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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. You know...Folks..... One thing I quickly learned, about a decade ago, is this: If you wish to buy a decent computer at a reasonable price....then.... NEVER buy it in Thailand. The personal computers, be they laptops or desktops, can NEVER be had at a competitive price in Thailand. This is a real shame....! In my lousy opinion, computers in Thailand should be sold without import duty/tariffs in Thailand. The reason for this is that we wish to encourage all people here to buy and use computers at the lowest possible cost. Import-duty barriers to personal computing does nothing but HARM to the general populace. Totally counterproductive to where we are trying to go.....! Sorry that I am such a NUTCASE, presumably, in my humble opinion. DOUBLE THE PRICE, and you halve the fun, and the learning, potentially available, from using computers....just like the... Chinese do. Haha.... What a JOKE! (The personal computing tariffs here are a true travesty!) =============== Note: The Thermaltake power supply price that I listed above is actually....CHEAPER in Thailand than it is on Amazon in the USA. So, at least, this is good news for some of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Samsung SSDs have been my choice for many years. During the past 10 years, prices have DROPPED precipitously. And, from what I have read, during the next coming months, prices might begin to rise, for awhile. Therefore, now is the time to buy this one! Not sure how much more expensive it might be here, at JIB...but...then.... What a FING RIPOFF!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is why I NEED my Chinese Friends to Help me bring in the components I need, at a reasonable price. CRAZY Price for this at JIB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I was NOT born yesterday, Folks!)
  3. Being the American Patriot that I am, then I must have this module: Never, again, will I run out of RAM! Note: JIB is SUPER Overpriced on this kind of thing. Why do I live in Thailand, anyway, ....AT THESE Prices!!!!!!!!!!!????? Note2: Back in 2013, I added 16GB of main memory to two of my PCs. That was enough 10 years ago. Now, I will use 64 GB of RAM to carry me through to the year 2034.
  4. Regarding the Power Supply for my new build: What about this? Any naysayers? Overpriced here in Thailand, of course! Nice One! Too expensive here. Maybe buy in China? Note: No matter what you do.... You should NEVER Shirk on spending enough money to purchase a very stable power supply. This is quite crucial, actually. Keep your power stable, Folks! Note2: If your PC power supply is stable, then you, yourself, will remain emotionally stable, too!
  5. Also... What is CIS? From my perspective, CIS has always meant THIS: I remain thankful to the University of Pennsylvania for helping to foster in me an ever-abiding love of ...... Computer and Information Science. I love motherboards almost as much as I love my mother. Hope you feel the same as I. Best regards, Gamma ============= Shout Out to the Moore School of Electrical Engineering!!!!! (after all these many years) ================== Also, just yesterday, I bought some high-performance thermal grease.... I am ready to go, now!!!!!!!!
  6. Here is just one more price comparison between the same mainboard offered by Amazon USA, and JIB: So then, just comparing these two prices for the same board, one can easily see that..... Buying a motherboard in Thailand is a losing preposition. In fact, one always loses! And, one loses a significant amount. This board is a true workstation board. This is a bit too rich for my blood. But, I would definitely splurge and buy it, if only I could get it in Thailand for the same price as is being offered by Amazon. What to do, what to do? Still, I think, since I am in no really hurry, I will rely on my Old China Friends, to help me. Lord, do I wish I were back in Taiwan, even if just for a day, at this moment! The guys in Taiwan are super smart, and much smarter than I, which is totally unsurprising to me, after living in Taiwan for so many years. PS: As long as I stay out of the local Thailand bars, then I can easily save, in just one night, enough money to cover the total cost of this motherboard. This is the way I look at it, and this is the way I can easily justify paying for this beautiful motherboard!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. OK, Guys. I just wanted to provide my justification for using a more powerful, though still mid-range CPU, such as the i5-13600K. Basically, in the past, I tried to run some HUGE software programs with some HUMONGOUS datasets, in order to do Corpus Analysis. This is sort of my hobby, to keep me out of those Pattaya bars, when one can lose more money in one night than it costs to buy a Super Computer. Well, THANK YOU to the guy who told me to buy an ASUS workstation mainboard, rather than the TUF board, due to tariff issues here. BUT, anyway, I just wanted to explain a bit more: I would like to run some HUMONGOUS computer jobs using HUMONGOUS software programs. This is what makes life for me still worth living, if only just barely. HERE are some opensource Corpus Analysis software programs that I intend to play around with, just as soon as I assemble my new i5 computer: ALSO, guys: The i5-13600K is just about the most expensive CPU that I am willing to buy, at this point in my career. Still, compared to what I am now using, an 15 purchased 9 years ago, the new i5 will be magnificent. Also, I may need to use around 64GB of Main Memory. I realize that this might be overkill for most of you...but.... When one is playing around with Corpus Analysis software, then one just CANNOT have too much Main Memory in one's slots! Thank you, again, to the guy who told me about using TWO Fans for the computer case. Even though I keep my workroom at about 22 degrees C, still, it can get quite hot inside the box, when one is using a CPU that maxes out at about 230 Watts, when overclocking, which I think I may need to do, come to think of it. ======================= Later this evening, after a further review of the ASUS offerings, I will post a photo of the WORKSTATION mainboard that I will choose, if I choose to buy in Thailand. Otherwise, I will just ask one of my Old Friends from China to hand carry a TUF mainboard into Thailand, for me. I am a good friend, and an OLD Friend, to people in China. They are always willing to help me, when help is needed. =============== Additionally, the import tariff on Power Supplies for PCs is also sky high. Therefore, I might have them bring in a 500 Watt power supply, at the same time. ============ The beauty of building a PC, by oneself, is that it keeps one on the "straight and narrow", and out of the bars, and STD-free! Very best to you all, you guys, who love computers even more than slumming in Pattaya bars. Stay healthy. Stay smart. Stay sane! Stay with IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Just a thought...which may or may not be of any interest or consequence: I have spent my entire ADULT life in Asia. Nearly 100 percent of my friends, during this time, have been, and are, Asian. My friends include those from Burma, Cambodia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan, and China. I have had almost zero Farang friends during this time. And so, this is why my opportunity to post a few thoughts on TV has been such a new and enlightening experience for me. There are some good guys on TV, just like me; I can tell. And, the "Why of the Wai" is a no-brainer for the likes of us. I know that I will die, just as I have lived, a man alone in Asia. I would have it no other way. I would not change a thing. I will continue to Wai, when I know that my Wai will be appropriate and welcomed. I will not Wai when I don't know why, or if, I should. In all things, I will do my best to be respectful to my Asian friends around me. This is all that I have to say,..... For now.
  9. KUDOS for, at least, deigning to wear your homemade shorts among polite company, here in Thailand. I am sure that the locals are just so appreciative for your thoughtfulness.
  10. I have been told by a Hi-So factory owner to wai important visitors to the owner's factory. Therefore, I do know that nothing is the same across all strata of society, nor for all circumstances. You just got to keep your ears and eyes open, and be sensitive to each occasion, and act as respectfully as you can.
  11. It may be necessary to just move the compressor unit about 10 meters using a further extension of copper pipe for refrigerant. This may be the only solution. Just because I think I will be dead before these guys finally get up to speed. I am not sure how much this will decrease the cooling efficiency due to heat loss from the pipe extension. Yet, this seems the only solution, at this point. Very unfortunate. Also, as everybody here knows, life is just too short to try to change the status quo. Total waste of energy. (Also, when all is said and done, one must finally realize that to dwell upon shortcomings is fruitless, and one must, instead, enjoy and savor the many great things about life here. At least, I know that doing this is the only final solution for me. In other words, enjoy the food here, and the many other wonderful things here, and learn to accept what cannot be changed.)
  12. FYI: According to my experience, ACs from this manufacturer, at least in Japan, work just about flawlessly. So, I am not sure what is happening here. Is it a FENGSHUI problem? Or, something else? Quite exasperating, actually.
  13. They may be deaf. Or, they may be Kuai. I have not made up my mind yet. (Probably, it's just more of a case of complete ignorance how things are supposed to work. They have no way to judge what is functioning properly and what is functioning improperly.)
  14. Yes! I also thought it sounded like a problem with a fan motor bearing! This was my first thought. Tks.
  15. It doesn't look silly. But, it looks strange and out-of-place. Also, it is an invasion of personal space. Don't shake hands in Thailand!
  16. a. The AC with Nike shoe is machine ONE. b. The video is of vibration from machine on "super" cool. c. Also, this machine ONE has lower frequency vibration when the fan is running at medium RPM. d. The other video is of machine TWO. e. Now, both machines are located at same site.
  17. Yes. True in some cases. But not in all cases.
  18. OK. Workstation MB, then..... Or, I will get it carried in from China. But, SUPER CRAZY PRICE in Thailand!
  19. Thank you, again! These service people are very good at gaslighting, but not so good at solving problems.
  20. Crazy Panasonic AC Loves Nike Shoes (2).mp4 This machine is sold by the same manufacturer of the machine in question, in this Topic. The machine here in the video is only 6-months old. A new machine, basically. This manufacturer seems to be providing ACs to the local market with excessive vibration, probably due to problems with the compressor fans. I am no expert. YOU decide.
  21. My advice to you: Don't go out in the noon-day sun.
  22. As usual, your analysis is the best. a. I had also thought of using weights on the fan. b. Actually, I did buy one of the big names in ACs. Starts with a P, and ends with a C. And, I have been buying, and only this brand, for over 25 years, but in other countries. c. Re: "It's working", and so what more do you expect...,mentality: You are absolutely correct. ============ Still, the best thing I gained from this discussion is knowing how to approach the manufacturer and also the service people. From now on in, I will have only one refrain, which is.... "The compressor fan is not balanced properly." If they do not balance the fan properly, then the original installation work was not done properly. ========== I think you are correct that the high-pitched rattling is due to... 2 components that are rubbing due to the vibration This is exactly what it sound like, in fact! This is very helpful.
  23. Hopefully, the guys at Express VPN will provide the support you need, in due course. When I was in China, they did spend quite a bit of time working with me to help me get some apps working from behind China's Great Firewall.
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