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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Perhaps this is a good time to clarify that what I was referring to was actually.... one explanation for the Fermi paradox. The Great Filter to which I alluded is important here and feel free to read more about it... Enjoy... Regards, Gamma
  2. Agree. Do NOT waste time watching Seinfeld. The show was designed in a way that might help make morons feel erudite and worldly. Just a conglomeration of shallow, sick and insipid 'jokes'.
  3. Both good and valid points. Yet, I am only guilty of the one, and not the other.
  4. Let me clarify, and then....what do you think? a. I now have 2 ovens. Both are Electrolux. b. I purchased the 56 liter oven about 3 years ago, from PB. c. I purchased the 70 liter oven less than a week ago, from PB. d. Here is a photo of the front panel knobs and markings on the 56 liter oven.... e. I previously uploaded a photo of the Electrolux 70 liter oven. f. Here are two images, one each of the Electrolux 70-liter and 56-liter oven. I am quite sure that these were both supplied by the Electrolux distribution channel...BUT...if you think otherwise, then be sure to let me know by updating a reply here.... As I said, the 56-Liter oven does NOT maintain a temperature anywhere near 250 degrees C. And, I have read similar complaints from others who have purchased the 56-Liter oven. NOTE: Are you SURE that you do not have this oven, and not the 56-Liter oven, as do I? (Remember, I have BOTH the older 56-liter oven AND the newer 70-Liter oven....
  5. Yes. I agree. Supporting evidence is so much more convincing than collaborating argument. (As I always say, when presenting a paper, one can anticipate that there will be those who ask one for supporting evidence.)
  6. Yes. And also, I very much doubt that the DAR would have her, either... Besides this, she has a stepdaughter who was named after Ella Fitzgerald ! Who does that? When I was young, we had a housemaid who was named Ella. Yes, a beautiful person, but she was black. Harris' father was/is an Afro-Jamaican Catholic, who uses mathematical modeling to poke holes in accepted Economic theory. Everybody KNOWS that the Field of Economics is no more than some sort of TRUMPED Up Pseudo Science !!! And then, her mother was born in Madras, India, a place where I once was able to buy fantastic Madras Shirts of Exceptionally good Madras cotton. Now, they don't pick as much cotton in Dem parts, it seems. I still wish I could buy the same quality cotton shirts as I once could buy, about 55 years go, produced in Madras. In fact, if I were able to do some sort of Deal with the Devil... Then, I would gladly allow Harris to be elected, in turn for .... My being able to buy as many Madras shirts as I liked... At the same price as I once did.. And of the exact same quality, too. Those old cotton shirts that used to come out of Madras, India were truly of EXCEPTIONAL quality. Maybe we should elect Harris's MOTHER for PREZ. I bet, knowing that she taught at Stanford, she never speaks in Word Salads. Note: I don't think she actually TAUGHT there, but was some sort of "research scientists" there... She grew up in Tamil, Nadu, where they have this beautiful temple structure:
  7. Yes. Trump is just trying to limit and reduce the risk that America (the US) could slide and spiral enough that it would become the new South Africa of the world.
  8. That is a "bar" graph. Everybody knows that "bar" graphs are often biased. That's why both words begin with a B, as in B-girl.
  9. Yet, still, Trump was unfairly treated and unjustly maligned. This is a very unfair world in which we live.
  10. I do not understand. These risks that others understand are over-rated. Harris is the riskier candidate.
  11. I have yet to have a massage in Thailand, of any flavor. I just do not have the time for it. Also, in my neighborhood, where my house is located, I have not seen any massage parlors. What do they look like in my neck of the woods...ie....The Province of Chiang Mai, but not in center city. Do they have any massage parlors nearby, I wonder? I would like to have a massage in Thailand before I die.
  12. a woman who speaks in word salads Harris has often been criticized for her Word-Salad approach to public speaking.
  13. I never enjoyed politics....and even thinking about politics gives me hives. As well, it seems to me that 2024 is shaping up to be our most vile year, so far. Global Warming is on track to destroy organized human civilization, just as Ehrlich predicted, back in 1968. Yet, collectively, human behavior has not only not changed for the better, but has become even more destructive. If you wish anyone commenting here to project positivity about the future prospects for the human race, then perhaps you are asking too much. I wish I could be more optimistic and still be realistic.
  14. Yes. there is always the possibility that this might be true. Therefore, before posting anything I know in a comment on The Farang Pub, I first pass it through a filter. The filter I use is called: The Scientific Method Also, I never allow my personal beliefs, nor my cultural beliefs, or any other non-evidence-based filters, to influence the truths that I add to the forum. The only filter of value, which I call The Great Filter, is the filter that comes naturally when we meticulously apply... The Scientific Method I wish that everyone in government would do the same.
  15. You can always take your Black Music with you. Who does not just love this culture? Probably The Salad Woman can't understand the first thing about it. They don't have great music like this in India. Dave Brubeck:
  16. Yes. Very offensive unless.... It's The Color Purple... Whoopi Goldberg was saying. “Nobody else would understand the things that would drive me crazy.” Don't worry, Whoopi... AT LEAST, the Guys on TV's Farang Pub understand you....
  17. If you want to know what life with Elon might look like on Mars, just take a look at his dorm room, at The Quadrangle, at Penn.... Those were, indeed, far happier times... I wish I could go back. Just about the only place I was happy in the USA... Besides The Main Line.... The rest of the USA is a dump... (slight hyperbole, perhaps, yet nearly true). Images taken from this site: https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-never-seen-before-candid-pictures-university-girlfriend-2022-9#another-example-of-musk-goofing-around-4
  18. I never said that the concept of race is valid, from a science perspective. I only say that some animals are members of a sub-species of hominids. Not all hominids alive today are sapiens, you know.
  19. Even more devious than...say.... Rasputin? If the Americans (please leave me out of this election) were to elect The Salad Woman, They will RUE THE DAY! It's in the stars!
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