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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I once had a dream....maybe 22 years ago....that.... Linux Desktop would spread, like wildfire, around the world.... Me and Negroponte, and a few others..... In the end, Gates thought this a very bad idea....
  2. Just an UPDATE to my Addendum, here: I am now on my 4th installation of openSUSE, and.....IMHO....almost anyone can install openSUSE... Standing on their heads.... Even a trained monkey can install openSUSE on any modern desktop computer. a. Man Standing on his head has the ability to install openSUSE....! b. Chimp can install openSUSE, too... (So then, why can't you?) c. Or, has Microsoft Corporation got you running scared? Think about it. d. Do you want to use an OS flogged by that BABOON, Steve Ballmer? Sure, he says he does not throw chairs at employees....but.... Do you believe him? F-U.... Steve I hate a guy who sweats too much. e. SUSE is sane, and Ballmer is CRAZY.... It UPS to you, as the b-girls say, in Thailand..... You decide..... I will go with the LIZARD, as the lesser of two evils.... f. 4th installation of openSUSE, this evening....not one hitch, either....(But, I am just a monkey, of course.) Note: The above computer's mainboard was manufactured by FOXCONN...and so.....SUPER SLOW. ASUS is Far, FAR....better...IMHO....
  3. By the way, Man! If you are moving from Windows to Linux, then....you must be willing to do a bit of googling....in order to get things working right.... Shifting from one OS to another OS always takes a bit of ADJUSTMENT in ATTITUDE....... Also, as a beginning drummer, one cannot expect to play an amazing TOAD, right out of the box..... It always takes a bit of practice.... Here is a toad for you....and...do you think this drummer could play this TOAD out of the cradle? NO! NO!!!!!! For example..... I have been using SUSE since..... Since version 5.1...... So....I guess I am just..... USED to it by now. You just gotta ask yourselves..... Why would I, a genius in my own right, stick with SUSE....if....it were not..... Up to Snuff?
  4. Maybe he just needs a battery replacement? Anyway, why fix if the UPS has a component failure? Better to just buy new. Go to JIB and replace.... This is a good deal at JIB..... Better than trying to fix anything.... BUT, if it is just a battery issue.... Then, IF you can find a top-grade battery here, which I doubt..... Then replace battery. The batteries for replacement here...are.... SH&T, in my opinion, after replacing MANY batteries...during several years of use of three APC UPS units.... I have replaced the batteries, multiple times....but the lead-acid batteries supplied here are.....as I said..... Conclusion: It's your choice. Replace battery, if you can find a GOOD quality battery. Or, replace with a decent APC unit. (I plan to do both. I bought a new APC. Plus, I will keep my old APC unit, and I will look for a higher-quality battery. But, do what you want......) When I say....do what you want..... It's up to personal choice, and cost/benefit analysis.... (Personally, I would NEVER throw away a working APC UPS, form Schneider!) But..still....do what you like.....and...use your head, I guess..... Use your head. Do what you like. NOTE: Sometimes, it all just boils down to a matter of BLIND FAITH....in then end....
  5. Addendum to the Addendum of the Addendum: Well, just how long have I stuck with SUSE? It's like this: a. Think of the development of SUSE as if SUSE were an olive. b. As the olive goes from it's earliest stage to full maturity...it changes color.... c. And, I am just saying that I was there....almost...at the beginning..... Like This! These days.... SUSE is RIPE..... No longer...ANY excuse for me to not use SUSE...instead of..... Any Microsoft product. I ain't lying. And, I am not grandstanding. I am not joking. I have now gone over to the white side..... (i.e., white hats vs grey hats, such as MS, etc....) NOTE: I was there from almost the beginning....
  6. Please just install.... Anyway....this TOPIC is NOT a HOW-TO for installing SUSE..... Just google what you don't know... It's easy.... "Have a LOT of Fun!" openSUSE is super simple, really.... (All the codecs you will need for playing vids will be automatically installed for you....when you add VLC to your system....)
  7. Addendum to the Addendum: Sorry, but I could not resist mentioning the HISTORY of SUSE.....as I have lived it, during the past 20-plus years..... When I first began using SUSE, I was a spring chicken, compared to what I have now turned into....after so many hard years. When I first began using SUSE, it was not as easy to install and use as it is now, especially since I was installing it on several very old computers, even by 2000 standards. The computers I was using, in 2000 were just junk computers that nobody wanted. Yet, if one waiting long enough, SUSE would still install, after about 48 hours, or so. I still recall, even to this day, when some major company, was it IBM or Novel, invested about 6 Billion in SUSE. (Haha, why don't you check the amount and the facts.) Anyway, I clearly recall when SUSE got a huge infusion of cash, and then SUSE became a contender.... SUSE, before this cash infusion, just weighed about 168 pounds.....! You remember that???? SUSE could never have been SOMEBODY without Novel, or maybe IBM, or ..... So, I am just saying..... Some guys wonder why I stay with SUSE. But, they do not know my history with SUSE. You just can't give up on a beautiful GF, EVER.... The year, 2006, might just be any date to most of you. But, to me, this was a landmark for SUSE. To some of you, the history of SUSE is something you might just read in books. But, to me.... I lived through these years, together with SUSE, always rooting for this great Linux Software company.... For me, it would be like losing my right arm, to switch to any other Distro. I will go to my grave with the banner of SUSE held high! For sure! And, anyone attempting to convince me to try RedHat....will need to tear the SUSE lizard from my cold, dead.... Hands! Note: The SUSE Linux history is an interesting one, in case anyone might be interested. I LIVED the history, in the news, during the past 25 years.... So, I feel it in the bones of my lizard, which is just as hard as it ever was, thanks to SUSE Linux! I will NEVER leave SUSE.
  8. Important ADDENDUM to the OP, which I forgot to include in the original OP: a. Here you can see the specs of my OLD system, which I purchased from JIB, about 9 years ago, at a CM JIB shop.... b. Using Windows, this old architecture was so slow that it gave me a migraine, almost every day. c. Earlier this evening, I swapped out the original 500GB SAMSUNG SSD, and replaced it with a new SAMSUNG SSD. d. Then, I installed openSUSE on the new SSD. e. Now, this FING old comp is BLAZING FAST! It's like an entirely new BEAST, in fact. f. So, I am just saying....IF you want a WHOLE NEW computer, without buying any new hardware, and you want to do basic tasks, at lightning speed, such as browsing the web, or posting on TV, ... Then...my best advice to you is to do what I did...... Just install openSUSE and you will have that...... SECRET SMILE..... g. Truly, SUSE, provided to us from those panzer-heads, is totally worth its weight in gold.... ======== I know you think I might be joking, or something.....but I am NOT..... This is just the way I write.....and.... Everything I have written in this addendum is true. I am SUPER HAPPY to have gotten off my duff and, finally, once and forever, replaced the Windows OS with Linux, by openSUSE.... Try it....! It's SO easy....and.... I think you will like it...... Take care, Guys..... Best to you..... Regards, Gamma G. PS: My new computer with 64GB of RAM, and a very-fast CPU, runs even faster on Linux....but....I have not...yet.... Begun to plumb the depths of the fastness of my new computer..... Nobody likes slow..... And, Windows is slow.... As everyone knows......
  9. Just in case you wish to take the plunge an install openSUSE....to your computer.... Might I suggest that you listen to SUPERTRAMP while doing so? A new install of openSUSE always goes better with SUPERTRAMP.... Get SUSE....here: https://get.opensuse.org/ Get SUPERTRAMP.....here....and....let both SUPERTRAMP and SUSE brighten your day....just like an OJ COCKtail .... openSUSE works GREAT....just out of the box. No worries....Folks.... Do not Fear! "Have a LOT of Fun!"
  10. Hi Folks, I just wanted to share with you how GREAT it is to be leaving Microsoft for Linux, and for the rest of my natural born days, on this planet, called Earth, the Third Planet from the Sun, if I am not completely mistaken. So, anyway, in case you might wish to know, I have a few computers, and all were mostly running Windows, although....in the case of Windows, they were not really running, but mostly just walking, or strolling, or shambling and shuffling along, in a very awkward way. So....why I am I so very happy this evening? I am happy because, being a very lazy person, I had delayed the switch to openSUSE for very many months. And, I really do not know why, but this evening....seemed to have been the day for it. I am now about half-way through the process of migrating everything from Windows to Linux, openSUSE, and this computer is now up and RUNNING a MEAN-STREAK, by comparison to what it was doing under Windows 10. I will not upload any screenshots here of the SUBLIME BEAUTY of my new desktops. Suffice to say, Windows is UGLY, and Linux is ALWAYS Beautiful, just from an aesthetic point of view. Also, I have already noticed that my Windows 10 computer, 10 years old, is now rejuvenated, and risen from the dead, like Lazarus and Jesus, COMBINED! I hope everyone reading these words will take another THINK, and follow my lead. You will NOT look back, once you take the plunge. I only delayed, as I say, because I am often just a LAzy gUY. You know, Guys, that I had originally thought to wait until June 12th, just to install LEAP 15.6....but.... That would be foolish on my part. LEAP 15.5 is already just about as stable as it gets. Better for me to wait for LEAP 15.6 until JULY 12th, and let the fools who install it, on Public Release Date, to F-around with the Bugs, which there are bound to be some, by the way. So, I will just use 15.5, and wait in my cave....until....maybe AUGUST or SEPTEMBER, 2024. I ain't no dummy, you see, and on the contrary.... I am a Genius, by comparison to any dummy. BUT...SERIOUSLY, GUYS..... The more of us who get ourselves free of the Microsoft Machine.... The better for ALL of Mankind.... The more users of Linux Desktop, then the more developers will pay attention to our needs, and .... It will just begin to SNOWBALL..... But, of course....I realize....THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN.... Too many rats in the maze who know not how to get out, and enjoy PURE FREEDOM. What does this LACK OF FREEDOM FROM THE MACHINE actually look like in FILM? Of course, you know,....but....just in case you have forgotten, by now.... This is what the Machine looks like...in Film..... I will NOT, no longer, be a party to THIS! Just a few minutes of work.... Just a few dollars to buy a new SSD...and....now....I am.... FREE Free at last. God Almighty.....i AM fREE AT last......! bEST rEGARDS..... gAMMA g...... NOTE: I just installed LEAP 15.5 on this new SAMSUNG 500GB drive....which...is.... Enough for me. SLAP HAPPY NOW I AM! NOTE2: I am very, very HAPPY, now...... I am the EGG MAN! https://get.opensuse.org/ I am the walrus.....! NOTE: Never be TOO logical....... NOTE3: I began using openSUSE (SUSE) linux in 2001. Now, I am BACK! I took the long-way home.... Never leaving, again!
  11. Yes. I agreed, as well. But, by the way: I no longer plan on using WIN OS. I am migrating all computers to openSUSE. No more messages, do I plan to tolerate, from Microsoft telling me that my Windows will "soon expire".
  12. Yes, it is easy to get around. But, you will require some means of transportation. Concerning communicating with people here in the LOS, a smile, even a secret smile, goes a long way. If you wish to remain here in the LOS, then you would be best advised to quickly enroll in a Thai language course. The course should cover written and spoken Thai from the very beginning. If on a short visit, buy an expensive/fast mobile phone device. Load the phone with the LINE app. Google Translate is helpful. And make sure your GPS apps are working.
  13. I will live to 100 ONLY if I am willing to accept what the future has in store for all of us.
  14. No. They are not masochistic; not at all. They just enjoy posting comments, same as everyone here. (My Prime Directive here, is to allow people to read my posts, and then say that they do not want to do what they have already done.) If everything written on this Forum was like Pablum, then only infants without teeth would enjoy TV. You just cannot allow yourself to become overly bogged down by those bogs who may have grown up around the bogs, or in them.
  15. Hi Folks, I guess, if you are like me, then you might have a few older and smaller SSDs hanging about your house. So then.... What are they good for? Can they be added to your system to perform any useful function? Or, should you just donate them to your local Temple here in Thailand? In my case, I have 4 small (250 GB) SSDs...lying about. How might I use them. Maybe I should try to use them in a RAID configuration to do......"something"? I mean, I just to not feel right about chucking these SAMSUNG SSDs into the landfill. Any thoughts? (These days, 250 GB of SSD, per drive, is just almost piddling.) So, what might, usefully, be done with them? Thanks... Gamma NOTE: Do these old SSDs, of smaller capacity, such at 250 GBytes, really have no value for me, any longer? Or what to do with them? Thang you!
  16. Hi Folks... I do not mean BIG C. I mean, the John Wayne type of the Big C. And, how much do you fear it now? Personally, I do not fear either Big C or THE Big C. And, I don't even believe in VITAMIN C, in moderate doses. a. Do you believe you will die of The Big C? b. If not, what do you expect you will die from? c. Will you die of loneliness even before The Big C cuts you down? I will not say that John Wayne is, particularly, one of my heroes. No. Because, Elon is so much more a hero-type than Wayne. I do not fear cancer. At my age, cancer will progress more slowly, simply because my cells are now quite tired, and not so lively. John Wayne battled The Big C.... For awhile. But, did John actually DIE due to Cancer? John lived a full life. He lost a lung, or two, or three. Also, might it be possible that he died...due to...radioactivity, rather than his penchant for smoking? Just HOW AFRAID are you, ... Of The Big C? Regards, Gamma Get a CHECKUP.... Check yourself for....The Big C... It's Great to Be Alive.... Cancer is not much fun....especially when.... It happens to others.... Those you love most. As always, and loving good guys here on the Forum.... Regards, Gamma G....
  17. Better yet.... Just walk on your hands..... Phobia gone!
  18. On JUNE 12th.... I will be reinstalling all my computers with openSUSE LEAP 15.6. Never looking back.....ever....never.....
  19. I would not do it even on a dare. But.... A double-dare? Maybe.
  20. I never broke my ankle. I broke a tibia, one time. 6 broken hearts. 1 broken femoral neck 1 broken metatarsal 1 broken nose (only had one) 2 broken legs, one each 4 breakups with GFs 3 breaks with reality And.... The list goes on. Still, fortunately, I have not developed any phobias about breakages, except.... When I was working in a restaurant as a dishwasher, I developed a phobia of breakage fees for broken dinner plates. There was a time when I dreamed about nothing else than having dinner plates fall from my soapy hands onto the cement below the sink, thereby racking up fines five times my dishwasher's salary.
  21. Yes, Folks... I am back with a vengeance.... And, the main REASON for this Topic, besides trying to figure out LINE on Linux, is that I feel such udder regret for ever dropping Linux for Windows, for about 5 years. Now, I feel just so FREE and HAPPY....honestly. I am talking about vengeance. So GET INTO IT, why don't you!!!!!!!! MY LOVE for SUSE is.... VENGEANCE!
  22. By the way.... I forgot to mention in the OP.... a. Many years ago, I began using Linux, instead of Windows OS, and it was good. b. Then, I really do not know what happened to me...MAYBE BRAIN FOG...or something....but... c. Somehow, I became lulled into using Windows OS. d. But, now, I am back with a vengeance! I am back to Linux, and just the way I like it. e. I don't know whether or not you might be old enough to recall, but....it once was Microsoft policy to ENCOURAGE pirating of its OS, and other MS software, in China, and elsewhere in China, in order to gain MARKETSHARE...... Those were the days..... f. But now, the worm, MS, has changed. And now, the worm, especially beginning now, with Win-11, has changed its policy, and now we Gots to Pay and Pay.... g. BUT, not ME Babe! I will NOT Pay and Pay for a shtty OS...when...I can get something just as good, from openSUSE..... h. The new model for MS is that EVERYBODY gots to PAY and PAY..... (THINK SUBSCRIPTIONS, FOLKS)...... i. I am getting off this MS Bandwagon. I suggest that you do the same. The more people who get off this wagon to hell.....the better for every person on this Planet. And, the colored girls go..... Doo Dee Doo.....! j. Did I just mention that....I have been using Linux for about 24 years? So, why did I switch to Windows, about 5 years ago? I think it was because, a few years ago, I came to Thailand and bought a Windows computer.... But now..... I'M BACK! I will NEVER go back, never again. k. Take a look at this new Budget Comp of mine...... Does it say WINDOWS? l. The more you use Linux, the more you love it...and..... HAVE A LOT OF FUN m. I just got to figure out how to use the LINE app, is all, with the same functionality available on a Windows computer.... So....any thoughts? NEVER GOING BACK to Windows Trash Desktop. NEVER..... Hope you will leave that OS, which represents nothing more than OPIUM FOR THE MASSES..... Trust Me.....and regards,..... Gamma NOTE: Take a walk on the WILD SIDE with openSUSE..... Thumbs UP for SUSE! The Panzer-Heads make a GREAT Product! Just to paraphrase what TOM WOLFE once did write !!!!!
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