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it is what it is

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Everything posted by it is what it is

  1. quit smoking in my 20s quit drinking in my 30s (still have the odd glass of wine) started exercising in my 40s am currently in excellent mental and physical health, and enjoying an excellent life.
  2. the rioters have begun to be given jail sentences, morons get what they deserve. so happy.
  3. Parliament today rejected the Move Forward Party’s (MFP) proposal to legalise professions related to pornography and the sex toy industry. given that the authorities refuse to enforce existing legislation such activities are effectively 'legal'. which is glaringly obvious to anyone with half a brain.
  4. suspect it is wholly, or partially, AI generated, it's reads pretty nonsensical in parts, or could be both the human author and sub ed are hopeless at their jobs...
  5. having lived and worked in japan, which i suspect the OP hasn't, his assertion is ridiculous, unless you want to buy and live in a heap. the cost of living is high in japan, fortunately i was on a good salary so was able to have a very comfortable life there. it is an interesting and rewarding place to live and work, the locals, once you get to know them, are generally pretty cool.
  6. another guy living the dream in thailand. tbh, if you're so miserable here go somewhere else.
  7. they take a sick form of pleasure in causing inconvenience and hurt to others, stopping families going on holiday, stopping people attending funerals, stopping ambulances taking people to hospital. they deserve all the punishment they receive.
  8. it's unreliable making generalised comments/deductions from one small piece of evidence.
  9. na, just extremely badly managed.
  10. don't blame the messenger, blame the blinkered idiots that revel in believing such divisive, bigoted nonsense. thankfully the police are catching up with an increasing number of these idiots and hauling them up in front of the courts. personally, i hope they throw away the key.
  11. Sorry but accidents are not avoidable, of course accidents are avoidable, e.g. guy drinks alcohol, drives, has an accident - easily avoidable; don't drink and drive.
  12. yes, they are different, they can't even agree to have a standard travel card as most other major city public transport systems have.
  13. Scams go on and on. indeed they do, which is why reputable financial institutions work to hard to protect their customers, but often the problem is the customer themselves being naive or just doing a dumb thing. i have to continually remind my elderly mother to be on her guard, it's a sad indictment of the modern world. i'm pretty sensible and switched on and have never been scammed, neither have any of my friends or my mother, despite ongoing attempts. stay on your guard and you'll be fine.
  14. fantastic. horrible, anti social habit. the sooner they are banned the better.
  15. comparing the front end and user experience of my k bank web account and app (now deleted) to my bank back home's web account and app the difference is quite shocking. the former appearing as if they were designed as part of an student's A level project. and, it got me thinking if the back end and security are as badly designed as the front end then i need to be really careful. therefore, i manage the risk by keeping most of my money back home.
  16. so, a one off. maybe the OPs neighbours simply don't hold him in the high esteem he thinks they do/should...
  17. peddling such speculation is irresponsible. please don't.
  18. pushing boundaries, extremely creative, loved it.
  19. very very few people buy cars as an investment, pretty much every new cars loses value the moment its driven of the forecourt.
  20. only if you date low educated women. thai women i date and most of my thai friends have bachelor or master degrees from foreign universities, studying in their second, or third language, could you? be careful before you make generalised inaccurate comments. or get out of the bar and meet some well educated professional locals
  21. yea, because such crimes don't occur in other countries
  22. maybe avoiding his overbearing father...
  23. i spent 2.5 years travelling around the world mostly overland, the internet was in its infancy and few countries had internet cafes, i would go weeks, sometimes months, without being able to contact home. postcards and the occasional phone call. the world has certainly changed.
  24. probably not, but one day he'll be out and free to get on with his life, whereas the man he killed...
  25. they buy them from gun shops. go to the area near the giant swing, on the edge of chinatown, bangkok, you'll find plenty of gun shops
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