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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Yes. But, as of yet, I have been unable to think of the word that sounds like the one, INSATIABLE, that you mistakenly used. Maybe, in fact, there IS no word we can use to replace insatiable, and which sounds the same as insatiable, and which makes sense in a two-word phrase that ends with the word DRIVEL. ======= Therefore, maybe we will be unable to keep the word drivel, if we are going to use the first word insatiable, and still be able to call your INSATIABLE DRIVEL a malapropism. And, in this spirit: I think that what you really meant is that I, GammaGlobulin, have what people call.... Insatiable Drive So, thank you! Note: Still, I am now getting used to, and even rather fond of, the phrase INSATIABLE DRIVEL. As of this week, the two-word phrase has zero nonsensical meaning. But, this could change with time. We can only hope....
  2. Thank you for the clarification. And, thank you for your implied suggestion, as well. I am glad that the GitHub arrow-voting idea is not being considered for now. Because, if the Forum were to use this Democratic System, the Old Gits here might become agitated and confused. I am old...but... Not THAT old.
  3. So, I am not crystal clear about what you are actually looking for. However, you just state Chinese Modern... So, is this what you mean? Well.... I LOVE this... And, it's to die for. But, do you think I can afford it?
  4. Also, submitting long Topics and long Comments is super fast. Maybe a millisecond or a microsecond, or even a PICOsecond, maybe....
  5. Concerning the idea of up-down voting on a forum such as this: I am all for Democracy. Will we become a truly Democratic Forum, the first in the world, besides one or two? And, in the near future, the Forum will run itself, and moderators will be able relax on the beach with Long Island Iced Teas? https://meta.discourse.org/t/on-the-necessity-of-up-down-vote-based-reputation-systems-on-boards-involving-subjective-discussion/41442 And, also, what about BEHAVIOR MODification techniques, ala BF Skinner? Will we become nothing more than glorified lab rats in this new Forum experiment? So, let's get ready for some of that good old Positive/Negative reinforcement, coming our way soon? We can only hope, I guess.....
  6. So then... TV will have the up arrow? Just like GitHub? Note: But then... What will happen to us old gits????
  7. Thank you for the very helpful information. (You can be sure that I will post (on TV) the results of my next FULL and COMPREHENSIVE test panels in a forthcoming Topic to be submitted soon. The cost, as you have just informed me, is super low! So then, why not? (The only thing I do not like is the requirement to fast for the hepatic function panel, etc.)) If I meet any famous people while visiting the lab in Chiang Mai, I will post her photo, too! Before Blood Test: After Blood Test:
  8. INSATIABLE DRIVEL: Bard's 10th image of the nonsensical malapropism... Note: When INSATIABLE DRIVE goes Viral around the world, then you know who to thank. Note2: I just hope that you have already picked up on the fact that the phrase NONSENSICAL MALAPROPISM is a pleonasm. Just sayin'....
  9. By the way... There seem to be various other improvements around here, other than just speed. If I am not mistaken: a. When posting text copied from the internet browser into the body of the TV comment, when the original text had been either bolded or in different PITCH, .... Now, the text is copied and rectified so that there is no need to manually remove the original formatting. b. I am now able to copy segments of PDF documents directly into the body of TV comments, something I think I was not able to do in the past. Maybe true, or... Maybe just my imagination
  10. One other thought.... Originally, I had tried twice in this Topic to communicate the importance of DIURNAL TEMPERATURE RANGE, and the fact that this range is changing due to Global Warming. This is why I was interested in daily temperature minimums. The Diurnal temp range is quite important for human health and the world economy, and for other important reasons. So.... a. Climate change is closing daily temperature gap, clouds could be the cause https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/10/221025153358.htm b. Asymmetric T Asymmetric Trends of Daily Maximum and Minimum T ends of Daily Maximum and Minimum Temperature https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/17228547.pdf Enjoy the Heat... While it lasts!
  11. No worries because.... My Topics submitted in the lounge..... I write them in my sleep.
  12. And, such a great Topic, too! I already started a similar Topic in the Lounge, which I believe also mentions less noticeable latency. And, the pages linked in the Notifications Drop-down menu open much more quickly. It is not my imagination, then....?
  13. No links to sources...? Maybe there ARE no sources. And, if this never happened, would it really make any difference, anyway?
  14. Next time, maybe an AI-generated image, based upon the text of the news story, should be included? Yes!
  15. Becoming a TV moderator before I die. If I were a moderator, I would moderate everything on the Forum in a random way. Random members would receive my random warnings for random infractions of the random Forum rules. I would comment backwards, and in reverse, so that my comments would be best read with the aid of a mirror. And, I would change my profile name to TheModHatter. This is my big dream.
  16. Not to mention CO poisoning. Let's not underlay the effects of carbon-monoxide.
  17. Take off to Pattaya solo? What's the attraction?
  18. Thank you, and I find your dedication remarkable, and your results very interesting.
  19. I have not. And so, all the more reason for the governments to pay for ACs for those who are unable to afford it. How much could it cost, anyway? Not much. It would not cost much for the gov to pay for and install small, high-efficiency room ACs in one room of each house, or any house that wanted one, providing that a financial need could be verified.
  20. So, are local labs cheaper than having work done at hospitals? Are there any restrictions? Anyone can walk in and request various tests, on a whim, without an order from a medical doctor? If true, I might be up for some blood work, such as D3 serum levels, etc. No need to have a medical doctor read the results, either... (I will send my lab results to you, for interpretation...OR...I will just post them directly on the TV Forum, in order to spark a lively debate. Good idea for a Topic, by the way....)
  21. Nice! Well Done! Note: Do you live close to or far from a city? Note: Has the vegetation and tree cover remained basically the same during the past five years? (Has there been any significant clearing of land for agro purposes or building purposes near you?)
  22. One needs to invest and establish a registered company, as did I. There is a minimum investment which you can easily check by googling. Even if Taiwan was giving away visas, for free... Why would anyone, in their right mind, wish to waste their lives on that GARBAGE island? One thing, though... The Taiwan government does offer many great scholarship programs if one might qualify. These may be doable even for older people who are not strictly students. Worth looking into.... Taiwan has a LOT of money to throw around trying to promote itself as an INDEPENDANT Country...which.... I believe it actually is.
  23. Not even one. What would I do with it? I brought one VHS tape. But, I have no machine to play it. The VHS tape has been just sitting here in its cassette for years. Probably, it has succumbed to the humidity and mold by now.
  24. So.... Have you been recording the Daily Minimum Temperature for all days of the year, during the past 5 years? If so, then what can you say about the Daily Minimum Temperatures? Are they the same, year on year, or are they gradually rising? But still your data will not tell you much. You need to have many well-placed temperature sensors throughout your region in order to avoid introducing artifacts due to things like the heat island effect, and other anomalies. Weather is a very Fickle Thing....
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