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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I would say, if it were not for the lash, and the occasional whippings, the ancient slaves were far better off than us modern slaves. Of course, even today, it is rather better to be a slave owner than a slave. We all know what it feels like to be a slave to the machine....though....
  2. I am afraid that I agree, up to a point. My friends are not sickos. And so, I stay close to home, and, these days, venture out only rarely. As I recall it, when I was growing up, there seemed to be far fewer sickos out on the loose, back then. Most people are good; I believe. However, it is the bad eggs which have increased in the recent few decades, or at least it seems this way. Better I just do not venture forth, is my decision.
  3. You know...that...you are probably old enough to remember.... When I was growing up, I had a black mammy who took care of us kids while my parents were busy or working. My black mammy, I will never forget. I loved her much. Actually, we had two. One of the mammies was simply the best cook. She could make all sorts of wonderful food. Still, I am sure, she never cooked us any short'nin' bread. Eventually, she died when I was in my 40s, and I saw her on her deathbed. What a wonderful mammy she surely was.... Even the Beach Boys loved this tune.... My! How times have changed. You just cannot sing this song at Harvard, these days, I would imagine....
  4. Folks! When I was very young, probably before I was in my teens, I read Gone With The Wind. I fell in love with that good Ole' Genteel Living of the Deep South, with Slaves, not to mention Scarlett O'Hara! What a true beauty....she was! I feel such great nostalgia for the Old South, and the comforts of slavery, when one only needed to ring a silver bell to have a manservant or a woman of color provide anything one's heart might desire. Those good old days are now over in America, what with the Political Correctness, and the pervasive uppityness of those that once were so happy to serve the Farang. And so, I wonder, even though times have changed.... If one is truly nostalgic for those days gone by... Then... How much would it cost to live like Scarlett, these days...In Thailand? I am sure it would cost much less in Thailand than in many other countries. But, how much? And, before you die, wouldn't you like to live like Rhett Butler, too, if only for a few years? I know that I would. Maybe, even, I could have a cook to make me even-more tasty soup, not to mention provide me with a biscuit, or two. I have recently been thinking these thoughts which I now share with you. Regards, Gamma Note: These past few days, there has been a song running through my head, namely this one....and please enjoy.... Oh... The Good Old Days.... I wish I had a TIME MACHINE....
  5. Nice link! I hope this guy just keeps on living. He is a very hard and dedicated worker, for sure.
  6. JinJoks are OK outside. But, not good inside, especially in the kitchen. I don't like the sound they make when in the living room or the study area. How do I get rid of the ones inside the house??? Any good ideas...from anyone reading this comment??? I don't like their droppings....hard to clean....and quite acidic, IMHO.
  7. I have heard of Knorr. This is a famous and long-standing brand. BUT, I am not sure of the salt content. I used to use actual cans of chicken broth. Strangely enough, eating this now, with rice, I can tell you, for sure, it's definitely NOT bad! Maybe as just a soup it might not be think enough. However, I just pour it over a bowl of rice, and then dig in. After all, it is not unhealthy food. And, I rather like it. Food tastes are learned, anyway. And so, I am sure that I will learn to love this, too. Cabbage is a good and healthy vegetable that seems to grow almost everywhere. The local market rarely sells broccoli, or I would definitely make broccoli with the SAME recipe that I created last night. All is well that ends well. (I just wish I had a few onions.)
  8. When boiling cabbage in your kitchen, it is always wise to keep your exhaust fan running, from the beginning to the end of the process. Nothing stinks so much in the house, like boiling cabbage. Boiling cabbage reminds me of the days of my youth when I was reading Russian novels, in fact.
  9. Keep your eye on the ball. Very few golfers break BOTH their ankles while swinging away.
  10. Years ago, I tried to make an apple pie by substituting Ritz Crackers for the Apples. Have you had this?
  11. My Friends, This Christmas, I will be splurging on cabbage, which I don't normally buy, due to my limited budget. At this very moment, I am doing a test run: a. I have my slow cooker, which actually maintains a rolling boil when set on HI. b. I have added two large cabbages. c. I added one carrot. d. I added quite a bit of fresh ginger, maybe about one full cup. e. I dumped in one can of Minced Tomatoes. f. I have no broth, chicken or otherwise, to add. g. In place of the broth, I will add two orders of 5-egg omelets. These omelets I have in my freezer are made with fresh garlic. h. I have plenty of broiled chicken breast in the freezer, which I will add later. i. I also have PLENTY of Spanish Extra-virgin Olive Oil... Maybe about 5 gallons, in stock. I will add a cup. j. But, what am I missing? Have I forgotten some important ingredient to this brew? I am sure you guys know, by now, that I rarely eat at restaurants. In lieu of this, I must cook for myself, by myself. I had wanted to add a bit of rice wine, but I have none. Any hints concerning how to improve my cabbage soup before it's too late? I just this moment turned on the cooker, and now it's about 1:50 AM.... Doubtless, this soup will not be fully cooked until the cocks crow, which happens at almost any hour of the day, here in Thailand. What about adding a bit of Lao Khao, for example? Any advice to improve upon the above recipe will be welcome. I might be too late to add anything more on this trial run. But, it is my plan to perfect this recipe so that I can have cabbage soup on a daily basis, just to keep me regular. Thanks for your input! Regards, Gamma
  12. I do not know. I do not hate golf. If I had the time, I would go golfing every day. Thailand is too hot for golf, anyway. This is why it is better to golf in Scotland.
  13. I once saw an 11-inch-long cockroach climbing up out of the sewer while walking on Lin Shen Bei Lu, in Taipei, at 2:00AM. The girl with me was not a bit fazed by the sight of it. She had seen a few that were even larger. Regards, Gamma
  14. My guess is that the relative dearth might be due to Thailand's very dry HOT Season... Just one of my guesses, though.... Regards, Note: Or, maybe the bugs prefer Chinese food....?
  15. Hi Folks, Have you ever wondered why there are so few cockroaches in Thailand? Over the past many years, I think I have seen about only two or three cockroaches in the houses in which I have lived in Thailand. But, in places like Taiwan, HK and China, it's almost impossible to not see thousands of cockroaches in any given month. Some people like cockroaches, just because they are so lonely that even the company of a cockroach improves their mood. In fact, it's almost impossible to rid one's abode of cockroaches if one lives in Taiwan, HK, or China. And...This is a KNOWN Known, as Rummy loved to say. So why is this? I happen to know that there are very few in China who enjoy thousands of cockroaches. And so, why do they even tolerate them? Well, of course, they would NOT tolerate them if they could ONLY get RID of them, which they obviously CANNOT! This is why I enjoyed, so much, living in Thailand. Also, this is why I love Japan. No cockroaches. For sure, I guess I have never seen so very MANY cockroaches as I saw while living in Taiwan. So, the question begs: WHY is there such a dearth of cockroaches in Thailand, at least where I live? Any thoughts? Is it the Hot Season which accounts for this difference? Or, is it the food we eat here? I just do not GET IT.... Anybody know? Thanks. This is still such a puzzle to me. Regards, Gamma Note: https://ketagalanmedia.com/2019/09/11/taiwans-cockroaches-may-retreat-as-summer-fades-but-theyll-be-back/ Taiwanese Cockroaches can fly anywhere, at the drop of a hat. They sometimes fly in formation, like WW2 bomber aircraft, and come in through open windows. This has never happened to me in Thailand.... So... WHY?
  16. You are a minimalist. Right? But, I was the FIRST one to post a Topic using this minimalism... And, it did not go over well..... Unfortunately.
  17. Was your thesis published? Care to share a link to your published thesis? Ups to you...
  18. You find issues with smoking and smell? But what about Freud and his cigars?
  19. There is no longer any humanity left in human beings. Hopefully, it will get better after the nuclear winter, come springtime.
  20. The cost is not worth it for old guys. Staying alive at any cost is cost prohibitive for the average citizen. Of course, if one might be a Noam Chomsky, then spare no cost to prolong his life until the very last possible second. Even in his last moments, I am sure we will hear yet another word of wisdom from the ancient one. For me, however, I do not want to be kept alive by artificial means of any sort. Antibiotics are cheap and highly effective, for now. But any other artificial means to prolong my life is not welcome.
  21. Please check with someone like Sherlock. The hospitals do not prescribe morphine without a very good reason.
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