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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Has anyone even considered the question: IF there were a decent Presidential Debate to be held...then.... Would the average American be able to even UNDERSTAND what was being debated? So, then, what's the point of Presidential Debating, unless it's just to show off one's hairdo? So then, what is the point of a debate when MOST Americans cannot read past the 3rd-grade level? I am not AGAINST Americans, being an American myself. However, as most advertisers know...... In order to sell any product, including the Presidency, you just gotta DUMB IT DOWN enough for the dumb Americans to understand, much of anything. Speaking of which, The Selling of the President 1968, is a book we all fondly recall.... Most ad agencies will tell you that if you write ad copy, or anything promoting a product, like Trump, then you just gotta.... Keep it DUMB, so that the American public can be emotionally motivated to eat, drink, or buy, anything, including Tricky Dick! So then.... Just how DUMB must one be to be willing to sit through a Presidential debate? Maybe, about.... IQ of 97, or so, which is the average IQ for Americans, even though Americans get dumber by the day, due to the corn products they love. Better to just PIG OUT....rather than...to PRETEND....that.... One is watching a real debate.....
  2. As I see it....the MAIN problem with these American Presidential debates is this: You have one NITWIT debating the other NITWIT, about unimportant issues. So, if you REALLY want a good debate, then you should have some smart person debating Trump. And, then, you should have another smart person, debating Biden. I would like to see Buckley debate Biden. I would like to see Chomsky debate Trump. All four of them together, on one stage! If we could only do this, then the American people would be treated to an actual debate. Most Americans do not listen to real debate, just because they are too busy getting fat off corn. Americans are Children of the Corn, in fact. Most of American's diet derives from Corn. And, so, after eating so much corn, then.... How could anyone THINK straight? Anyway, as I say....regarding a good debate.... Chomsky should debate Trump. Buckley should debate Biden..... And then, some of us lesser mortals might learn what these two Goons, Biden and Trump, actually THINK about anything, assuming they have any interesting thoughts. Here is what I am talking about. I like to watch a good debate, as much as the next guy.... But, I like my debates to have debating in the debates! Here is a real debate: These days, though, it seems that the average American has had the intelligence beaten out of him. Therefore, why should he even care what is, or what is not, a debate?
  3. Forget the Questions,during the debate because: Everybody knows that it is the guy with the BEST HAIR who always wins the debate. Kennedy had better hair than Nixon, by a long shot. But then, is Trump lying about his full head of hair? Is Trump cheating by enhancing his Orange Do? And, what about Biden? Does he use Minoxidil? Hair is extremely important to the American Public because..... Nobody asks the HARD questions, and so the debate is about how they walk, and not how they talk. It has been said that Roosevelt would not have been reelected if there was TV to see him in a wheelchair. A full set of hair is seen a virility. And, Americans love anyone who is virile, with a pair. When is the last time you saw a bald president in the age of TV? IKE was a special case, having been a conquering hero, like Nero, returning after victory. Any Social Scientist worth his/her salt knows that physical stature, tallness, like Mendelian Beans, is more important than logic, and competence. And, the physical traits of debaters are more important than their arguments, as well. This debate is a JOKE before it has even begun. So then, why stew about it? There are PLENTY in academia who have the brain power to debate the F out of either Biden or Trump. You want me to tell you who could debate the F out of Biden and Trump, combined, without breaking a sweat? Robert McNamara....That's who..... He was one Heck of a Cold Warrior, for sure..... Just watch his Fog of War. Lesson #8: Be prepared to reexamine your reasoning.... (Do you think Trump does?) McNamara could wipe the floor with Trump in any debate..... Biden will be lucky if he can walk to the podium, and find his way home. Biden is from PA, same as I. Biden once rode the Paoli Local, same as I. He's a good guy, not doubt. But, he is just too old, and not as intelligent as one needs to be, these days, to hold the office he holds. My Prediction: At least one of these two ancient relics will fall over before the debate is even half through....
  4. Did you ever stop to consider that.... Although Negroponte's One-Laptop-Per-Child scheme might have failed.... Still.... Linux is alive and well for All God's Chillun .... In the form of cheap smartphones, available to some of the poorest children, around he world. There are so many valid reasons to love Linux...and....opensource software.... Even in your refrigerator.... Someday, maybe.... All God's Chillun will have a Linux Laptop...... The Dream is STILL alive..... (Just takes more time than we thought, maybe....) Who is standing in the way? https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2003/may/18/business.microsoft Those were the days, before Gates' wife left him, and before Gates took a ride on Epstein's Lolita Express....! Jobs and Gates.... Not much difference, except that Gates has a far better sense of humor, and is far smarter, too. OPENSOURCE holds out MUCH hope for the world....unless.... You got your copyright, and your IP, barring the way to faster progress.....right? So, who cannot but feel a bit jaded, at this late stage in the game. Nothing will change, until change is forced upon us.....And, no need to wait too long for that, either.... https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/european-climate-risk-assessment Batten down the hatches.... It's going to get a bit bumpy soon.... And, nobody cares about Linux, either!
  5. Good Luck, to you Sir! Chok Di! I feel your pain! And, I just hope that....one day...in the not too distant future..... These girls can, also, get their FRACTURED landscape up to par..... Hopefully, they will be able to buy some heterogeneous systems that might help them, along their path.... Through the minefield, which IS their lives, doubtlessly..... By the way, as you can see from this photo of my home.... We just LOVE Garlic!
  6. Please note: As you say, Apple is for idiots who don't really want to spend time monkeying around with software.... So, as you say, maybe VueScan is not for everybody... Still, I used it in the past...and.... It was far easier and more functional than the Canon software that is provided with the Canon flatbed scanners. And, it is multiplatform.... I guess there are better offerings...but..... VueScan should be enough for most users, unless you are scanning something.....RIDICULOUS..... Note: The only reason I post this is just that I have used it in the past, and was impressed. And, it's not expensive to buy..... https://imagescience.com.au/knowledge/vuescan-review Note: Is there something better for the money? Note2: Here is a review of VueScan from PCMAG.... So, as you can see.... This is the best scanner software for me. I do not worry about the steep learning curve, because...I have used this software in the past, and I liked it. Also, I have too much time on my hands. And so, I like software which has a steeper learning curve. In addition, I do not worry about not having enough RAM for the images I like to scan. My computer has 64GB of RAM. This is enough for most very-large images, although, of course, NOT the LARGEST images.... For Example: There are a few super-large images coming from Space which are even larger than my small computer can handle. I do not mean Mars. I mean...DEEP SPACE. There are images which are sent from space that require even more than 64GB of RAM....
  7. Well....That didn't take long....did it....! Everything just WORKS with Linux, SO MUCH BETTER than that Fruity OS! VueScan is OK....but....one might imagine....there might be even better scanner software for Linux, unavailable to Apple users..... No Doubt!
  8. I have two flatbed scanners. Without a flatbed scanner, how could I copy War and Peace, and save to my computer? In fact, I have uploaded here hundreds of pages of Chinese Language Textbooks.....but I forget under which comment I uploaded. The best software for scanning I have found is: This will do better than using your phone as a scanner, FOR SURE. Anyway, I have two Canon flatbeds.... 220.... Like this: These are the prices for Linux systems, I think. https://www.hamrick.com/ The software that is provided with the Japanese Canon scanners...if for the birds. The Japanese are unable to write great software which has great machine-human interface.... The Japanese have not yet learned how to speak and write English, either. This is what led to the devastating crash of a Boeing 747. Just a matter of the Japanese getting things....adze-backwards. They forgot to put the nut on correctly in the tail of the aircraft. Haha.....and BOOM! Yes, the Japanese have a BIG problem with consumer software, although they are great with machines, being MACHINES, themselves, little COGS in the Wheel of the Empire of the Rising Sun..... Read about it.....just a.... Failure to communicate. Thankfully, though, the Hiroo guy made atonement, in the only acceptable way, in Japan.... So, anyway.... I really like the Japanese scanners...but the software is the pits! This is why you gotta pay to use 3rd-party software if you want to do some serious scanning, and manipulating of images, etc. People think that Linux is FREE, as in Free Beer, as Richard is fond of saying. But, we who choose to use Linux do NOT use it to save money. We use it to be FREE of Carappola Companies, founded by CONTROL FREAKS, like Jobs and Gates..... We do NOT mind paying for good software, such as 3rd-party scanner software, to go with our hardware purchased from Japan. Someday, in a thousand years, the Japanese will learn how to write software which is INTUITIVE to the rest of the people on Planet Earth...... Jobs was a fruitcake. And, Jobs did more harm to this world than you might imagine..... Talk about IP, for example, and patents..... We need to RID OURSELVES of these control freaks, and IP, and copyright, and just let information roam free, around the world..... This is the REAL way to make faster progress...... Let the information FREE, Please! Note: Wow, I guess JAL will not make the same mistake, again, in a million years. BUT, the Boeing guy, at the meeting, was a BIT PEEVED, to say the least. The JAL guy screwed on a bolt, adze-backwards, as I recall.... WHAT a NUT CASE! Like the pun? Note: But, thank you very much for reminding me to download and install scanner software on my Linux computers. And, as I recall, there is a proprietary version of VueScan available, using YaST installer, without needing to do much, other than to press a few buttons, to get it working on and openSUSE computer..... I can scan up to about THIS resolution, which is plenty for me..... I mean, I am not trying to make a FAKE of Mona Lisa, or nothing.... NOTE.... Canon has scanner software ported for Linux....but....I have never tired it.....And...I will NOT try it....probably....
  9. Maybe he was just blowing smoke.....
  10. Yes. The wiring here is abominable. For some reason, electrician folks here are unable to compute amperage-watts-volts. This is something that one learns early in life, or should, in either middle school, or, latest, in high school, just via the study of Physics. I am not sure if anyone in Thailand has taken a rigorous course in Physics, either in HS or at university. I think they must steer clear of such difficult subjects. I have often thought that it would be best to formulate some sort of aptitude test for electricians who come to my house to charge me money for doing dangerous things. Maybe somebody should start a company providing electrical work. Then send the employees to HK for training. I have never had any problems in HK, or Taiwan, or Japan. After a few years here, I now have ZERO confidence in the technicians available in the local area. NOTE: I really wish, now, that I had taken a two-year approved course for training of electricians, before arriving in Thailand. Too late now, I guess.
  11. The Internet is NOT hardened against NMR. And, who ya gonna call...in the event of a nuclear war, anyway? The Ghost Busters?
  12. 3BB is ALWAYS good, for me. Good customer service. Almost zero downtime. Fast internet speed. Low latency, IMHO. Just my experience, of course.
  13. I love seeing young kids assembling computers, as well as participating in other science projects. Really, so important....!
  14. I already told you that you provide good info. I know the wheat. And, I know the chaff. Maybe, you are about half-and-half.... Still good, though... TKS!
  15. Did you mean that Trump will just lie about, agreeing? Or... Did you mean that Trump will lie that he agreed? Sometimes, I find your posts just too ambiguous for my tastes. Have you ever studied formal logic? I did.
  16. Will either one remember who they are debating, once they arrive at the debating venue? Whatever happened to Hillary? If Biden donned a Hillary wig, then this debate just might get interesting.
  17. The Sacklers are the norm. But, in all fairness, the Sackler Family are not scientists.
  18. In lieu of any cash settlement... Would it not be even better for Pfizer to compensate victims with Free Xanax? Note to Self: NEVER take psychotropic meds!!!
  19. No need to move Bangkok.... Just open up more floating markets.... Rising sea level will actually benefit Bangkok's economy.... Tourists love floating markets. And, I would like to see more floating-market tourists like..... THIS one.... There is always a silver lining to every rain cloud....
  20. Fruit, did you say? Good riddance to this bad rubbish. He harmed many more than he helped. He even harmed HIMSELF through his idiotic non-science approach to his cancer treatment, eating FRUIT...... But, we don't know if he was eating apples, or some other purple berry.... He died early, as a result of his ignorance, and stupidity. Good riddance to this Control Freak. Hopefully, young people, these days, will not see this megalomaniac as a suitable role model, in the future. Jobs should have stayed in India....! And, these days, any sensible person should shun ALL Apple products, and all Apple services. But, will people listen? Apple is still strangely popular in China, among the "new rich", who see Apple phones and Apple laptops as some sort of SICK status symbol.... Apple products are NOTHING MORE THAN.....Jewelry...if you really want to know.....
  21. Jobs lived by the fruit. And, Jobs DIED by the fruit..... Let's all not take an example from this fruit, please....! Jobs was a COMPLETE CONTROL FREAK....and...his IDIOTIC ethos lives on, which is his NUTTY legacy to the world. In some ways, this idiotic founder of the Fruity Computer Company...was....just like....Howard Hughes...though less likable. Hughes was a flawed genius who was loved by many. Jobs was a Goose, loved by none. Jobs was fixated on EVERYTHING related to fruit, and fruits. Even the Mormons didn't cotton to Jobs. If you really want to know what Jobs was like, then just take a listen to the discussion between Gates and Jobs..... Gates is a good guy. Jobs, was a psychopath....by comparison.... Anyway....the MAIN reason these guys made so much money, and got filthy rich, is not because they brought anything new to the world, in terms of science. Their only claim to fame and wealth was their ability to market products made possible by the science and technology developed by REAL scientists, and government funding for the science. They think that they are whiz kids....but..... In truth...they are nothing but JIZZ kids, compared to the real scientists that actually developed the science and technology upon which they profited. Two A-holes....compared to the scientists who actually did the grunt work. IF you use Apple products.....then....IMHO....YOU...are...a.... NITWIT
  22. I shudder to think what might become of me if I had not...this evening.....taken..... THIS GREAT LEAP FORWARD..... I am a lazy bstard....because....I should have done this, .... Years ago. Don't Be Lazy!
  23. THESE DAYS....you just have to think of it this way: Windows OS is like LOTTERY TICKETS.... Who would by a Lottery Ticket or Windows OS? Lottery Tickets, just as WIN OS, is a tax on either the poor, or the stupid..... This is just the way it is, ... These days. There is a better way.
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