might have expected to see, years ago, in San Francisco, in Haight-Ashbury. What is the world coming to, these days, anyway? Have they no common sense? Don't they care about their skin, these women? And what happened to the good old days when women would pay much money to buy ....skin creams....such as Chanel, and other brands? All that I have to say is that I am truly disgusted at this sight, and also the typical uncaring, present today, for one's own precious skin, not to mention.... A bit of DECENCY, too! So then, what is your opinion? Has the pendulum now swung far too far from proper decorum? One of the scariest movies for me, when I was young, was the great Steiger film, The Illustrated Man..... And, now, this nightmare seems to be haunting me....every time....I venture outside my house.... With every woman and her sister, not to mention their menfolks, covered from head to toe in INK! Will this never end? I mean, I know that it will end....and I know this will not end well, for these NITWITS who take sadistic pleasure in .... Disfiguring themselves. What are your thoughts, Folks? Thanks and Regards, Gamma G. NOTE: Even on Nantucket, these days, .... Nantucket which was once a huge whaling community...., nobody runs around looking like Queequeg carrying a harpoon! These days, most of the people living on the island are wealthy, and have a touch of class. They would NEVER be caught dead covered from head to toe in INK! So then... What's going on around here? The INK just keeps on spreading..... And, spreading!
  5. This was not a serious suggestion, obviouly. But, use your own judgement. It's just that some people on this Forum doubt the veracity of my comments. I am not here to prove every single little statement made by me. Believe or not believe, and this is ups to you. I have switched all my computers to openSUSE, and I am loving it.
  6. Sorry. I meant to say that I have 15 TBytes of space on Google Drive. 14 TBytes on SSDs and HDDs. Still, not enough storage for me, of course.
  7. I have 15 TBytes on Google Drive. I have 1 TByte of space on SSDs and HDDs. Still not even enough to save my posts on TV, as you say.
  8. I am not a bit confused, for one. I suggest that you do not bother or disturb the Global Mods over such triviality. I am not confused; I will state once more.
  9. No. I am only referring to the well-known blessing for excretion.
  10. Unambiguous to you, maybe.... However, your question can be interpreted in many ways....by me, obviously.
  11. I do NOT take any Ultra-Processed Food, if this might be your question.
  12. I am a product of Pennsylvania, after all..... In Pennsylvania, I am considered to be quite normal.
  13. Excrement is good, in fact. I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood. We say blessings, upon excretion. I still follow this practice, today. And, so far..... I have never needed a laxative.... Knock on Wood.
  14. If so...then... Please keep your distance from me. No need for me to see juices flowing in some Rock of Ages old guy.
  15. Such a Burden.... The White Man, I mean.... Or, was it the White Man's Burden, that the White Man has been lusting after? Such a load, the White Man's Burden. Kipling is very FAMOUS/INFAMOUS.... In Singapore, these days!
  16. Hi Folks, I have been wondering about this question: Would it even be possible for a plumber to become an insightful MOD on any given forum? And, by the same token.... Would it even be possible for a plumber to ride from Stockholm to Uppsala, 68 Klicks, in under 15 minutes? I think the odds are definitely not in the mod's favor.... Yet.... IT CAN BE DONE..... As you can can plainly see, here.... Or, maybe THIS guy, on the bike....just.... Ain't no average plumber.... Same goes for most mods, I think. The job looks easy, but.... Not just anyone can do it..... a. It takes intelligence b. Insight c. Plenty of Speed, too. What do you think? I recently ran into a plumber..... So easy to discriminate a average-plumber from the REAL DEAL..... Regards, Gamma
  17. This is ONLY the Beginning of our GREAT Journey....out into the stars... Kurt Vonnegut is alive and well.... On Saturn. Don't fear Death..... This is ONLY the Beginning! (Right.....)
  18. Dear Folks, I don't know whether or not you recall it, but.... Many decades ago, one famous demographer predicted that all of humanity would have the same skin color by the year 2010. So far this has not happened....but.... It's happening faster than saner individuals would have imagined possible. Therefore, building upon what was predicted, LONG AGO..... What is your best estimate of WHEN all of Humanity will have, basically, the same skin color? And, why do you think that young people, today, are so attracted to others with skin colors different from theirs? Skin color is not important, of course,....except...just as maybe a an exotic attraction for mating. I mean, who wants vanilla, ALL the time? Culture, actually, IS important.... So then, I would think that, when choosing to mate with someone of a different skin color, then this is Perfectly Fine, ..... as long as..... One ensures that the person one is mating with, or hooking up with, originates from a culture which is fairly the same as one. What do you think? Why are young people today FAR more interested in Dating people with different skin hues, from their own? I really need to know. Any thoughts? Regards, Gamma G. Note: Also, if you are a woman, would you have dated Mr. Spock, rather than Doctor Spock? Doctor Spock: Mr. Spock:
  19. Thanks, Man! You, obviously, know, full well, the POWER of The Who..... Enough to power the entire grid in Thailand...... As I have previously stated..... (And, have you, ever, considered, if only for a brief moment, the POWER of the comma?.....,,,, Think about it. The comma is King!) Think about it......! (The measly comma is the best thing ever invented for communicating, effectively, in written form, yet, discovered by Man!, really!) Out here in the fields, here, in Thailand.... Don't cry. It's only teenage wasteland...... So true.... And, you KNOW IT!
  20. MDs are NOT Scientists....in the majority. I thought everybody already knew this. They are artists, like.....Picasso, etc....
  21. Hi Folks, I just got my computers fully migrated from Windows to openSUSE. I am using a nice, VERY NICE, Logitech webcam. And, I am using a nice, VERY NICE, Audio Technica mic. But, I am worried about the sound and video quality, after switching to my Linux Box..... So, I am just wondering of anyone here on TV might like to do a video conference with me, for testing my setup, and, perhaps, to help me tweak it to...OPTIMAL settings..... I use Google MEET.... So, hit me up if you are up for it. Tks. Gamma G. Note: No need to hit me up....unless.... You, TOO, are using openSUSE, the most POWERful Distro, out of Germany, the same guys who brought you cars like Benz, BMW, VW Beetle, and, Porsche..... Note2: I have been using openSUSE since the year, 2000, and....it's the best. But, I do not like how KDE Plasma has mucked up the works. I never liked the KDE Plasma thingy, from the very beginning, to be honest..... Note3: KDE was better many years ago, IMHO..... What do you think?
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