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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. So, then. You have been using it. And this means that it is now FREE? Please just share the link where I can download Adobe Acrobat Pro for free, and without a monthly subscription.
  2. So then, you can teach, these days, with just a stick, and some sand? This is the way they did it in Egypt, I guess. Anyway, you did not answer my question. And, I know that you never can. I would ignore you...except for the fact that.... Your running profile image is just so cute. Don't tell me that you know there are several applications that have the same functionality as Adobe Pro, and then say you cannot find one. What is wrong with you? Go back and read what you originally stated. You are just so cute, and...... NaRak Mak! Don't spout nonsense, please. Thank you.
  3. For whatever reason, correct, I just prefer no glass windows. Just a personal preference. But, I have nothing against them. I will look for a Fractal case, given our link. Thank you.
  4. Seems to me that most glass factories, the old ones, are located in HsinChu. Thaichung and ZhangHua are rotten cities. One wonders how you even tolerated living there.... But, that's another story, I guess. (Of course, the names of cities in Taiwan are non-standard. Hopefully, the commies will conquer Taiwan, soon, and then we will have standardized names in PinYin.) Hsinchu should be ... Xinzhu Taichung should be... Taizhong But, by any name, those two cities are disgusting to live in, for any length of time. And so, I feel sorry for you.
  5. I use ABBY PRO and Adobe Pro for teaching, routinely. Your utter ignorance of what is required in the modern-day classroom is apparent for all here, on TV, to see. But, this is nothing new, for a man like you, I would imagine.
  6. Please name one which runs, natively, on Linux. Then, let's talk turkey. Thank you. Waiting.....
  7. Bechtel was quite big in Taiwan, and other parts of Asia. They never worked on small projects, as far as I know.
  8. Perhaps. But, in the end, Microsoft knows what you are doing. And then, it comes back to bite you. Also, this might depend upon where you live. Microsoft has different pricing and different rules for different folks, depending upon where you are. And, the rules are always changing. When MS wanted to break into the China market, there were different rules to meet their marketing strategy, even including promoting pirating of their software. But, they did not have the same policy in NYC, for example. Still, the point is..... Why should we be slaves to some lousy software company?
  9. There is plenty of money to be made from opensource projects. How can you not understand this crucial point? Free does not mean Free as in Free Beer. Everyone's got to pay....and pay, as Lou said that the Sugar Fairy said.... Plenty of money to be made from the opensource movement. And, no need to be a total FING Monopoly, either. Even those giving head know this.
  10. Still, if one wishes to get back to the original Topic, then.... There is no doubt that SUSE Linux should be plenty for my purposes. And, SUSE is entirely FREE for non-Enterprise users. This is the way to go, IMHO.
  11. In fact, it is not so easy to survive.... With...or Without money. Please witness the fate of Steve Jobs....for example.... THE ULTIMATE CONTROL FREAK.... Plenty of money... Yet... Dead as a Doornail. Jobs trusted in fruit. Jobs believed that eating fruit might protect him from death. What a nutcase.
  12. What's wrong with you, Mr. Frog? Have you no ability to understand that it is the license which costs money? Any FING idiot can install Windows on a computer. It is only the FING license fee that I object to. Hop away, Sir!
  13. ZERO Mostel.... Not about the money. It's about staying alive.....
  14. These NITWITS did their best to kill Linux. They are EVIL.... Evil Nitwits, for sure.
  15. I am a tech guy. I can install Windows, myself. And, I have been doing so for four decades, already.... Honest!
  16. I doubt it. Might be baloney. IF I were to buy a license, then I would buy from Microsoft. But then, I might also buy a Dog Collar from M$, as a gift with purchase. There are many bogus offerings floating around, which are not the real deal. I would not pay a penny for anything not confirmed from Microsoft. As Barnum once said..... You are a SUCKER.....when something is just too good to be true.
  17. Still waiting..... Tell me where! I will buy for USD20.00 Waiting.... Waiting....
  18. Right. We can wait until hell freezes over before MS will sell us a license for Windows 11, for USD20.00. What nonsense! Now, feel free to embalm me, if you will.... Also: There are important differences between Home and Pro. For one thing, memory. And then, there are other differences. So, I would be suspect of the poster's post.
  19. Replying: 1. Almost agree 2. I do not agree unless you can show me where to buy a valid Windows license for under USD 20 Conclusion: Show me where I can buy a Standard Windows license for under USD20, and I will buy it. Waiting..... Waiting.... Waiting....
  20. Concerning the pain of childbirth: I have no sympathy for the SECOND TIME AROUND. a. I feel great empathy for the the first birth. b. But, not for the second birthing.... It's like this: a. You hit yourself in the head with a hammer, and that smarts, Big Time. b. And then, you hit yourself in the head with a hammer, the second time? Life is just so illogical to me, I guess.
  21. If childbirth were actually painful, then... They would not continue to do the same thing.... Over, and over, again. Would they? There must be a lot of pleasure in that pain, I would think. Although, I don't know why.
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