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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I have no idea where to meet 50 people, either of similar mind, or otherwise. Here in my village, I only know about three people, and not 50. This is the way I prefer it.
  2. Only for landowners...is my interpretation. Slaves, and women, were not considered.....
  3. Trump needs to lose weight, and also change his hair color, and skin color.
  4. In addition to eating CABBAGE.... I plan to listen to more Lead Belly. My belly, too, feels like lead, these days. My hope is that listening to Lead Belly will keep me motivated to escape my belly, full of lead. This guy was so AMAZING.... And, to think... He was not even trained at The Julliard School!!!! Truly an amazing musician, and...a Credit to Humanity.
  5. Thanks. I will read up on the various wheat flours available in Thailand.
  6. I have been hearing this sentiment for DECADES, already. I do not agree with it. Basically, the Japanese have always been dwarfs, is my opinion. (Albeit, intelligent dwarfs, for sure.)
  7. Hemingway was a true Cro-Magnon man. The only thing that could kill Hemingway was the failing of his brain; which meant the final end to his pursuit of the perfect sentence/paragraph. I guess... Hemingway lost the desire to live after he became aware of his failing mind. The Old Man and the Sea, all over again.
  8. Spitting is for Cobras. Also, for the common people in ChengDu, SiChuan, China.
  9. Four Legs Good... Two Legs Baaaa....
  10. I did not realize that you are Irish. I wish I had known before. I might have though much more highly of you, had I known. Well...at least....I know now. Thank you for making your heritage public on this TV forum! It has always been a puzzle to me that some people seem not to appreciate the Irish as much as I. Must be my deep literary background that causes me to appreciate the Irish as much as I do..... No Joke, actually....
  11. I speak fluent Chinese. But, I think this new ruling might still not apply to me. I am also classified as a Friend of China....by the way.
  12. Sorry, but just one more addendum to the Topic: Somehow, I must lose about 15 kilograms very soon, just to feel more fit and less bloated. I think I might be about 94 kilograms at the moment (to be confirmed after I take delivery of my XiaoMi scale). Anyways, I DO know that I need to reduce my weight to about 80 kilograms (or I should be stating my weight in newtons, of course. So, I need to get down to about 784 N (newtons based on the gravitational force of the Earth at sea level which I exert on the ground below my feet.)) Here is what I am talking about:
  13. EXACTLY! You have been reading my MIND!!!! I was just thinking of Lead Belly, and MY Belly. And, when I set my mind to do something like this weight-loss gig, I DO NOT Mess Around! And, as Lead Belly sings here.... When you are picking cotton, you DON'T mess around. I am 100-percent into this thing, in January 2024...Like LEAD BELLY, to get rid of MY LEADEN BELLY.... HERE, in this video...Lead Belly tells us that we must NOT Mess Around.....if we wish to succeed...
  14. I think, most importantly, I just need to lay off the tons of rice I eat. Also, I should use my breadmaker machine less often, perhaps. But, my thinking is that it will be the CABBAGE that I should consume more of. The Chinese love cabbage, especially during the Winter Months, and during the Chinese New Year, when they pickle and ferment it. I need to learn more from my Chinese friends. Traditionally, Chinese have not been very fat throughout history.
  15. If you, as a Diamond Member, were to post this request, I might feel obligated to do your bidding.
  16. Thanks for the advice. I have never attempted Linux on a phone. So...I will not again even consider it for an S3....
  17. GammaGlobulin

    Isaan Woman

    I agree. I refuse to be in videos. Even a photo is not to my liking.
  18. Hi Folks, If some of you are like me, just too flabby to move around effortlessly, then maybe you will enjoy following along here to see how my New and Improved 3-C diet melts off the flab. I have never had much problem with being overweight, in my teens, or in my uni years, being the powerful stroke oarsman that I used to be. However, during the pandemic, and even now, my belly skin is beginning to look rather saggy in the mirror. And when I pinch the skin around my belly, it's hanging too much for my taste. I have studied a few diets, and they are all full of baloney. Therefore, I believe that my 3-C diet is just as valid as most of the rest of them, put together. What I will do is to broil chicken breasts and put them in my crock pot, together with carrots, cabbage, ginger and about a cup of beer, to give it flavor. Then, I will eat this concoction in a bowl, after adding a small amount of rice,, to give the thing more body and make it palatable. Sure, I've got plenty of fiber from the cabbage and carrots. And the chicken breasts will provide enough protein. Certainly this is a more healthy diet that the Inuit enjoyed in recent centuries, and even up to the present. The body adjusts to eating just about anything, as long as you have got enough protein, IMHO. Some guys live on blood of the ox and milk of the ox, for that matter. This kind of a diet is far too extreme for me, even if I had the cattle handy around my house. This is not a joke post, however. I DO intend to follow this diet for most meals. Plus, of course, I will add in one 5-egg omelet once per day. And, I will consume one can of tuna per day. Therefore, I should have called this diet something like... My New 3-C PLUS Diet. Plus, being the omelets and the cans of tuna. I am pretty good at eating the same thing, day after day, even though I would prefer a more varied diet of the GREAT Cuisine available in Thailand. No Pizza for me, of course. Well, what do you guys think? How much flab can I get rid of in one month on this diet? YES, I DID purchase, on Lazada, a Xiaomi Weight Scale, as was suggested by a kind commenter on TV, about three days ago. And, thank you MUCH for your suggestion, too! I will take delivery of the scale on January 04, if all goes well. So, this is about it. I will stay on my diet for one month and see what happens. In my view, it will be the CABBAGE and the CARROTS that will be most helpful to me.... Especially the CABBAGE! No problem... I will keep you guys posted. Best regards, Flabby and Flatulent (Cabbage)... Gamma NOTE: In preparation of this diet, I purchased 10 kilograms of cabbage at the local market. The cost of the cabbage, last week, was Bt.30 per kilo, or maybe it was not a kilo. At the market, maybe they use catties, or some other Thai weigh unit. Anyway, Bt30 per some Thai unit. Anyone know what unit of weight measure is used in the small local markets? I wish everyone would use the kilogram. We need to use Science to Weigh our food, and use units of measure according to the SI Unit System....
  19. So then...if I were to use the Samsung S3, as a ZERO Cost solution...then.... Any good Audio Player apps that might work best on such an old Operating System? I am toying with the idea of installing Linux on the S3, just get free of the forced obsolescence of commercial software.. But, I have never tried using Linux on a phone....and...I don't want to screw up the S3, which might happen. I used to use Linux on my desktops, and still do. But, I don't want to root the phone.... I don't like working with mobile devices, have had zero experience. (Easiest solution is to just find a cheap MP3 player....I think.)
  20. You are so creative. Must be the pot talking... But still, good advice for a better exercise workout... The 8-Track players of old were quite heavy...
  21. GammaGlobulin

    Isaan Woman

    Is she the one I noticed in one of your videos, sitting on the BeanBag furniture at a beach on the eastern shore of Thailand?
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