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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Yes. Or just marry them. As I eventually did.
  2. Interesting Note: As you can see from this image, and from the amount of RAM allotted here, this KDE seems to be running in a virtual machine..... So, there is a LOT you can do on Linux, either REDHAT or OpenSUSE...
  3. I never vote in the USA elections. There is no percentage in it for me. Why should I vote for anybody in the US? I am never there. Have not been there since 1979. Do not plan to be there, in the future. And, where should I register to vote, anyway? Maybe I could register to vote in Vermont, and vote for Bernie, I suppose.... But, I prefer the state of Maine, it being on the coast. Speaking of Vermont... I miss the culture of America.... Seven decades ago, and before. She's even better in this rendition....:!
  4. And, let's not forget calamity Jane. And, for that matter... Kalamity Kamala. I would NEVER vote for that nitwit. Poorly educated. Not of my culture, either. Send her back to India, with that former PM, what's-his-face. If I want Indian Kulture, then I will just book a flight to Kalcutta. Oh, Kalcutta!
  5. Voting for Kamala is completely impossible. Therefore, if both were running, then it would be a landslide for Jane. Any vote for Kamala is absolutely unthinkable. Even Ted Bundy for Prez is more acceptable.
  6. Where do you order these? I googled Zenni titanium frames. I could use a pair.
  7. Still celibate, after all these days. And, loving it. No worries.....
  8. Yes. I have heard that, too. And, yes, very unfortunate. There IS a place for opioids, when warranted and needed. However, for "casual use" in controlling pain.... I would always do my best to get by with ibuprofen.
  9. I would say that ibuprofen is just as good as tramadol (for pain). I would never take Tramadol for more than....maybe.... One day. Tramadol is a strange drug, in that there are 2 components to it.... a. one for pain b. but, also it affects mood Therefore, as you say.... Be darned careful with it. I would not recommend it to anyone other than my worst enemy...to be used more than a week, in fact. This is why I say, just as you also said: Beware of this dual action with Tramadol. In my view, this can have some of the same effects as benzodiazapenes or maybe antidepressants. You can research this for yourself. This is my theory, anyway. And so... We all recall Jordan Peterson's experience with Xanax, etc...haha.... Xanax had him crying on the internet, while spaced out on benzos... Therefore....Only give this stuff to your worst enemy....in my view.... Again: Ibuprofen is quite adequate for most pain. Also, learn to Take the Pain! Because, it is the people who opt for opioids who are the most likely to end up dying from Fentanyl. If you go onto sites at places like the Taiwan University Hospital website, you might be able to get info on pain meds advice. Unlike the USA, Taiwan does NOT give out dangerous pain meds like they do in America. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(21)00479-X/fulltext It's not wise to take opioids, including Tramadol. (For cancer...then fine, as well as other similar circumstances.)
  10. GammaGlobulin

    Scanner woes

    IF you are using the KDE plasma desktop on UBUNTU, then please try Skanlite. It's easy to connect a Canon flatbed scanner with Skanlite on KDE. Skanlite may be all that you need. Otherwise, just download VUESCAN, which is cheap, but not free of cost. Vuescan is excellent. But, I do not use it because I am happy with Skanlite, and Skanlite is completely opensource software, and it is FASTER than the Canon Garbage software that was designed by Canon for my two scanners. If you want ease of use, then try Vuescan. You can test for free. And, you can scan for free, if you do not mind the big watermark. See Vuescan at this site: https://www.hamrick.com/ This solution is the easiest with a huge number of great scanning functions.
  11. I switched to OpenSUSE on all computers, except the small 10-year-old Acer laptop, which I rarely use. It works very well. No need for Windows products. Even the two flatbed scanners work better on Linux with the KDE built-in scanner software, rather than the klunky and super slow....Canon Crud software. I do not like Ubuntu, and only tested in once about a decade ago, or maybe 6 years in the past. If I could not use OpenSUSE for some nonexistent reason, then I guess my second choice would be REDHAT....just because I love IBM, and I am still sore that OS/2 was dealt an unfair blow by that nitwit Gates (Gates is now OK with me, though...since he stopped with the Microsoft garbage.). My advice is to install OpenSUSE 15.6 on your new laptop....just for testing....at first. Personally, I prefer Leap rather than the rolling release. Then, if you do not like it, do Windows 11. All that I can tell you is that I am thankful to not be using WIndows OS, any longer. OpenSUSE does NOT add any garbage that you do not need. Also, you might choose to add the Pacman repositories so that you will have it easier getting your multimedia apps working, at least initially. Other than this point, everything else is straightforward. Note: When I stated Red Hat....I meant for PC, not server....like this.... NOTE2: If the user is used to Windows desktop, then maybe best to go with the Linux KDE desktop, to start. Here is KDE running on Fedora, for example.... Very nice.
  12. Is ANYONE familiar with the English "idiom".... She who cackles last.... Cackles best? Personally, I would be happy to go with Hillary, at this point. Any good port in a storm! As to cackling last??? Will it be Hillary or Kamala? This election year is making me dizzy. But, not as dizzy as Hillary, I bet.
  13. Those guys are too tall for their own good. I prefer short people.... If you have enough money, most women will prefer you over some big black tall guy.
  14. What physique...? All they eat is watermelon, fried chicken, and grits. They are as fat as they come, these days. Not to mention the chitlins which they gorge on, before bedtime, and again the next morning.
  15. The answer is the same as for the question: Why are white women so attracted to African Americans in the USA. This question has not yet been satisfactorily answered. But I would say, it's sort of an act of rebellion. Also, women, when looking for a mate, definitely do engage in risk taking. Must be a genetically-determined predisposition, is my guess.
  16. This scenario is highly unlikely. HK Police could never run this fast. The HK Cop would have had to be on horseback to keep pace with the bus, and then to grab onto the ladder in back of the bus. (There are no horses seen in the CCTV clip.)
  17. Commenting on Kitchen Kockroaches, besides the poison I mentioned earlier: If I do not want to spray, then here is how I do: I wait for one large cockroach. I kill it with a shoe. Then, I just leave the cockroach carcass on the kitchen floor, As a warning to others in his group. The cockroach, once dead, remains where I left him, For about a week with little activity. Then, gradually, the tiny ants will begin to congregate around And they will dismantle and carry away his remains. This seems to have greatly reduced the numbers of cockroaches entering my kitchen from outside, in recent weeks. I will still need to call an ant exterminator, in the near future, but only to spray outside the house. One thing that I have noticed: Cockroaches do not seem to be cannibalistic. I will give them that, at least.
  18. All your points are correct. Except, he might have had a heart attack, as well. No doubt, he saw his destination/stop approaching, but did not know how to communicate with the bus driver, and therefore decided to just "jump out and see what happens". The bus driver was safely operating his vehicle. The bus driver should be compensated by the HK Police Department for causing PTSD to the Baht Bus driver.
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