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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. How's Laos, by comparison. I am thinking of going to Laos for a visit. Do you have a free room? (I might even brush up, with you, on some of my long-forgotten Science topics, like...well..... Why do they call Mitochondria the POWER-HOUSE of the Cell, just for starters. I guess you can explain this with your stick in the sand, to any good student?)
  2. Really cannot thank you enough! You guys are just so very considerate and caring! But then.... What is a great Forum for, if not to instill in us this wonderful sense of comradery?
  3. I think you meant.... The indisposed king? (Still taking my pills, though, thank you....!)
  4. I guess you may have never read Thomas Wolfe: He wrote FAR more words than I could ever hope to impress you with. So, consider yourself fortunate that he is dead, while I am still alive, here, for this moment..... My advice to you is to.... Look Homeward, Angel
  5. Hi Folks, A you probably know by now, I have decided to put Windows Desktop and Apple Desktop behind me, and totally shift to openSUSE forever, until the day I die. Am I heading off the edge of the known world, do you think? In fact, I have, during the past few years, been too much hassled by Windows, just because I am using the Pirated Software, some of which they pirated from Xerox, back in the day, that they tried to get me to use WHEN they were doing everything possible to expand their Windows OS market share in places like China an SE Asia, and other places. It was all well and good when they turned a blind eye to pirating Windows, back in the day, when it served their marketing strategy. Anyway, now, in 2024, Windows has changed its tune as Asia has become richer. And now, I am getting too many interfering messages from MS telling me that my software is soon to expire. So, this is not the ONLY reason I am switching away from Microsoft software. I just feel that I should get back to my roots, 20 years ago, when I really enjoyed using my computer with openSUSE, and when I.... "Had a Lot of Fun". I do not want to write too much here. But then.... What is the best way to use the LINE App on openSUSE.... For example, here might be one way: BUT, and its a BIG BUTT, just like mine, which broke my toilet seat: I need to have/maintain full functionality of the Windows Version of the LINE App....IF.... Possible! Any constructive thoughts would be much appreciated. OTHERWISE, I might just use one of my VERY OLD laptops for the sole purpose of running the LINE app...which, I think... Might be a bit inconvenient, although totally DOABLE. Thanks again. Your NEW LINUX Friend, and...a VERY EARLY follower of my friend....Linus (the pajama king) Torvalds...Gods Love Him! Regards, Gamma
  6. There are loads....and then...there are.. LOADS. What do you mean by your load?
  7. Well... I apologize for this unintended consequence, then... Have you ever studied, FORMALLY, the consequences of unintended consequences, SOCIAOLOGICALLY, I mean? Take...for example....SEAT BELT USE: IF you have the time, Sir, I would recommend that you study up on the Social Science of Unintended Consequences.... This might just make your year....
  8. I use recorded mating calls. And, yes, they actually do seem to work quite well. I love this lizard, because the vocalizations remind me of my former jungle home, when I and Jane were still on dating terms. Sadly, she recently passed away.... Not sure if you got the news.
  9. Because.... a. I care about this forum b. I contribute to the best of my ability e. I never tire And, maybe....other reasons that we do not know about.... (Also, significantly, I am, basically, at heart, a nonconfrontational personality, as I am sure most must admit, deep down....)
  10. What would you have me write, instead? Feel free to pick a TOPIC, and I will gladly write about it. It UPS to you... Choose one.... I DARE you..... Take care, Man!
  11. Dear Folks, Seriously, Folks, one of the things that I most love about Thailand is the sound of the Thailand Geckos around my home. THANK GOODNESS: The Gecko, so far, is surviving the Global-Warming-induced Hotter-than-HOT Hot Seasons we have been experiencing in recent years. I really worry for these tiny lizards. When I hear them, they are like a cool cloth on my forehead.... The mating calls of the Thailand Gecko cool me and calm my fevered brow, anytime they choose to grace me with their vocalizations. I LOVE.... I mean that.... I REALLY LOVE these tiny guys..... Do you feel as I? Good Bless these Beasts, One and All !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, God Bless us, Everyone, too, for enjoying this, so-far not destroyed bit of Mother Nature! Here is what I mean. How can you actually not fall in love with these lizards, who call out to us....hopefully....on most nights. By the way... THIS YEAR, I think their calls have begun much later in the year than usual.... Please correct me if I might be mistaken in this.... Tks! Best Regards,.... Gamma Note: When I first arrived in Chiang Mai, I thought these lizards were telling me: F-U, F-U, F-U..... But that was just because I had not yet learned to understand the Good Natures of these beasts.
  12. If you want a stronger wine with Asian food, especially very spicy Asian food, then this is the best: Best to buy the stuff from GuiZhou
  13. Obviously, for Thai and other Asian food, there is really only one wine to consider... Must be available, here, someplace. This is the best wine for fine dining, straight out of Taiwan...
  14. Why? It's all a result of the shoe scandal many years ago. They have not yet recovered from all those shoes. And, the English there is an abomination. Even I speak English better than they.
  15. It's a free country....even though.... We might not have Free Speech..... Yet.
  16. Stand down....PLEASE! (Just joking. Carry on...as you please. Take care, Man!)
  17. Yes. And, I am lucky. Few people follow me so closely as he, I think. (Of Course: If he is the follower...then....Logically.... I must be the leader. I just hope he is aware of this relationship.)
  18. No worries, my friend. You are entirely correct that Free Speech is more important than anything else. However, here is not the place, or is any forum the place, to fight and die for free speech. The UK does not have free speech, for example...and...so... Why not go there an fight for it.
  19. Freedom of Speech comes at a very high cost. Many have shed blood to win the refreshing freedom of speech. 73 baht is cheap, by comparison.
  20. What..... You want to talk SERIOUSLY about Free Speech??? OK.... Watch this...
  21. I have heard THAT one, before.... No One is excluded.... Just tell THAT to the guys who were excluded from the ....
  22. Giles Goat Boy... The G is pronounced as a J. And, John Barth? The TH sound in his name is pronounced as a hard T. The book Giles Goat Boy is, I would guess, about academia and university faculty life.... Who knows, really, because, ... It's just too bawdy for words.... https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/1259379-giles-goat-boy
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