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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Why are there never enough electrical wall receptacles in most Thai homes? Any idea? Do they think that.... The fewer the receptacles, then the more money they will save on saved electrical power usage, or something? This is not only true of Thailand, but also true of SE Asia, East Asia, except, maybe Japan. So, why is this? EVEN WHEN the electrical power is not down, still you got not enough receptacles, IMHO.... Again... Why is this? Regards, Gamma Note: I got wires strewn all of the place from one wall outlet to power the electronics in my house. Did they never think that I might trip and fall over these? What a pointless hazard to life an limb! Note2: NO ROOM should be built without at least about 35 wall sockets, ALL GROUNDED, IMHO.... What say you?
  2. Maybe you were just so..... HAMMERED...that.... You did not know what was going on, this evening....
  3. How Secure is openSUSE? VERY!!!! I already finished my migration, for my computers, to openSUSE. AND....if you might doubt me....then...just ask a GLOBAL MOD here at TV.... Because....The Global MODS know what I am running, for SURE!
  4. I'm BACK....as of 10:35PM.....when power was restored. But, for how long.... Nobody knows. There is always a blessing in every cloud.... When the power went dead, the sudden loss of power sent my BIOS back to StoneHenge.... And so, I tinkered with my BIOS....something I love to tinker with.... And, I took this great opportunity to TURN OF numLOCK in the BIOS....something which, hitherto, I had been just too lazy to do before. It's these niggling little things in the BIOS which just irritates one, until we get a REALLY GOOD POWER OUTAGE, which forces us to do what we should have done many years ago.... Thanks to PEA, I now have my NUMLOCK turned OFF in my BIOS. So GRATEFUL, that you would not even believe....
  5. Wow... The flying termites are really out enforce (in force), tonight! When it rains, it really pours around here. Happy to be alive to see this!
  6. Even without electrical power... Thailand is better than most countries... This is what I know... From many years of living.
  7. When the power went down this early eve, I saw three ambulances go by in the span of about an hour, something which I never see. No sirens, just flashing lights. And, I thought to myself.... Thank the gods I am not at home on an Iron Lung... I know that I am so blessed...
  8. Have you ever heard of DTAC? I love DTAC, actually. DTAC and 3BB. I LOVE these two companies... to death! Seriously. DTAC AND 3BB... Great for me!
  9. Getting eaten alive by the mosquitoes... Too. And, Too hot to sit inside without AC. Some here will be happy to hear my sad news, of course....
  10. This happens every year, during the first week of the Raining Season. But why? Is this just to keep us on our toes? Is this to remind us that the powers that be can withhold the power, anytime they like, if we should ask for more than we deserve? Sitting in the dark with my NOTE4... And,... Loving it. Regards, Gamma G.
  11. I did not know that this happened.... Until you told me..... Thank you! Also: I have a better photo of a CAR FIRE.... Here it is..... Here are the firemen who risked their lives trying to save the dog inside the burning car: MIRACULOUSLY....The pooch survived..... But, he lost his tail, after severe singing.....(not singeing, you will be happy to know).... In the end, the fireman adopted the dog, whose owner (I forgot to tell you) perished in the blaze..... After being sent in a MedeVac airlift to one of the best trauma centers for burn treatment, where the owner of the dog finally succumbed, but not before giving birth to triplets, while on life support, aided by a last-minute cesarean section, performed by the doctor who turned out to be her father. I know this might seem far-fetched...but... I read about it on TV.....
  12. Actually, NO.... Garbage only begets Garbage.... And then....clicks quickly drop to NADA.... How long do you think The New Yorker would last, if the magazine did not have great writers, like us. Have you ever read Cheever? It has been said that John Cheever built The New Yorker.... Anyway, this cannot go on.....for long. Even WE will, someday, tire of the Garbage...and then.... We will lose interest here. Just a guess.... Wait and see..... How did it ever come to this, though?
  13. Someday, writers like us.... Will no longer be needed to get clicks.....from the bottom feeders, the bottom feeders who click on AI content. Someday, we will need to stop writing, and just return to reading the classics......like....
  14. This reminds me of a story I once read, about Cain and Abel. Apparently, this has been happening for many centuries. I love my brothers. Unfortunately, some brothers just do not get along. One of my favorite books is a compilation of Letters written between two brothers.... Vincent van Gogh, and his brother Theo. I would prefer to see more positive news, such as this, on TV...because.... Once you begin to spiral down, just pandering to the baser instincts of us all...then...you... Finally reach bottom. So, as I say, when reading this news item, you really ought to think about the uplifting letters shared between Vincent van Gogh and his brother, Theo.... Such a terrible thing.... A brother killing a brother.... I just wonder why TV would post such a thing, unless....
  15. What KIND of water? Salt water? Where would you get this water? From the sea? What caused the subsidence in the first place???? Were they not pumping underground water OUT? So, now you want to pump it back in? Are you sure that you have thought this out...thoroughly? Sounds like a Harebrained Scheme, to me.....! https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Groundwater-pumping-from-the-Bangkok-aquifer-system_fig3_262915755 Where did you do your research> Leads University?
  16. Has anyone even considered the question: IF there were a decent Presidential Debate to be held...then.... Would the average American be able to even UNDERSTAND what was being debated? So, then, what's the point of Presidential Debating, unless it's just to show off one's hairdo? So then, what is the point of a debate when MOST Americans cannot read past the 3rd-grade level? I am not AGAINST Americans, being an American myself. However, as most advertisers know...... In order to sell any product, including the Presidency, you just gotta DUMB IT DOWN enough for the dumb Americans to understand, much of anything. Speaking of which, The Selling of the President 1968, is a book we all fondly recall.... Most ad agencies will tell you that if you write ad copy, or anything promoting a product, like Trump, then you just gotta.... Keep it DUMB, so that the American public can be emotionally motivated to eat, drink, or buy, anything, including Tricky Dick! So then.... Just how DUMB must one be to be willing to sit through a Presidential debate? Maybe, about.... IQ of 97, or so, which is the average IQ for Americans, even though Americans get dumber by the day, due to the corn products they love. Better to just PIG OUT....rather than...to PRETEND....that.... One is watching a real debate.....
  17. As I see it....the MAIN problem with these American Presidential debates is this: You have one NITWIT debating the other NITWIT, about unimportant issues. So, if you REALLY want a good debate, then you should have some smart person debating Trump. And, then, you should have another smart person, debating Biden. I would like to see Buckley debate Biden. I would like to see Chomsky debate Trump. All four of them together, on one stage! If we could only do this, then the American people would be treated to an actual debate. Most Americans do not listen to real debate, just because they are too busy getting fat off corn. Americans are Children of the Corn, in fact. Most of American's diet derives from Corn. And, so, after eating so much corn, then.... How could anyone THINK straight? Anyway, as I say....regarding a good debate.... Chomsky should debate Trump. Buckley should debate Biden..... And then, some of us lesser mortals might learn what these two Goons, Biden and Trump, actually THINK about anything, assuming they have any interesting thoughts. Here is what I am talking about. I like to watch a good debate, as much as the next guy.... But, I like my debates to have debating in the debates! Here is a real debate: These days, though, it seems that the average American has had the intelligence beaten out of him. Therefore, why should he even care what is, or what is not, a debate?
  18. Forget the Questions,during the debate because: Everybody knows that it is the guy with the BEST HAIR who always wins the debate. Kennedy had better hair than Nixon, by a long shot. But then, is Trump lying about his full head of hair? Is Trump cheating by enhancing his Orange Do? And, what about Biden? Does he use Minoxidil? Hair is extremely important to the American Public because..... Nobody asks the HARD questions, and so the debate is about how they walk, and not how they talk. It has been said that Roosevelt would not have been reelected if there was TV to see him in a wheelchair. A full set of hair is seen a virility. And, Americans love anyone who is virile, with a pair. When is the last time you saw a bald president in the age of TV? IKE was a special case, having been a conquering hero, like Nero, returning after victory. Any Social Scientist worth his/her salt knows that physical stature, tallness, like Mendelian Beans, is more important than logic, and competence. And, the physical traits of debaters are more important than their arguments, as well. This debate is a JOKE before it has even begun. So then, why stew about it? There are PLENTY in academia who have the brain power to debate the F out of either Biden or Trump. You want me to tell you who could debate the F out of Biden and Trump, combined, without breaking a sweat? Robert McNamara....That's who..... He was one Heck of a Cold Warrior, for sure..... Just watch his Fog of War. Lesson #8: Be prepared to reexamine your reasoning.... (Do you think Trump does?) McNamara could wipe the floor with Trump in any debate..... Biden will be lucky if he can walk to the podium, and find his way home. Biden is from PA, same as I. Biden once rode the Paoli Local, same as I. He's a good guy, not doubt. But, he is just too old, and not as intelligent as one needs to be, these days, to hold the office he holds. My Prediction: At least one of these two ancient relics will fall over before the debate is even half through....
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