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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. As I mentioned, I bought this HP65 around 1975, or so. Price at the time was about USD950.00, purchased just outside Philly. It was a beauty. One cannot really tell how great it was just from a photo. Need to HOLD it. It has a mechanical tape reader built into it. Its quite heavy, in fact. The Tall-TRAPAZOID keys, alone, were worth the price.
  2. I had the same one. Think it was HP65. Around 1975, or so. Quite expensive, but the design and build were amazing. Handheld.
  3. Fenimore is still the JOKE he always was. Any evidence to the contrary, by the way? Not only a JOKE, but a LAUGHINGSTOCK of literary circles. OH, don't get me started on circles, because Fenimore, if you had put him in the woods, would have traveled endlessly, in circles.
  4. Yes. And, true.... Before that...that....that.... WOMAN came to town at Hewlett-Packard....everything was hunky-dory. She ruined everything. And, I am wondering, still, who chose the colors for these calculators....simply beautiful.... And, must have been a MAN, and not a woman. And, I don't even want to see that woman's face again, or I would post it here, something unthinkable. I don't want to see her face in the same comment as my beloved Reverse-Polish-Notation calculators. I think I might have had the one on the right.... The "65", as I recall it. What a machine for it's time. And, who needs the female sex when you have one of these?????
  5. I have almost ZERO worries. And, far less angst about the president now that he has finally returned to the White House, after too long a vacation. I voted for Trump. Or, I would have voted for Trump. Trump is the least of my worries. Hope it is the same for all on the forum.....because.... Life should be so good!
  6. Correct. And, do you know who chose the color combinations for body, face, and buttons, and numbers? Yes. A work of art. That woman destroyed everything!
  7. I think you meant.... Ironic. Correct me if I am mistaken, please. Thank you.
  8. Back in the Day.... HP was amazing. Then, some woman took over, and the company went completely to pot....FAST. HP calculators were so amazing.....really. So, anyway, do you still RPN? Of course there are calc apps which use RPN for Apple. And, there is one good one for Android, too. Might be a paid app. I forget though. Maybe I already paid for that app.....eight years ago, or so..... Still, using a REAL HP calculator, with the gorgeous feel to it, meaning the tact switches that HP used..... Quite thrilling. ============= So, the Topic is.... Do you still use RPN? GlamourGirlGlobulin
  9. Dear Folks, I have used soy sauce to cook western food, but never fish sauce. At the moment, I have about three liters of fish sauce in my house, so far unused, after my fish-sauce purchase at Tops in 2018. If I were cooking Thai food, which I really do not know how to do, then I would have finished the fish sauce long before now. Soy sauce is good on almost anything. But, fish sauce on eggs? Or, fish sauce on tuna? Have you ever tried it? Not I, nor am I likely to. Therefore, with this much fish sauce on hand, what might it be used for, other than for dipping? Also, there are varieties of fish sauce for sale in Thailand. I bought the “good stuff” because the price is about the same as for the other kind. Can one use fish sauce on breast-of-chicken, for grilling? How could you? Fish sauce is very salty, and one must not overdo it. Before the pandemic, I often added it to Thai food at restaurants, and it was …. so-so. I have a Chinese-Thai friend, and she says she never touches it. Maybe fish sauce is an acquired taste for those who are not completely Thai, or fully into Thai food. Therefore, how do I use this fish sauce in my house? I checked on Google’s AI. The problem is that Google’s AI has no “taste”, IMHO. Still, Google’s AI says that fish sauce might be a “SECRET INGREDIENT” in western food. Do you think this can be true? We have all been consuming Fish Sauce….SECRETLY? Anyway, in your opinions, what western dishes go best with fish sauce, and how to use it, including amounts and recipes. Thank you. Gamma
  10. How would you know, if you walk only in your shoes, and not in his? Sad? Just a matter of degree, since we are all living a sad life, relative to the happier life we have only heard about, but never have seen. Or, are you the ONE who is living the happy life? If so, for how much longer? If you happy life is limited in length, then can it actually be as happy as you might imagine? Or, had you never considered such existential sorrows..... A SAD life, indeed, and would you not agree?
  11. I really DO NOT see anything "lucky" about it. I am luckier, if luck is the word, to choose Amazon for shopping, instead. Shopping on Lazada was never my LUCKY DAY....
  12. I can say. I can say that it is customary to prescribe antibiotics just prior to a tooth extraction, as queried by the OP. As to the amount, this may vary, according to the dentist. Also, this info can be easily googled. There are various reasons for doing this. For example, ..... Maybe too many examples. Here is one: To prevent infection from occurring elsewhere, say.....a hip transplant, etc. (Edit: hip prosthesis. Doubtful we will see hip transplants, anytime soon.)
  13. Dear Folks, As you know, any time you might need to add or subtract a few numbers, then Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) is always faster and more convenient, not to mention more accurate. And I am wondering how many in Thailand are using RPN, versus the more inaccurate way of adding numbers, such as using AN, instead. Some have said that a minority of schools here do not stress ARITHMETIC enough. Maybe this is true. But, still, if kids today, not to mention we adults, would increase our use of Reverse Polish Notation, then surely our Math (Maths) skills would continue to improve. Hewlett Packard has always been a big fan of RPN. Yet, in the past several years, it seems that HP has not been offering as many calculators with this RPN function. Do you know why? If you do NOT use Reverse Polish Notation, then would you care to share your thoughts concerning why you do not?... Because, really, such a choice seems just so illogical. These days, of course, many people use their phones for doing arithmetic calculations. And, maybe there is a way to do Reverse Polish Notation on one’s phone. Do you do this on your phone? I could send you a photo of my first Reverse Polish Notation device, if anyone cares. Please let me know if you do. Times are changing, but I just hope that most people here will continue to use Reverse Polish Notation whenever they feel the need. Best regards, Gamma Note and Question: Most people are logical. Right?
  14. Judging by his photo, one might reasonably pose the question: What's so Special about Mr. K? Other than.... He seems rather scrawny. Furthermore: Maybe too bony, as well.
  15. The Paris Agreement was always GARBAGE since it was never based on the reality of facts and evidence which was just too apparent for any idiot to see, let alone someone intelligent. GARBAGE. Who has not been following the evolution of the Paris Agreement for over a decade, anyway? IDIOCY! MADNESS! What have we done? MADNESS.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Dear Folks, Who among us cannot say that they have not, at one time or another, and for days, even weeks, had a tune plaguing them, and still find themselves incapable of ridding themselves of it? This has most recently happened to me, yet again. It again happened like this…. a. I was not engaged in anything particular. b. And suddenly, I became aware of a tune, a melody, one I could not identify, playing in my mind. c. I soon realized it had been there for hours/days/weeks, just playing in the background of my consciousness, or semi-subconsciousnes, barely perceptible, yet irritating. d. I knew that I knew the melody well. And yet…. e. The title seemed somehow unidentifiable, nor even a few words of the lyrics recallable…just the melody. f. Hours, days went by, and I would discover myself humming it…only to stop and wonder what I was up to. g. Obviously no purpose for it being there, or at least no USEFUL purpose to it. Only for multiple reasons was I able to identify this melody, including the following: a. A dim glimmering of the four words….”up in the sky”. b. Google, after tirelessly searching, coughed up…. “Shine on, Harvest Moon”, the correct answer to my prayers. c. I also found, so-unfortunately during my search, Neil Young’s tune, Harvest Moon, thereby providing just one more melody going through my head, almost without pause. d. I thought then that if I were to listen to Blue Moon, maybe all previous melodies might cancel out? e. Naturally, for most ungifted people, it’s impossible to simultaneously maintain three different melodies repeating, ad infinitum, in one’s mind… f. But, the mind is an unplumbable thing! Yes. Ruth's song has been haunting me for weeks, .....maybe. Once it starts, it just refuses to stop. Don't know why, really.... A Note: In future, we plan to listen to nothing but JS Bach’s violin concertos during the months of 2025. We need to recover our mind, and steer ourselves back on track, through nothing more sublime than JS BACH; Bach is the God of Music. Known it is that one can regain some sanity through nothing more than daily Bach listening. Thank you and listen to more good music, Classical if you can, and... Regards, Gamma Final Note: Great classical music, such as that of JB Bach…can even make the frowers glow, if not also heal the troubled mind. Nobody knows BMV 1043 like YEHUDI…!!!!!! And, in closing, might we say that we do hope some guys on the Farang Pub appreciate our literary efforts, meager enough…though they may be. Now, let us drink our morning coffee, eat our cereal, sullenly scarf our eggs if lucky, and stop complaining. Thank you. No doubt, Gamma’s Topics are somewhat less than 1000 monkeys typing: One stays tuned, always, the morning’s Topic might, some morning, seem even more profound than the last morning. Yet, profundity will never happen in the mornings. And.....Try to keep all the above in one's grey matter, playing simultaneously, plus, also.....just one more moon song, Not easy on a morning.
  17. Please do not try to treat the symptoms and also expect to achieve a cure. One does not cure Life. “Life is rife with frustration, disappointment, and uncertainties. These are not illnesses; they are part of the human experience.”
  18. Sorry..because... There just Ain't No Rest for the Wicked... As we know. And, as has been sung, thusly:
  19. How exceptionally...."odd", because it reminds me much more of....... From Russia.... With Love. Bond had that All-Too-Coveted .... Top Security Clearance which ... Shouted to all..... I am somebody. I have the power. Most of all..... I am privy to the secrets that you only wish you knew. Little men with even littler lives. And, so sorry to say: These are the types most likely to BLOW-UP the world with a nuke... Or, even worse! Grandiose guys, of which there are a plethora in the upper echelons of the military.
  20. Maybe this?: Or, better yet, If we can just get Sean to return to the stage, Connery would be the perfect Rhett for all time. Sean could have done better than Gable, but only in some ways.
  21. It was clearly stated in GWTW that Scarlett was NOT a reader. This is why Ashley wouldn't have anything to do with her. Do you remember THAT? Ashley, on the other hand, was a BIG TIME reader....Big Time! I do not associate with those who do not read, and read often, and read in depth, and read books which are not trash, fit for White Trash. You recall how, in GWTW...most of the big landholder could not stand the white-trash family who owned only 3-acres of land down by the river. They wanted to buy them out at any price, and get rid of them. This turned out to be impossible as the white-trash would not sell their cotton-land. If they had, then it might have ruined part of the story. As for MAGA, I think you are on a different Topic, and might do well to stick to the 100s of Topics hashing and rehashing the MAGA themes....
  22. Does anybody know the HISTORY of this pitbull breed in Thailand? a. When was it first introduced? b. Who was it that first introduced it? c. Why was it first introduced?
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