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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. You know...Sir.... I am growing accustomed to your barbs. They are not as sharp as you might think. Most likely, the same can be said for your arrow, down below. Still, I've already.... Grown accustomed to your face..... Your face, Sir....
  2. You mean... The Dormice? That would be..... What is the word I am looking for?
  3. Yes, you might have.....because.... It was such an original and groundbreaking observation.
  4. ...Well, I am sure that you recall the book with the purple cover. And, maybe their kids will read the same book, someday... Why not just buy them a copy...and... Pay them to read it?
  5. So... All is well that ends well.... As my grandmother always told me. And, she was never wrong.
  6. There are very few harder races than the Harvard-Yale Regatta. No way can one even begin this race, with an ounce of pessimism. There are no poosies in the boats, except, maybe, for the coxswain, if she should be a girl. 4 miles of hard rowing. Every moment pure torture. (Such a metaphor for Life, as we now know it.) So, welcome to pain, if you were born here. We were born in pain, and we live in pain, and we die in pain, unless.... If hit by a bus. Life is not for poosies. Life is not for the meek. It's pure pain... All the way. Hat's off to anybody that can row, flat out, for four miles.... UPSTREAM! The Oxford race is even a bit longer. These guys are simply gluttons for punishment. Pure pain, every stroke of the way. And.... They love it. Take a look at their hand, Man! These guys are hard. Just a 2000 meter race is almost enough to kill you.....maybe.... Try it on for size.... NOTE: I predict that we will NEVER see a rower in this race that does not posses at least one Y chromosome....
  7. You seem to be showing what I ONLY alluded to... Good for you! (When I say, "good for you", I really mean that this is GOOD for you.)
  8. a. Rufus STILL rules! b. Etcher is a slouch, by comparison.... Please just use Rufus. Far better. https://etcherdownload.mystrikingly.com/
  9. Final Note of this OP: Steer Clear of the Thailand Bars, and then, you, too, can easily afford many computers, or an Alden Shell, or whatever floats your boats.... Surely, one computer is better than a one-night stand in Pattaya.... And, the Alden out of Maine, is a winner, too. I love girls who know how to row! Next to our boathouse, many years ago, there was a girls boathouse. https://www.rowingrigs.com/ Buy one, is my best advice to you.... Carpe Diem! Note: Mind you, that I am NOT saying that you should try rowing in the Chiang Mai canal, by any means.....
  10. Dear Folks, How many times have I read on these hallowed pages, the complaining and backsliding, and pure negativism, mostly spoken from the more JADED amongst us? When, in fact, most of us should GLORY in being alive! Just think to yourselves how very fortunate you are to be in Thailand, and not in North Korea, for example. There is just too much complaining around here, on this forum....don't you think? Just as you, I do, once in a while, get down in the dumps, and I know not how to get out of my slumps. But you can find a way, if only you have the will. Are you just too old to seize the day? Or, seize, at least,....SOMETHING of interest to you? My advice to you is to NOT seize a woman, but seize something more substantial. In my case, I have chosen to seize upon my love of computers, and also posting Topics on Forums. And, if you cannot seize upon something that makes your blood boil, then how, in the heck, can you even expect to eek out your remaining days in such a way that... Might help you to become further self-actualized throughout your remaining years. You are just too young to throw in the towel, just because you may have lost your teeth, or a leg, or an arm, along the way, during your younger years. You know, I remember reading a novel by John Barth, who taught at Penn State, titled End Of The Road, who spoke about some dude losing everything, as he aged, figuratively speaking, on some journey from the East Coast of the USA to the West Coast. John Barth. You gotta love this author. John Barth, he was the guy who also wrote Giles Goat Boy. And, everyone here knows about the Goat Boy, right? I am only cautioning those who think that they might be OVER THE HILL to NOT think this way. You are younger than you think. Buy a new SUPER COMPUTER, if this is what floats your boat. Or, buy a single shell from Maine, and get out an row. CARPE DIEM, I say. Do whatever you must do to stay young enough to enjoy your remaining days. Do NOT spend the rest of your lives just moping around, because...what... What good is that to anyone? So then...how might you be able to pull yourselves up by your bootstraps, as they say? The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be for you. And, what does a single shell from Maine look like, and where to get out an row it? This is what I am talking about, Folks! Get out an row 10 klicks in the chop! Take a good look, Folks.... Do you see? This guy is the epitome of happiness and contentment. He is combining exercise with the salt air. I have many other good ideas which might help you Folks to seize the day. This is just one. Are you old guys willing to get up from your chairs and get out and row for happiness and healthiness? Or, if not...then... What is your plan....because... Everyone needs a plan. Regards, Gamma Note: ROSEBUD (What was the meaning, anyway?) NOTE7: Please, I beg of you...don't end up like Giles Goat-Boy...
  11. Might look somewhat like you....presumably... Is my thinking... Half and Half....
  12. Do you even know what a healthier debating environment might be? You may. But here is my idea of a good debate, and TOPIC, too: Humanity should NOT populate MARS, nor copulate with Mars Women!
  13. I guess that you already know that I appreciate your kind words. And, you cannot fool me...because.... It's obvious to me that you are in love with my posts.....and so....I just wish to say.... Thank you.... Once more. Please Note: I have a few other great friends whom I admire, from Scotland. Just sayin'..... And, a question: If I were to stop posting comments on TV, would this really make your day? Would you really be happier, every day? I have a few good friends from Scotland and Ireland. They are the best. I value their friendship. So, would it really make you happy if I were to stop posting here? Just asking.... Take care, Man....!
  14. Thank you. Did you read my recent comment tying in the connection between the use of Torvalds's Linux Kernel and the great old song, Blood, Sweat & Tears? I thought that particularly entertaining.... Tks. Again!
  15. It might even be some entity created by an AI to plague Mankind, and also those in Thailand....mostly Farang people.... ((Personally, I consider myself to be a LONGTIME FanBoy of TV. And, knowing myself, this is just the way it will ALWAYS BE. I am not about to change horses in mid-race....not by a longshot.))
  16. This worm, "by T-Thaiger" has turned. So strange how things evolve. Never in my wildest dreams! I guess you must feel the same? aa. These past few years, inclusive of our favorite Pandemic, and much more.... Have been very unsettling. And... Now....THIS abomination? Just joking. bb One must be ready to adapt in this life, if one is to survive. cc. I am still on the fence. dd. My love, my reverence, my nostalgia, still resides with TV...and....this is the way.... It will ALWAYS be. You just can't teach an old dog new tricks, I guess....maybe... Regards, Gamma NOTE: I guess I am only voicing my regret, as I finally reach the final endpoint of my timeline on planet Earth, that I wish TV were still here, just as it once was. I have such fond memories of the guys who posted, and the CULTURE of TV, too. I am sure that you might not understand, unless your thinking is usually like mine, which is something that I do not recommend. Sometimes, you just would not believe how nostalgic I become, at times, for things like the TV Forum, as it once was. I just wish that I were a better writer in order to better communicate my innermost feelings, about this, to you.... Soon, I will meet my maker. And, what will I have to tell Him about TV, and my contributions to TV? So much to ponder, and so little time...too! NOTE2: Should these existential thoughts bother anyone, then....please contact your local HOTLINE for support..... Thank you.
  17. Hey Man.... What do you think? Do you think I am some sort to TRAINED MONKEY that provides Photos on Demand, at the whim of some TV poster? Just Joking, Son.... Because, although I may not be smart, I am intelligent enough to recognize that you have provided accurate information about openSUSE.... Therefore, I will just humor you, this one time, and never again, by uploading the photos you requested. By the way... As I say, your thoughts of using Tumbleweed vs openSUSE (Stable) are correct. You are no Linux NITWIT, IMHO, by any means! And this is the ONLY reason I now bend to your demands to upload two trivial images.... And, YES, you are right that I have NOT built some sort of SUPER COMPUTER. I told you from the very beginning that I am building a budget machine, using the i5-13600K, for socket 1700, a socket which, I think, still has several years of use. I do not know who you are. But, I know that you know something about SUSE, obviously. You can take this as flattery from a pig, I guess. Since, most people here believe I am dimmer than most. Hopefully, in the attached images, you will not see any serial numbers or bar codes, etc. IF I had access to unlimited financial means, then I might have chosen the required components to build a semi-SUPER Computer. But....alas... I must be satisfied with what I have..... And, I am sure you know this fact of life, by the way: LINUX is now my best option. Windows is beginning to FREAK ME OUT.... So the Bible tells us.... Note: Most of the components you see here were sent to me from Chicago..... NOTE2: My SHOUT OUT to JIB, these days! JIB is improving. Such nice people. And, I really appreciate the NEW JIB, just in case anyone might be listening....!
  18. Of course, we know the correct pronunciation of the name van Gogh. The problem occurs when we pronounce the name to others from places like America, and then get funny stares, which I find embarrassing.
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