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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 71 seconds Something went wrong. Messed up. Score SHOULD be 0/100. Must be something wrong with the quiz. Possibly Mercury was not properly aligned with Venus. I Must check! (Yes. It was Mercury. Should have known.)
  2. Thinking requires effort. If people are kept busy enough, just in their attempt to put food on the table, they will have no time nor energy to think, but most do not wish to think, anyway. If people began to think then religion would not be enough to protect them from their realities.
  3. No matter what is between the covers, the title is correct.
  4. a. Ang Lee captured the mood of the time like no other. How he did this, coming from Taiwan, I have no clue, but he did. If you are not old enough to have lived through that era, and while you were still a teen, then you can never know. b. The music is amazing. And I mean the music created for the film, specifically. c. Everyone was living plastic lives at the time. And, it seems, nothing has changed. d. Those were times of great change, too. You would have had to live through the years of the 1950s and 1960s to know this, too. e. Nobody in this film has any idea why or for what they are living. They only move forward through their lives, without thinking or thought, just because they seem unable to choose a different path, or to choose to stop the madness. f. They throw their keys in the bowl, not because they have made a conscious choice to do so, but only because the bowl is there, and because they are asked to do so, even if they wish they could refuse. They are unable to refuse because they are being pushed along through their lives, and they cannot do otherwise. So.... This movie is creepy and beautiful. The music is strikingly beautiful. Eat Drink is also a dynamite film. And, it has many of the same themes. People are at the dinner table, sitting before a spectacular feast. Yet, they are only there out of habit. They do not enjoy being at the feast. They are being carried along through life with almost no ability to change their trajectories. Ang Lee is under appreciated, maybe...
  5. The problem with Lichtman is that he does not realize that 2024 is an extremely atypical stretch of time. In 2024, nothing goes, and nothing is the same. For example, I NEVER thought in a MILLION YEARS that I would have changed my views about who I would rather see win the US race. Now, I have changed. And the chances of my reversals, such as this, were about one in 10-raised-to-the-highest-power (not God). Changing my stance on Trump would have been totally unthinkable. So then, maybe Lichtman knows not as much as he thinks he knows. Let's wait and see, because... This time, I really am past caring. Any warm body is fine with me, just as long as it is not the Salad Woman. Or, if it is, then who really cares, anyway. The US, as a nation, is a Failed Nation, just as Noam predicted, and reported. Therefore, let the chips fall where they may. And, maybe, I will vote, this time, for MaoZeDong, if the commies find some way to resurrect Old Mao. Wait a MINUTE! They ALREADY have! Mao has been reincarnated as President Xi....
  6. Why do you use boots, or need ankle support, unless you are racing on a track, and dragging your right boot on the track as you round corners? I would never wear flip-flops when riding, although I would not fear to ride barefoot. I once did a lot of riding around Martha's Vineyard, and Chappaquiddick, on a Honda 450, most of the time barefoot. Without the weight of shoes/boots on my feet, the CB450 would go just a tad over 95 MPH, on the narrow roads on the Vineyard, in 1970. Fortunately for the forum, I am still in one piece, though only bare-ly. This was considered a very nice vehicle for its time. I had a green one, too. Hate Red. Better dead than red.
  7. Yes. I agree. And the "lot" of people you mention are the very people who are not rational White Men. As I implied, it's only the many groups of irrational people who are fired up about Harris. The VP choice is not important, after the election, for anyone. If those groups of irrational people were, instead, rational, then they would realize, as I said, that the VP-choice is not important.
  8. The VP pick has never been important to most rational thinkers. And, no matter her VP pick, she will never be acceptable to older white men. She is going to lose, no matter what she tries. Just remember, you heard it here... First. Come November 6, you will be crying in your beer....maybe. It's the fault of Biden. Harris' tougher stance in the ME somewhat surprising, and far better than that of Old Smokey Joe's, however. I WILL give her that. But, she must get even tougher if she is also to be fair.
  9. This will be very beneficial for lowering the risk of Global Warming. Stop with the heating of houses! Stop adding C02 to our atmosphere. We should not be incentivizing increased use of fossil fuels to heat houses, anyway.
  10. Concerning the beauty of Florida before the White Man, this is a quiz question to which only someone like Howard Zinn might do justice, and I suggest reading Zinn's book: A People's History of the United States in order to answer it. As you can see, I always remain on-Topic...
  11. OK Now, if not long before, we can see why ANG LEE makes such great films. Much underrated, Ang Lee, I have often thought. Ice Storm, in my view, is even more of a MASTERPIECE than Eat Drink!!!!! So NICE of you to post these telling quotes which say so much about the film. KINGSTON is not far from....MCGILL, I might add.
  12. Yes. Being a slave to one's galley is much work. Fortunately, having no friends, I had the time. As with many other places in Florida, a US state, throughout it's History, it has been trashed by the white man. For example, Naples once was quite beautiful, and rather unique in that it was one of the quietest and most upscale villages on the Gulf coast of Florida. The houses, some quite large, were situated on plots of land, and separated from there neighbors. Beginning some time ago, everybody and his mother seems to have been razing and rebuilding larger and larger houses on their same plots of land. This means that many of the houses now have only about a meter or two separating one house from another. Thee architectural style these barbarians choose has no beauty to it. They just want big, and bigger. And they do not care if they all look alike or that they might have been designed by some Alien Artificial Intelligence. Therefore, say I, Naples has gradually become the dump that it is now. The people living there are unable to notice this ghastly change because the change has happened gradually. They are now boiling in this new pot of their own making. I am very happy that I am no longer there to see this tragedy. And, I do not care in the least that they have destroyed the place. I will never return. Let them reap what they hath sewn. The greedy bostards living in Naples deserve each other. Let them gasp their last cool breaths in their own good company. They have destroyed the very thing that once drew them to that small part of the world. In truth, they are no more than victims of immutable Human Nature.
  13. Concerning the Dates of the Class Sessions...which someone mentioned... Clearly, the Summer Camp Season Schedule is designed to be compatible with the timing of the Summer Break at most international schools in Thailand. Also, concerning the cost of a 6-day camp session, this cost in fairly insignificant compared to the tuition at the more expensive international schools in Thailand. Therefore, camp costs are probably a non-issue.
  14. Well...I read the copy of the info in the body of this OP, and the information about the camp. It CLEARLY states that this is a US Style camp. This is stated at least TWO Times by whoever wrote the iCamp info. So, it's only natural that I comment in response to the article, I think. Correct?
  15. Yes. You beat me to the comment by just a few seconds. However, if you see my comment, then you will be even more shocked by what is happening to pricing in the USA. Do not ask me where all this money goes, though....
  16. The price for 6 days seems out of sight. Although, it seems that prices for education and camp are going through the roof around the world, and now even in Thailand. Many decades ago, we would go to camp in New Hampshire for up to 8 weeks, and it was great. I do not recall the price, but it could not have been as expensive as these days. Judging by average costs per week in the USA, Thailand's camp-costs seem reasonable. But then, what does the high price buy? Is there education and tutoring included in the price, which is true in China, such as for Math Camp? I could live for one year on what it takes to send one kid to camp for 8 weeks. But then, I am not a Material Girl... I still recall spending 8 weeks at camp in summer months, among the mountains in New Hampshire. The deep-fried chicken was dynamite. Did you ever have to do that braiding of lanyard work??? The Camp should have Paid ME for that! Like work you do in a Prison Camp, in fact. I have had PTSD for most of my life just thinking about all those colors in the braided lanyards we were forced to do. Forced labor at camp should be illegal... https://coolmompicks.com/blog/2022/06/22/coolest-lanyard-patterns-summer-camp/ I get the shivers and feel physically ill now just looking at this plastic crud. Worst thing that has happened to me in my life. Truly, it makes me want to hurl just seeing it here in this image.
  17. Dear Folks, First, I have two questions: a. Why did Ang Lee choose this Zappa tune for his Masterpiece Movie...Ice Storm? b. What are your favorite FIVE (numerology) Films directed by Ang Lee? c. And, the third of the two questions, did you know that Ang Lee is from Taiwan,and not from China? As I recall, he is from TaiNan, but I could be wrong, although I think that I am not wrong. So then, what is this song DIRTY LOVE? And, why did Zappa hold a special place in the heart of Ang Lee? The Tune goes like this.... ICE Storm is one of my favorite films, and this evening while watching it for about the 10th time in my life I suddenly came to wondering why this DIRTY LOVE SONG? Do you get it? Other than Ice Storm, which is my favorite, I also enjoyed Eat Drink when it was first released. These are the two films I like more than the others. But what about you? BreakYourBack Mountain? Did you dig that one? And what have you to say about that Martial Arts film he did? Here is a clip from Ice Storm, in case you have forgotten how super nice it really is.... There is just so much about this film that causes me great nostalgia for my youth which was spent in much the same environment. Talk about resonating, .... This flick sure does. So, enjoy if you will download it. Because, I already checked and there is no good HiRes copy streaming on the internet for free. Just download using a torrent client, or something. Best regards, Gamma Note: I love to watch films about Ice Storms during the Hot Season and the Raining Season in Thailand. I am sure you feel as I.
  18. He comes from somewhere around the panhandle in Florida. What did you expect? I would have mentioned it, but I thought better of it. This year, 2024, seems to be the year for more typographical errors than ever before seen in US history. Perhaps this is the future for all technological societies... If we do not blow ourselves up, first.
  19. In Hawaii, at some beaches, people put up signs showing an annual running tally of numbers of deaths at the more dangerous swimming spots. They just use the same markings as prisoners use on a wall to count off the days and years spent in their prison cells.
  20. Is it possible that one of the contributory factors leading to this tragedy might have been that the sign was not posted in BOTH simplified and traditional Chinese characters, as well as the Pinyin romanization recognized throughout China? This was my first thought. Chinese people from the mainland do not like to read traditional characters. And, those from Taiwan prefer not to read simplified characters. The reasons for this are only partially related to political differences.
  21. What are they celebrating in this image.... Halloween? When I was young, and in the USA, this would have been the very last thing you might have expected to see...ANYWHERE. All this holier-than-thou holy rolling? Such antics would have us rolling on the floor with utter mirth. What young people do not understand about religion, these days, is that it was NEVER so Over-The-Top, mid-century, as it is now. Are these people praying for something? And what are they praying for? A win for their side? A Whopper at Burger-King with everything on it? This type of behavior would not have been tolerated in the world of my youth, in America. Back in the day, the zaniest we got was to think that we could cross our legs and levitate... And, we could!
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