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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Having found Bard wanting... I now very rarely waste my time talking to him. I suggest that others might also think twice before being led astray. But, do as you will.
  2. Dear Film Fans, Do you recall your first cherry girl? Does she, even today, after all these years, and so much water under the bridge and over the dam, still stir your loins? Those were the days when our juices were flowing, and when we were so in awe of almost anything and everything about the mysteries of what might lie beneath. We had far better senses of smell, those days. And, the perfume of young girlhood, brought us such a flutter.... All over. Our very beings, it seemed at times, was solely involved with getting to her, like dogs in heat. Such a fine animalistic existence, did we lead, in those all-too-short days, now long behind us. It was like the great movie, PICKNIC, but even more earthy, by comparison. It was like, only more so, Natalie Wood and Warren Beatty in the film, Splendor in the Grass, even...! I'm NOT a nice girl.... But, who is? I, for one, am not a nice girl. This is certain! And, what about PICNIC? Those were the days...the good days... When the juices were flowing, and when we needed worry only about Sex and The Bomb. Cheery Sherry... Such a song! Just listening to Sherry could make a young man wet. Those days, were were less desensitized to all the many wonderful stimulations in our lives. Even the slight brush of a girl's skin on one's skin could give one a huge rise. Were have those great days gone? Regards, Gamma
  3. Not being over-the-top wealthy, I must husband my resources, and spend my money based on a hierarchy of need, and France is nowhere near close to the top. If I were to travel to Europe, this time, I think I would love to first visit Spain, and this is only a matter of personal preference, not some absolute value judgement for all. The French, and the French artists, .... Their sphincters are too tight for my liking. Spain is where you outta be, if in Europe. Older before her time? Are you not yet tired of Mona?
  4. a. I regard you as one of my best friends. b. If you are, actually, NOT one of my best friends, then... c. I would be very surprised, too. d. In addition, if we are not YET friends, then why can't we be friends? e. Why? Oh, Why?! e. No reason that I can think of....after all....Don't you and I think, at the elementary level, think alike? I believe that YOU and I are... On the same wavelength. I am sure of it, in fact.... NOTE: Perhaps you are correct. And, perhaps, also, a word, more apropos, might be "associates". That's right. I have no friends, and instead exist, from day to day, only with associates. (Still, associates is better than having neither a friend nor an associate.) I was born, alone, you know, and... So what could anyone reasonably expect of me?
  5. YES! You are entirely correct, and... I was going to start a TOPIC about this strange power outage, which was quite a bit dissimilar to what I am used to here in Chiang Mai. This seemed more of a BROWN OUT instead of a full power outage. And, for over two hours, the water pump worked, but was very slow. The fans were slow. And, the ACs were slow. Why was this? Maybe we lost 3-phase power and kept single-phase power? I really do not know. I prefer the type of power outage which happens suddenly, and all the power delivery ceases. And then, when the power is retorted, the power returns at NORMAL Levels, or normal state. This power outage was too confusing for me. And, due to this strange power outage, I actually went to JIB and bought a new UPS, which I might not have needed. Still, one can ALWAYS use an extra UPS while living in Thailand, as everybody knows.
  6. Dear Computer Folks: As you know, I hate it when Members ask questions, and then take good advice from the TV Forum, and then.... WTF! These Members who have benefitted from the expertise here.... Provide NO UPDATES about..... OUTCOMES! So, I just wanted to let you guys know that, after almost two solid months of AGONY, agonizing over my final decision,... I chose this DYNAMITE computer case, which I bought locally at JIB. (Finally, I found a JIB shop which is populated by SUPER NICE (REPEAT, SUPER NICE) sales people. During the past days, it has been my pleasure to correspond with these super nice and helpful people. I am not saying that it might be true that ALL of the people at JIB are not as nice as the JIB which I found. And, as well, I MUST TELL YOU that I have found the quality, and good breeding (meaning respectfulness and kindness, and thoughtfulness, etc., to be improving at JIB, in recent years. BUT, this is only MY OWN Findings, and I have no real evidence to support my claim. Just a feeling, that old time feeling I now get when shopping at JIB. AND SO: Yes. By all means...IF you can find some great and helpful sales guys/gals at JIB, then you will have been very glad to shop at JIB, and this JIB-sales-clerk bonhomie will be likely to stick with you, for years to come.) Here is an image of the case I bought....FINALLY! And, you will probably also know, from my past Topics about ACs, and such, that I always try to buy the LAST ONE in STOCK! Why do I do this? Because, I enjoy the feeling of always getting the last one, the last chicken drumstick on the plate, the last hamburger on the grill, or the final scoop of USD100,000.00 ice cream.... Anyway, I just love to stick it to the next shopper, and know that I WAS THE ....guy who... Got the VERY LAST one in stock...(Tough Luck, Schmuck!) Thanks to the Members here for the support. I am happy now. After months of indecision, my stress levels are no longer waxing, but gradually waning.... Thanks! Here it is: Now, let the naysaying begin! NOTE: Just in case (get it?) anyone might want to buy this case here in Thailand, at JIB,...then...I think this case will be re-ordered by JIB, and stocked, and available sometime in the future. I like this case because there are no light flashing and no problem with all the colors of the rainbow lighting up my office at weird hours of the day and night.
  7. Dear Folks, aa. Anytime I mention Van Gogh to friends, family, or acquaintances, I become embarrassed. I worry that if I pronounce Van Gogh as Van Goo or Van GO, I might either be ridiculed or they might think me an pretentious-pric, or they might suspect I am not as learned as I pretend to be. When I try to pronounce Van Gogh as do art historians, then my friends seem to become sort of a "dazed and confused", which is what the super band Led Zeppelin sang about so many years ago. bb. And, as well, for many years, when I talk to my friends and family about either Manet or Monet, then sometimes it is I, and not they, who get confused. cc. So the question is: What to do? Should I pronounce Van Gogh as I think it should be pronounced? Or, should I just speak the name, Van GO, like the pronunciation of the game GO, and thereby attempt to ruffle fewer feathers among the people I know? I would prefer the proper pronunciation, but, I, too, find it difficult to say this name without getting a sore throat for the rest of the day, for example. My solution?: I just say the name BOTH ways. First I say, VAN GO. Then, I say, sorry, I meant Van Gogh! dd. What is the proper etiquette in this circumstance, anyway? ee. What is the difference between Manet and Monet? The difference for me is that I love Monet. Monet is a great artists. And Manet was GARBAGE, by comparison. This is why Van Goo was influenced by Monet and not Manet, fortunately for the world? ff. But, what about how Manet and Monet look like up close? gg. Monet's harbor (harbour) paintings are to die for, too. Maybe I will upload a few here, just for fun. hh. Here in this backwater of Chiang Mai, I rarely see Van Gogh's work, or Monet's work on exhibit at the local university, even though I also know that the paintings of these two amazing masters actually DO travel the world, and wind up in the strangest places, either illegally or on public exhibit....BUT....not here in Chiang Mai. ii. If I want to enjoy the paintings which are so uplifting to me during this hellishly hot summer, and the impending storms and floods, sure to hit soon, then what might be the best websites for this? You guys must realize that the internet, due to copyright restrictions, has greatly limited the uploading of TOP QUALITY HIGH RESOLUTION images, images which are almost indistinguishable from the originals. And these once could be viewed on one's HIGH RESOLUTION computer monitors, and I am talking about the computer monitors often used to do engineering work, such as CAD/CAM work. jj. I try to never come across as being pretentious. Neither do I like to seem condescending, on most days. And, I would have broached this Topic sooner, if it has not been for this niggling fear of mine. kk. How many of you have been to see the Van Gogh museum? I have heard that the building is sort of a work of art and engineering in its own right. I have ZERO interest in visiting France, just because the French artists do NOT measure up to even one lousy Van Gooo Peach Tree. So, then, .... What are your thoughts about PRETENTIOUSNESS and Pronunciation of these Foreign Words in English? Do we try our best to pronounce these names as if we were native-speakers of so many foreign languages? And, too, what about the name CHINA? Should we pronounce it ZHONGGUO? And, Canton? Must this also become GUANGDONG and GUANGZHOU. And, how would the Cantonese feel about it if they were no longer Cantonese, but instead were referred to a GUANGDONG REN, or GUANGDONG People? I must admit that I have the most difficulty with Van Gogh. I know what it should sound like. But, the people around me, such as you people, never pronounce Van Gooo's name the same way, from day to day. So, again, what should we do? Call me bemused in Chiang Mai, now. Best regards, Gamma Note: By the way, as you know, the Van Gogh museum has a DYNAMIT website where one can download EXTREMELY HIGH RESOLUTION images of many of Van Gogh's paintings. And, on the museum site one can see EVERY FING brushstroke, even..... https://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/en I am partial to peach trees painted by Van Gooo. Squeezing Peaches, too, was once my greatest pleasure in life. NOTE: Monet or Manet? It's incredible how changing just one letter in the alphabet can turn fine majestic art to GARBAGE.
  8. No. And, no you didn't read carefully. Have you ever worked in the publishing and printing industry? Read carefully, this time.
  9. The air in Thailand is very clean compared to the air in China. Just go there if you don't believe me. This has been the case for many, many years.
  10. Some say the best things in life are free... And, some free things, I now wonder how I ever did without them. Maybe, even, some things should be optional, or adjustable, so that one can opt-in, or opt out, depending.... Strange that I never knew I needed it, before I got it, and well before the uproar over it. Take it or leave it, if only I could. I just hope it will not jump out and pounce on me like one of the green lizards around my house. OR, then what about PICKLES, instead of ARROWS? But, what of the HISTORY of the arrow? I love my arrow..... But, maybe, not all the time, and everyday.... But maybe I am just not enough of an early adopter. If only I might get more of a surprise every time I shot my arrow into the air. Maybe I will grow to enjoy it...even more than I do now. And, we all know that just going with the flow is best in the end. So much happier, recently, too! Best regards, Gamma
  11. I just hope that I do not become a victim of ambivalent sexism. Best for me to wear a hat, IMHO.
  12. Yes. I know. Please read the above, CAREFULLY. "The pitch was most often used as a measurement of the size of typewriter fonts." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitch_(typewriter)#:~:text=Pitch is the number of,impact printers used with computers.
  13. Yes, and why is this? Reason: I practice humility every day. Humble Pie is one of my favorite dishes.
  14. Hmmm... It might seem, using the example of dumping of garbage into the oceans, to explain sea-level rise that.... It might be equally logical to surmise that if we could just do more fishing of Bluefin Tuna, then... By pulling more fish out of the oceans, this might help ameliorate flooding in Miami due to rising tides. Sounds logical....but.... PS: Most of sea-level rise is attributable to the expansion of ocean water as it warms, even by a fraction of a degree C. It is not what is being put into the oceans, but the expansion of ocean water, due to warming of the oceans.
  15. Global Warming changes local weather patterns and increases instability. So, the only thing that is normal now is what was once abnormal years ago. Yes. It is now hotter in Thailand than it has ever been for such an extended period of time. Having checked Taiwan weather a few days ago, Taiwan is experiencing highs of about 25 degrees C, I think. It will be interesting to see what Taiwan's average temps are in June, July, and August, and to find out if Taiwan is also radically hotter this summer, as a comparison to Thailand's hellishly hot weather now.
  16. Hi Folks, And, let's get real. Many of us have existed in Asia/SE-Asia for many years. Some, have lived here for more years than they can even recall, being drunk out of their gourds or just slap-happy on some beach. But, I ask you, now, about the air pollution problem which is NOT really Thailand's problem. MUCH, in my opinion, of the air pollution, and the smoke, which wafts toward us here in Thailand, is NOT of our own making. And so, I wonder if you have some unfounded notion that the air quality here in Chiang Mai might suddenly, and miraculously, improve, during your lifetimes? It might. or It might not. And, if the air quality remains, for the foreseeable future, roughly the same as it is now, or if it continues to deteriorate....then.... What plans have you considered in order to make your life here more healthy and pleasurable? It seems to me that there is only one solution for the individual: One needs to HARDEN one's Envelope against the Encroaching Pollution. How do you plan to do this? There are many strategies that you have probably already thought of. And, what are these? Do these include weather-stripping all cracks around your windows? But, this is just the first line of defense. How many more air purifiers do you anticipate importing/buying from China. What else can one do to minimize the health risks of living in a region which is impacted by three contiguous SMOKING countries? The smoke seems to be getting worse. And, the heat also seems to be getting worse. One might be a fool if one did not begin to think about how to.... HARDEN one's home against the manmade smoke and warming that will surely get worse during this next decade. Right? So, then, what is your personal strategy to protect your lungs, your heart, and your home? Regards, Gamma
  17. What I KNOW that you do NOT know is that.... Even if a chicken/monkey is not rewarded, still... A chicken in a Skinner Box will sometimes peck itself to death..... And, really, I had thought that you were a genius...based on a comment you made many, many months ago. I read everything you write. And, I remember what you have written. Just saying....
  18. Hi Folks, Some of you seem a bit confused about whether or not Climate Science is a real science. Also, some, here, wonder if reported Climate Change might not just be attributable to local weather anomalies. Your confusion is perfectly understandable, but ONLY from YOUR perspective. Maybe THIS will help you to better rectify your misunderstanding of the rapid changes that are now happening to, and overtaking, our world: This is a simple test that is often used to diagnose most climate-change deniers/skeptics.... And, you might wish to test yourselves on this test? a. This is Albedo: b. This is Albino Did you pass the test? If you passed this test, then.... Now, you understand all that you need to know about Global Warming? Hope this helps any hold-out Global-warming Deniers, amongst us. Always happy to help,... As you know.... Best regards, Gamma
  19. Just a thought: a. I have noticed that the foam cushioning on my office chair which I purchased about 6 months ago has now become ...thinner and thinner. b. So, maybe this is not the foam that I had thought that would be supplied to me, considering the money that I paid for the chair out of China, and based on the specs given to the Chinese manufacturer BY THE IMPORTER. (Please notice that I NEVER fault the Chinese factory. I only fault the Importer. I know what's going on between Importer and Factory, as, probably, you do, too.) c. When consumer get crappola, this is NOT the fault of the manufacturer. Therefore, do not blame China for CHEAP crappola. Instead, blame yourselves, for FING sake! (What, you consumers still expect a FREE LUNCH????) d. As to how to solve this GARBAGE office chair I purchased for about Bt.9000? As has already been stated: Sell it to some other fool, ONLINE? Or, I cannot, in good conscience, do something like this. NO WAY JOSE! If I know that something is lousy, I cannot pass it off to some other FOOL. Therefore, I must just eat my loss, myself. I was the FIRST fool to buy this GARBAGE chair. No way, will I cheat/scam someone else!!! So, instead, I will find another use for the chair.... This chair is not even fit for landfill..... Why? IF these chairs were used for landfill, then...here is what might happen: So, if I cannot sell my defective Chinese chair to some unsuspecting local Thai person,....which I would never do...then... ANY alternative IDEAS what I might do with it? ANY IDEAS about where I might shuv it? Please, DO Tell.... Tks!
  20. From THE HILL: a. Is this headline actually accurate? https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/373337-de-niro-backward-us-suffering-from-temporary-insanity-on/ b. Was De Niro actually smarter than most Backward USA Climatologists, Back in 2018? We are not just backward, but also we are insane, according to De Niro, it seems: c. Also, Trump is a FING IDIOT, not to mention a FING FOOL: d. De Niro opines that the USA will, eventually, "Cure Itself", ....Eventually.... ======== De Niro has recently been in the news on our AseanNow Forum. And, one wonders, are his views representative of the mainstream views of AseanNow Members? I have no idea. I only know that I loved Taxi Driver, the first time I watched the film. Martin is still one of my favorite directors, for example. And, also, seeing some young thing in high-heels, pretending to be a prostitute, seemed rather risque when I first watched the film, but no longer, after being in Asia for awhile. For sure, I like the INTRO: But, I REALLY Like when De Niro tells us that: Someday, the RAIN will come and wash all this Smoke Away, from Chiang Mai. Maybe, Someday, but not tomorrow, I fear. Regards, Gamma Note: I will NEVER return to the Bronx! I doubt that even De Niro will return to the Bronx, anytime soon.....maybe.... DE NIRO SEEMS TO BELIEVE THAT: And, we can only wish that: Someday, a real rain will come and wash all this smoke away from Chiang Mai, I guess...maybe... Here in Chiang Mai... Does the smoke give you a headache, at times? A Metaphor for the Smoke in Chiang Mai? Maybe... What do you think? ===== What, actually, IS a metaphor in film, anyway?
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