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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. By the looks of him, perhaps he should have entered a Speed Contest for Picking Cotton. Far less danger involved. And, less risk of injury to those nearby. Lead Belly sang about this.
  2. Maybe time for you to head for the beaches in Patagonia. Far fewer Farang tourists there.
  3. Yes. True. And, trying to argue with those who are unable to accept the valid data is like talking to Trump. Sometimes the data we collect is threatening to our beliefs about our world. When this happens, it's sometimes easier to cast out the data.
  4. He does not know about such things, and cares not to. This is the beauty of being so old that you no longer need care about Global Tipping Points, and increased famine, and falling food/crop production, and other minor issues...
  5. 2024 is going to be the hottest year on record.... So, I do not are what your panels tell you, nor your tea leaves.
  6. Please brush up on your Physics before you cry rubbish. If you take a gas with known humidity, and then heat it, the relative humidity will quickly drop....by a LOT when the air temp outside is 50 below zero. When is the last time you had a uni Physics course?
  7. It's not the heat that bothers me here, and keeps me cooped up....rather it is the smoke-plus-heat. I still go out with a mask however. And, I use the best 3M masks for the purpose. They work great! Still, I am sure that it will be hotter and more humid in 2025, just from the feel of things to come.
  8. Do you really think this HOT SEASON was cooler than the Hot Season of 2023? My neighbors do say otherwise. Still, at the moment in CM, it IS unseasonably COOL.
  9. OK. I will try. a. First, I will look for a neighbor with a pro-style steam iron, connected to a boiler by a hose. b. Next, I may need to get an ironing board. I have a nice iron, in fact. But, it's too light-weight for my taste. I like something heavy, with a hose connected to a boiler, which can put out steam til the cows come home. c. You are right. If no neighbor, then I need to do it myself. I also need to begin ironing my sheets and pillowcases.
  10. Yes. This Topic was SUPPOSED TO BE a Happy Topic.
  11. If I were to run a large dehumidifier in my house without AC,,,the temperature would rise through the roof. I need something that will remove about 4 liters of water per hour. Where do you think the HEAT goes from a dehumidifier? HeatPumps are more efficient, anyway, because you get two benefits, and not just one. A dehumidifier might be good for Alaska in the winter. But then, you do not need it because indoor heating lowers the humidity almost completely. I dunno. Why not just using one in your basement.
  12. I operate the ACs nonstop to keep humidity at or below 50 percent. I like heat, during Hot Season. But, cannot stand humidity. And, as I mentioned, average humidity is rising.
  13. Yes. And the matrices are multiplying, even. Adding and multiplying matrices is something we studied in our Math class, not our Political Science class.
  14. Had you ever considered reducing your waist to 32 inches, and then negotiating a lower price, due to savings in sailcloth? The savings might really begin to add up after two years.
  15. No problem. Just please do not let it happen a third time. Because....when you do....I begin to doubt myself..... As you can imagine.
  16. Yet: Just a few short weeks ago.....THIS is what the Wacky NEW Democratic Party was pushing for.....HARD. They wanted 4 more years of a man well into his EIGHTIES..... They knew what was happening, and still they were so crazy as to PUSH ON. Most of you, probably, do not recall what both major parties once were.... Nobody, back in the day, thought it possible to throw an ancient one into the political ring. Now, they stop at absolutely nothing. So, then let's have Biden back. But, the question is: Would Biden even be willing to return, and, once again throw his hat in the ring? I guess you recall Kennedy's famous quote about the hat: Poor John.... I still, so vividly, recall the moment the news was told to us by our teacher. I recall, even, the desk in which I sat....without a hat.... Many of the kids cried, at the time. But, if they are still alive today..... Then they will be crying even harder now. Jack died in 1963. Would he be happy if he had not lived to see the day....today? Or, no.... He might be out looking for Monroe, or some other.... This is why I love Trump. He never hides his good side. I think I know what I am looking at.... A total train-wreck, up ahead. Come back to us Jack....PLEASE....
  17. a. He already saved us from the decrepit Biden.... now.... b. He will save us, once more, from Harris So... a + b = c
  18. I have always wondered about the use of "an".... And, now I know.
  19. Just too many societal violations described in the title of this article, to even begin to comprehend.
  20. I am sure that you must be aware that Tricky-Dick Nixon stated, in one of his books, that he did not wear underwear while at the White House. Nixon, it is said, was one of our most intelligent presidents. Personally, I would advise against wearing underwear, for men, unless men might wish to dress up in women's undergarments, which is, at least, something that I can see as a more logical and titillating reason for wearing underwear. But just to wear underwear for any other reason, such as a moral imperative, seems quite pointless to me.
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